Chapter 4

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A/N: Sensitive, Mature content ahead...


The minute her father left, I sensed Serene's nervousness so it's no surprise to see her basically have a panic attack on the mat when I ask her to share her story, but it's important.

After teaching the women's self-defense classes for these last few years, I understand the importance of trust. I test them both physically and emotionally to make sure they are strong enough to fight whatever monsters they face, and in order to do that, I notice that women who have trust me end up excelling at the classes better.

The self-defense courses are also the only ones I teach myself and do not hand over the responsibility to anyone else. I actually enrolled in a few psychology courses at Yale online to try to understand my role better in strengthen these women after what some have experienced so I take my job very seriously.

As I wait for Serene to calm down, I remind her that sharing only what she is comfortable with is enough for me.

She slowly breathes in and starts, "There was this one night where I was put into a really tough situation..." She waits before I nod my head to have her continue.

"I was always a bookworm and did some casual partying here and there, but was usually very careful otherwise. Had a few fucked up relationships that basically tore right through my self-confidence, but then I met this one guy at a party. I was extremely hesitant and already very untrustworthy, but he insisted that he was better. He treated me so well the first few months that I slowly, but surely let down my walls. Until one night, I went over to his apartment to surprise him.

She pauses again and I feel her tense up, so I grab her hand again, squeezing it as a symbol of support.

"I walked into his apartment and it was him and his friend with another girl...I caught them in the act. He grabbed me as I was running and kicked the other girl out of the room, but his friend stayed..."

Her breathing was heavy as I try to rub her hand, reminding her that she is safe now.

"His friend held me down and he...I felt everything. He was so rough. They took turns. I was bleeding..."

I move both of my hands to grab her face and have her look at me, asking her to breathe. My hands were shaking at how angry I felt.

Her hands move to grab mine as she continues, "My dad was still not himself. It was before he met you. So I had nowhere else to turn. I couldn't ask anyone to pick me up. I knew he was drunk somewhere and I knew he wasn't to blame. He just wasn't strong enough to lose my mom and I didn't want to burden him with something like this. I called a cab and went home, washed everything off, too scared to call the police and I felt ashamed."

I look into her eyes, knowing how sensitive such a position is, wanting to hug her, but wanting to be professional. She takes the hard choice from me when she jumps up and hugs me, giving me the chance to breathe in her light, flowery scent.

"I've...I've never told anyone this before..." She looks into my eyes and I see how wide they are. "But, my dad has spoken about you being his guardian angel for years. I never got the details, but you changed his life. After hearing about you for so long, I feel like I already know you a bit. Otherwise I can't explain how I managed to tell you something like this in the last hour of meeting you when I haven't managed to speak about this ever before"

I just hold her in a hug, rubbing her back and forth before she pulls up and looks up at me and fuck, her rosy lips and watery eyes, I just want to kiss her and remind her that she's alright. But does that make me a sick bastard? I swear I'm not taking advantage of her, but for some reason I feel a longing to be near her. It's something I can't explain.

I lean towards her, making my intention clear, leaving the full power of choice in her hands, as she slowly approaches me and kisses me.

I lose myself in her kiss as my tongue presses in and she grants me access. Her kiss is so deep, so comforting. I feel her relax in my hold as I still have her body pressed close to mine, trying to comfort her the best that I can.

I slowly push myself away and look into her eyes, seeing warmth and compassion. I'm shocked that after what she has been through, she as the capacity to be such a warm human.

My hand grabs hers again as I gently squeeze, "Thank you for sharing that with me. I know you don't want pity, so I'll give you strength and confidence instead."

She smiles at me and I swear the whole room lights up with her face. She wipes the tears from her eyes and I notice the hour is already up.

She goes to stand and the reality of what I did hits me "I'm so sorry for being unprofessional like that. I swear I don't do this with my clients, ever." I state, feeling nervous, but she reassures me in an instant. "No Mick. I wanted it. I needed that. It's been so long since I was able to feel that sort of something with someone. There's something about you. I've never felt that safe to do something like this before with someone I just met. Maybe you really are a guardian angel" She smiles at me.

"Same time same place tomorrow? Oh and if it's alright with you, I can drop you off at home. No need to call your father. It's really no trouble. You were the only session I had today. My other trainers are here and they will close after they are done."

"Sure you can drop me off, not a problem"

We walk towards my car and step inside. As she tells me her address, I hear my phone ring and notice it's Vick from the MC. I pick up, "Hey Vick, I'm dropping someone off, what's up? Is there an emergency?"

I hear Vick pause a bit and I know it's not good. "Hey Micky, I know you usually don't deal with MC shit, and by all means the Prez said you aren't forced to step in, but one of the biker groups we've had on our shit list enlisted a new member and we want to take him out. He's a former suit like you so we wanted to see if you could use any of your older Wall Street connections to hunt him down. We also want to let you in on dealing with him because he's the worst type of scum to walk the Earth - a rapist."

I still. Vick and the rest of the MC know that after I started my training center, it was the self-defense courses that I took most to heart. If there are any types of lives I can wipe off the face of the Earth with no remorse, it's those who get off on torture and those who rape.

After hearing Serene's story, I'm more than inclined to see who this fucker is. And when she feels comfortable, I'd love to also add her piece of shit ex to this list too. I don't want her to overhear this conversation in case it gives her a flashback so I decide to tell Vick to wait.

"Thanks man. Let me make this quick drop off first and I'll come over in a second and see how I can help on both fronts. I'll be at the clubhouse in about 30 minutes."

I hang up and hear Serene, "Everything okay? Need me to call my dad?"

"Nonsense" I tell her. "You are not walking alone from my training center ever. It's one of the MC guys I was telling you about earlier. They just need help identifying someone from my old corporate world. They can wait."

I head over and drop her off before I hear her say, "Thank you again Mick. I'll see you tomorrow"

"You're very welcome Serene. Stay safe and here's my number. Please call me if you need anything." I tell her as I give her my business card with my personal cell on the back.

"I mean it. Anything."

As I drive off to ROD, my brain starts thinking as to how exactly I prefer to rip this motherfucker up limb to limb when I find him.

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