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What happened during the sleepover?

America fell asleep pretty fast, and You decided to do a little prank on him, i mean come on! Who falls asleep that early into the sleepover! Anyways, As the said country was sleeping, You drew on his face with any random black marker they could find ( it was a permanent marker >:) ) and drew random things and words on his face, later they brought whipped cream and put it on his hand before grabbing a feather and tickling his nose, causing him to basically hit himself in the face. Let's just say everyone was laughing, except You, who had to hide for an hour atleast due to America being mad. But, he forgave you, as in that hour you ordered a happy meal for him :)

You watched as a certain drunk country ran into a wall, that country was Russia, and let's just say he passed out on impact with the wall. You and some others watched him run into the wall, let's say some were concerned and some were just laughing alot, you guys just left him there.

You were one of the ones that didn't go crazy and just did what you would normally do on a sleepover, make some popcorn and watched horror movies with Cancer (who snuck in with the others who weren't invited but no one noticed), Japan, Poland, Germany and Libra! You all got scared, everyone who watched was surprised that even you and Germany got scared! You guys almost never seemed to get scared! But you guys had fun anyways! Who doesn't love a good horror movie while in the background someone runs into a wall?

You and the others who didnt get invited to the party decided to sneak in anyways! How dare they not invite you guys! >:( . Anyways, the others wanted revenge while you only wanted to have fun. So you joined Gemini, Libra, Japan, Poland and Germany in watching a horror movie! They even had popcorn!!! You guys had fun watching the movie and ate snacks. They didn't even notice you snuck in!

Well, You kind of helped the uninvited zodiacs sneak into the sleepover. Before the sleepover you heard them planning and decided to join in and help. Oh boy, doing that made chaos, but anyways. You, Pisces and America played uno. Let's say America is a sore loser. He flipped a table and walked out of the room.

They didn't invite you? Well they're gonna pay. While everyone is inside having fun,, and while the others snuck in,, you stayed outside and throw toilet paper on it, some paint, and even some eggs. You made sure no cameras saw you because you be sneaky! You then sneaked in and acted innocent and they didn't even notice you did anything. What fools they are.

You with Gemini, Japan, Poland and Cancer made some good ol popcorn and watched some horror movies. You were about to realize that Cancer snuck in but before you could've figured that out a jumpscare happened! You being the only one who screamed, you kind of zoned out while thinking about that and didnt pay attention untill the jumpscare happened, whoops.

You were the one who convince Russia to run at the wall. You were talking with him and noticed he was drunk, you laughed as you told him the wall is not really there and its an illusion to everyone to hide a secret stash of vodka, that fool believed you. And did indeed run into the wall at high speed to see if its true.

You, Sweden and Ireland all played minecraft. Sweden kept stealing all the iron! >:( so you burned down his house because you needed that iron to make an iron pickaxe to mine all the diamonds you found! He cried as all his doggos who were inside perished. While you and Sweden were fighting each other (in monwcraft), Ireland had to do all the actual work and managed to build a merger portal. Congrats

You snuck in with the others. You as revenge ate all the snacks, you also stole a few games and someones phone. You then went and helped Canada make some pancakes so no one would think it would've been you who stole and ate the snacks. Sneak 100

You were the dj of the party(sleepover)! You played all the cool songs! But after a while you got bored, and done the best thing, you rickrolled everyone who was dancing. You had a big laugh as everyone stopped dancing and had confused faces, some didn't even know how to feel. Lets just say it was fun! You were secretly forced to rickroll everyone because pisces threatened to take away your kneecap privileges.

You snuck in with the others and forced Aquarius to Rickroll everyone, how you may ask? Simple, you held a gun to their knees and threatened to take away their kneecap privileges

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