1. You're the bitch?

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I always woke up early, it was built into me after my parents passed. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a high bun so it wouldn't get wet in the shower and jumped in.

I scrubbed my body with a lavender scented soap and then grabbed my fluffy towel to dry myself. I wrapped my towel around my body to go back to my room, I walked into my closet and put on my underwear before choosing a green knit crop top, high waisted jeans, black vans, and my black beanie.

I passed a mirror and stopped for a second, I had my moms eyes and my dads dark hair. I fingered the necklace that they gave me the morning they died. I sighed and went downstairs for breakfast.

Scott was my dads best friend, my godfather. He was great and incredibly rich, he owned the company alongside my dad before he passed. The job would have been passed to me but I allowed Scott to take over and in return I lived with him. "Morning Beth" Scott said happily, as long as the man had his coffee he was happy.

I grinned and he slid me a mug "Hey Scott, how's business?" I asked him this every morning "You know Beth business is booming if it wasn't you would not be drinking that amazing coffee" Scott said with a proud smile. Another reason why I didn't take up my dads position was because I really had no idea what they did. It was all secretive and every time I asked the subject was changed.

I sipped on my drink and sighed as the smooth rich liquid made it's way into my mouth. Scott gave me a knowing smirk "Beth, why don't you hang out with friends from your old school?" Scott asked gently "Scott we've gone over this they seemed nice at the funeral but they could care less it was just a quick way to score some expensive wine and champagne" I said angrily "Hmm okay well I propose an idea" Scott said all business like but playfully. "Okay shoot" I said finishing up my drink "One my co-workers has a son who she has officially given up on and I think if he spent time with you he might straighten up" Scott said. I scoffed "Tame a rebel?" I said and Scott grinned "Good you agreed cause he should be here in 5" My eyes widened in shock "Scott are you insane!?" He shrugged "No but I do have to go to work" I hit his shoulder and he laughed grabbing his suit jacket. "Have fun!" Scott hollered walking out the door.

An hour or so passed by so I figured this mystery boy wasn't showing up, I was beyond entertained with The Spiderwick Chronicles DVD so I could care less. Halfway through the movie the doorbell rang "Speak of the devil" I muttered pausing the movie. I jogged downstairs and opened up the door, there stood a guy he was quiet tall.

Green eyes, brown curly hair tucked in a beanie similar to mine, a plain black shirt and jeans, tattoos everywhere, an eyebrow and lip piercing that must've hurt a lot. "You're the bitch they want to school me?" The guy said my jaw dropped and the urge to slap him grew. "Um excuse me? Where the hell are your manners?" I asked angrily, the guy smiled revealing his straight white teeth "So sorry ma'am your name is?" He said with a slight bow "Elizabeth" I muttered "My names Harry, I like your shirt" he said pulling on the edge lightly "Umm thanks" I said awkwardly "Can I come in?" Harry asked and I nodded "Yeah" I said and I shut the door behind him.

Harry was quiet, I restarted the movie for him since he really didn't seem like the type of person who had seen that movie before and I made popcorn. "Sorry about your parents" he blurted when the movie was over "You didn't kill them" I said putting some popcorn in my mouth "Still it's hard not having them around" Harry said and I nodded "Yeah it is" I sighed and went to put the empty bowl in the sink.

Harry was on the phone when I came back he spoke lowly and he kept smirking. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and rolled my eyes before going to get my phone, when I went back the living room Harry was off the phone and his cheeks were a little colored "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded "Let me get your phone" he said and I frowned "For what?" I asked "I want to put my number in it" I shrugged and gave him my phone. He gave it back to me quickly and grinned "Elizabeth is it okay if I call you Beth?" Harry asked and I nodded. "Beth can I ask you a personal question? You don't have to answer if you don't want to" Harry said I nodded "Do you have a boyfriend?" My cheeks got hot and I shook my head quickly "Oh, so you've never dated anyone" Harry asked and I shook my head again. "You?" I asked and Harry looked at me for a second "Yes, nothing serious but it's fun" he said and I nodded. "Were you just talking to your girlfriend?" I asked "Yes" he said and I nodded turning my attention to my phone. Harry put a hand on my knee "Your really beautiful Beth" he said softly and my eyes widened "Uh thanks" I said.

Harry gave me another smirk "I will see you again tomorrow" he said and I looked up as he got up and walked out of my house. As soon as the door shut I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding "What the hell was that?" I asked myself.

{Hope you guys liked my new fanfiction, vote and comment :* my names Aly!}

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