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Shinsou POV

I was just sitting in class talking to a dear friend of mine when the intercom come came on

"Lockdown I repeat Lockdown this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill"

As soon as I heard the drill I got up locked the doors closed the blinds and did a head count


Dang it one is gone

"Has anyone seen Y/n? "

"She went to the bathroom before the drill went off and she hasn't returned.."

And then a gunshots could be heard

And with that gunshot my heart sank

The worst part was I had to stay in the classroom just sitting there with no promises shes alive or dead

We just sat in silence
No noise

Worst part
I didn't even know if  Y/n was okay or not
For all I knew she could be dead,

But she's a smart person she should be okay.. Right?

It felt like forever before we were escorted out by the police and some hero's

When I got out I looked around trying to find a familiar blob of H/c hair
But I couldn't find her, I tried to search the school but I was pulled back and scolded

I was told to go home...i didn't want to until I knew my friend was okay but I couldn't stay I had to go home I did as told and went home with only worry and uncertainty and most importantly fear

Fear for her

Fear for her parents

And lastly

Fear of her death

A few times I tried to call and text her to see if she was alright but there was no answer, that's just made my Anxiety and stress worse

But the next morning proved all of my suspicion to be true

The next morning I turned on the news
That's when I got my answer if she was okay... Or not

"The UA school shooting left 25 injured and 3 dead, may we let kilina Yamada, Tsuki charmion, and Y/n L/n rest in peace"

The last few words made my heart shatter
'Y/n L/n rest in peace'
Those words hit me like a train

"I... She can't...her.....I was so useless"

She was to young to go... She had so much hope and light to be gone
She was to happy to go..

It can't be true it can't
It's some sort of sick joke that she's pulling ITS NOT REAL this is just a bad dream that I'm in

PLEase... Wake up..

It's not a dream Shinsou and you know it

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