March of Time

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It's been two months since that lunch. Eren had changed greatly in that time. He was still an energetic puppy. The meds helped him to stay focused and keep him on task for things. They assisted with his memory and mental concentration. Something the teachers Erwin lined up for him were grateful for.
Eren just needed to be able to move, do things his way. Levi made sure he had the space to do it in. Even buying him a drum kit to work off some of the energy. In these ways he was still the Eren the crime boss was quickly falling in love with.
No the changes in the boy were subtle at first. His confidence grew. He stood up to bullies like Reiner more, of course Reiner and Bertolt only backed down when Levi appeared. Eren was more willing to leave the nest. His time with Armin was precious to him. He always came back with a present or something to give his lover.
The boy was growing, already at least two inches taller than when he arrived. He was finding himself, watching TV, listening to various types of music. Slowly he was finding his own identity. Levi had even begun to teach him how to ride a motorcycle. Something he took to quickly, receiving his license just three days ago.
Then there was Mikasa, the girl despised the crime boss, he was pretty sure only because he was a crime boss. Yet she had taken the business card, had called the number and was now working in their fair city. Levi even found her an apartment not far from the club or her work. Eren enjoyed spending time with his sister, something that thrilled yet annoyed the older man.
Another change was that they boy refused to sleep in his own room any longer. Eren was insistent that Levi was in bed by midnight. Mostly they would have sex, Levi would curl up with the tall lanky teen until the boy fell asleep. Sometimes, which was becoming more often than not, Levi would also sleep next to the boy. Waking around one most nights to go to the club, or just work on paperwork.
Eren would get upset if he found Levi asleep in his office chair. Instead the crime boss would make sure the boy woke to his face every morning. This meant that Levi made him breakfast in bed most days, then forced the teen to vacuum any crumbs out of the bed.
Now Levi pulled the large bike over. Eren had spent the last two nights at Mikasa's. He was helping her to finish her unpacking now that all of her stuff showed up. The boy hadn’t responded in over three hours to any of Levi's texts. To get his mind off of the boy, the shorter man had decided to go for a drive on his bike.
Forcing himself to drive out of town instead of past Mikasa's place took a lot of his will power. Now he was up in the hills surrounding the town. Taking his helmet off, he swung from the bike to pull his phone out. Leaning against the seat he looked at the screen.
From Levi to Eren:
            3 hours ago Hey, you coming home tonight? --- no response.
            2 hours ago   Everything alright?---- no response.
1.5 hours ago Eren? Still nothing from the boy.
1 hour ago Fine, I’m leaving for awhile.
Now Levi saw he had a response. “Hey my battery died, I was charging it then Mikasa took me out to dinner. Where are you going? When will you be back?” sent nearly an hour ago.
“Levi? Please I’m sorry! I'll come home tonight.” Sent thirty minutes ago.
“Levi? Where are you? Answer or I will call Erwin!” sent 15 minutes ago.
“Levi?” 5 minutes ago. Now his phone rang. It was Erwin.
“Hey where the hell are you, your little boy is freaking the fuck out on me!” the blonde man's voice came out of the speaker.
“I went for a drive. I’m in the foot hills outside of town.”
“That is some service you get.” Erwin muttered.
“Its called satellite.” Levi snorted. “Hang up and I will talk to Eren.”
“Hey why don’t I bring some drinks over, we can watch that stupid documentary you're always trying to get me to see?” Chuckling Levi agreed.
Once the phone call ended he debated about calling Eren or just texting him. His finger hovered over the button when the phone rang once more. This time it was the boy. Levi clicked the button to answer the call. Before he could even say hello, Eren's excited voice came out of the speaker.
“Levi, where are you? Are you ok? Erwin hasn’t called me back!” he cried.
“Eren, relax. I’m fine.” He smirked at the anxiety in the others voice. He would never have done it if the boy could see him. A part of Levi, the vindictive part that made him a good crime boss, was happy the boy was upset. But Levi hated to hear the boy like this.
“Eren, I’m sorry about that last text. You weren’t responding and I was upset. I just went for a drive on my bike.”
“Then where are you now?” He asked sounding calmer.
“In the foot hills just outside of town. I will be back at home in about forty five minutes. Erwin's coming over to drink. Have fun with your sister. “ Levi smiled at the phone.
“Erwin's coming to the house. Just the two of you?”
“Eren, he is still a friend. That is all that’s between us any longer. I swear.” Pinching his nose, Levi felt like hitting something. The kid could get jealous quickly.
