Chapter 1

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"So basically my research shows it is a massive possibility that patrolling together is more of risk than patrolling separately tonight" Donatello said ending what seemed like an endless rant about his research. Donnie had been researching the activity of both the Kraang and Foot forces and it seems like tonight, the Foot would be scouting most of southern NYC and the Kraang would be researching more about how to perfect the mutagen in northern NYC. Donnie thought it would be a good idea to inform his brothers of this situation. "What does this have to do with anything! We don't have to split up! We have more heads to bash, sounds good to me" Raph said annoyed. "No Raph, if we patrol together we're to easy of a target. We might as well just put a sign that says 'capture me' on all of our backs!" Donnie barked back, annoyed his hotheaded brother didn't trust his theory. "Enough! Both of you calm down!" Leonardo yelled. "Whatever you say oh fearless leader" Raph said sarcastically while rolling his eyes. Leo glared at Raph before continuing "I say that we split up like Donnie said. I'll take the south, Raph you'll take the north, Donnie you'll take the west, and Mikey you'll take the east." "Awww...dude there's nothing cool on the east side of town...there's not even a pizzeria!" Mikey complained. "Mikey we're not patrolling to have fun, we're patrolling to keep New York safe" Leo stated, going into full leader mode. "No kidding" Mikey mumbled. "Ok team, if you need help don't hesitate to use your t-phones to ask for back up. We'll come and help you as soon as possible. After about 2 hours we'll meet on the roof near April's apartment got it" Leo said. "Got it" all three remaining brothers replied.

----South Side of Town----

Leo had been patrolling for nearly an hour. He's seen many foot soldiers but hasn't been noticed or pulled into a fight. For this he was thankful for he hadn't got much sleep the night before and was slightly tired and didn't want to start any fights. He jumped down off the roof and started to walk in the shadows of the sidewalk. As he was walking past an ally a hand went over his mouth and pulled him into the darkness of the ally. His eyes widened and as he was about to grab for his katanas and try to escape, he was turned around and his ocean blue eyes locked with amber ones. Her eyes were full of an emotion Leonardo had never seen in her before. Fear. Once she was sure he wouldn't attack or run away, she unclasped her hand from his mouth. Before he said anything he just looked at her. She was not in her usual kunoichi armor and black training suit, she was wearing a dark blue and black crop top, leggings, and black flip flops. Her hair was actually worn down so it was hanging around her shoulders but you can still see the dyed golden hair underneath. She was still wearing her usual intimidating make up but something about her all together just seemed completely different. For what he could see she had no weapons or defense of any kind accept for her usual small katana. 'Why is she afraid? Why isn't she protecting herself? Why is 
she wearing these clothes? She's going to get herself killed' he thought. "Karai what's wrong? Why don't you have any weapons? Why aren't you protecting yourself?" he whispered, his eyes full of concern. "Leo I need your help" her voice was slightly shaky and she mentally curse herself for it. She hated showing her weak side...especially to Leo. "I...I...the Shredder was not pleased that I have failed him so many times...he kicked me out of the Foot Clan until I can build my way back up to be a worthy enough leader for his clan" Karai stated. " don't owe him anything you don't have to go back" his eyes still full of concern for the girl he had fallen for ever since they've met. Karai took a deep breath "The problem is...I do have to go back...he said if I didn't come back fully powered and ready within 6 months that he would find me and...kill me." Leonardo's eyes widened. "What can I
do, I want to help you but, if my brothers saw you you'd be dead and my father would disapprove of me helping you at all" Leo said. Karai sighed "I don't know what I was expecting, I just thought you of all people would be able to help me." Karai started walking away from the ally when an oversized hand grabbed her hand. Her heart fluttered slightly at the touch and when she turned to face him she could see his face was a light shade of pink, even in the dark moonlight. "I want to help you Karai and if breaking a few rules is what it takes...then I'll do it" he said. She couldn't help but give him one of her very rare small smiles. He smiled back and couldn't help but blush a little more knowing how rare those smiles were. "Come on...I think I know of a place where we can go." Leo then led her to the nearest fire escape. Once they were on the roofs he started heading to the north. 
Karai raised an eyebrow not knowing where they were going. After about 15 minutes of running, they came across an apartment building. Leo came to the window of an apartment on the 5th floor and used his knife to open it, Karai followed. "Where are we?" she asked. "I've come across the building for the past year and this is apartment is the only one that hasn't had it's light on...I think it's abandoned" Leo answered. Karai gave him one of her classic teasing smirks "Breaking and entering? I didn't think you had it in you fearless leader." Leo blushed at the comment. "Well i figured this would be good enough until I can figure something else out." Karai nodded and started to 
look around the apartment. For an apartment that's been abandoned for the past year it was pretty well kept. The living room was a decent size with a curved black leather couch that was sitting in front of a 45' screen tv. The dining room/kitchen was right next to it and it has pearl colored tile flooring. The kitchen itself was pretty small but was no doubt useable and the table was only big enough for 2 people. The bedroom was fairly large compared to the rest if the apartment. It had a queen sized bed and very nice carpet flooring with a small bathroom connected to it. "So now what?" Karai asked. Leo looked at her and said "You will stay here and I'll get the essentials 
you'll need...I'll come here every night while I'm on patrol to check on you and maybe sometimes I can come in other times before patrol...eventually I'll figure something else out so you can be safe and you won't have to worry any more" Leo took a deep breath. Karai felt overwhelmed by how much Leo wanted to help her. She never did anything nice for be more exact all she has done to him was tease him and hurt him. "I'm not very good at saying thank you" she said. He smiled "I know." Then Karai did something she had never done for anyone ever before...she hugged him. Leo was shocked and knew he was the first to receive on from her and he hugged her back. After a while she broke away. Leo sighed happily. "I'll come by tomorrow I promise" Leo smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow then" she smiled and walked to the bedroom and shut the door.

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