“Look I need to head back. Not really liking standing out in the middle of the woods alone after midnight.”
“Drive safe, have fun.” The phone hung up. Oh Eren. Shaking his head, Levi put the phone away in his pocket. Swinging back on the bike. He put the helmet on. Heading back to town he wasn’t thrilled with Erwin coming over either to be honest. The man was acting more jealous than usual lately.
Erwin was in the unique spot to screw Levi royally. For one he could turn on him at anytime and arrest his whole operation, for two he could build a wedge between him and Eren. Helping Mikasa to get settled so close, also gave Eren a way to get away from him. This terrified the shorter man.
Over the last few months of knowing the boy, Levi had fallen for him in a way he never had before. He had loved Erwin once, when they had been together.  Even then Levi had been more reserved in his feelings for the tall man. Levi never deluded himself at knowing exactly where his life would go. Live or die, free or in prison, he knew he would take this path. Knew he would be a crime boss, a protector to those who needed him. He also knew that Erwin needed to be a cop.
Levi pulled into the garage beside his nightclub. He parked the bike next to Erwin's car. Swinging off he slipped the helmet over the handle bars. Erwin Smith, hmmm. Levi turned to walk up to his rooms. Erwin was sitting in the easy chair in his living room.
“You're back.” He slurred.
“Yeah, don't worry. I talked to Eren.” Levi walked into the kitchen to grab a glass. Filling it with ice he added the alcohol to it, and a mixer. Levi really didn’t like drinking much. It left him filling out of it and uncoordinated. He really only ever drank around the tall blond man, then they would have a night of very rough very passionate sex. ‘Not tonight.’ He told himself.
Walking into the living room he dropped into the opposite chair swirling it around to look at the man.
“Is the boy wonder coming home tonight?” he asked. Levi rolled his eyes.
“I don’t think so. It’s late. Really don’t want him driving this late.” He didn’t want to add that he was sure he upset the kid by telling him about Erwin.
“Do you remember that first night at the cabin?” He asked suddenly. Erwin laughed.
“Yes, I remember every night with you.” Erwin smiled seductively. Levi shook his head.
“I meant when you were waiting for me to come back that morning?” Erwin nodded. Levi sighed. “I remembered thinking then how nice it would be to live in a place like that. To be at peace.” He sighed. “Erwin, promise me you wont do anything stupid.”
“What like telling my bosses I know how to bring down the great Levi?” Erwin sat up. “How could you ever think I would betray you like that?”
“Because, I love him.” Levi whispered. Erwin sat back hard. Mouth open he stared at the man across from him.
The door burst open as Eren came in the room. Seeing Levi the boy rushed up to him. “You're ok, thank god.” Eren hugged him tightly. “Mikasa has a scanner and they said that there was a motorcycle accident and I was so worried!”
Levi kissed him, but then a thought struck him. “So, you rushed over here on you're motorcycle?” he yelled at the kid. Eren smirked sheepishly.
“Uh, yeah?” He rubbed at the back of his head. Levi glared at him.
“Call your sister to let her know you're ok!” he snarled.
“Oh right!” he pulled the phone out of his back pocket to call. Turning Levi looked at Erwin. The man stood behind him looking lost.
“Erwin?” Levi said.
“Hey kid?” Erwin called once Eren hung up. “Have a drink.” He gestured toward the mixers and alcohol on the counter. Eren turned to look at it.
“Sure.” He said. Levi walked over to the counter snagging the shaker he mixed up a drink pouring it into a glass once done. He held it out to the boy.
The three males went back to the living room to watch TV. Erwin kept the glasses filled as they all joked and laughed over stupid things that came on as they flipped around the channels.
Getting drunker, the three also began to get more intimate. Eren was laughing as he hugged and kissed on Levi. Erwin too was touching the shorter man. Rubbing his leg, getting close to the mans groin. All the attention was turning the shorter man on.
“Why don’t we take this to the bedroom?” he asked pulling his mouth from Eren. The dark haired boy looked up to the blonde.
“Wish to join us?” Eren offered. Levi laughed. Reaching up he snagged Erwin's neck. Pulling him down to him with one hand he kissed him as he clung to Eren with the other.
“Yes, Erwin, join us.” Levi offered seductively.
“Lead the way.” Erwin's eyes glassy from the liquor. Laughing Eren jumped up pulling  the short man with him. Levi caught Erwin's hand with a breathless laugh.

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