A day at the beach

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Your POV
"Hey Tsuki, we should get out". It had been about 25 minutes of us standing side by side in the water staring out at the horizon and I could tell my toes were heading towards rasin territory. I brushed my arm against his in a gentle friendly way, to snap him out of his thoughts. He pulled his gaze away from the horizon and said evenly, "yeah, ok." We both got out and I conjured a warm Atlantis wind to whip through our clothes and hair and dry us off. He crossed his arms and mumbled, "showoff." I smiled and elbowed his bony midsection. He just scowled walked out of the pool area and I caught up with his long strides. I was happy we seemed to be on better terms as we headed out, yet again to the living room. We both sat on the same couch, side by side and I grimaced remembering what I had said and done. " hey Tsukishima?" I said softly. "What" He demanded. "I'm sorry, about earlier. I promise I won't do that again. I was being a kind of a bitch." He looked at me and frowned. He crossed his legs looked down on me and said, "yeah ok, fine."  I grimaced again knowing he hasn't fully forgiven me yet. I thought about what to do and I just settled on slapping him upside the head. I said louder " I really am sorry!" He rubbed his head and said loudly, "yeah, I got it, thanks". I nodded in satisfaction and I said, "so what do you want to do?" He pressed his long fingers to his mouth and said, " hm well we could-" I cut him off when I said, "wait here they come, I feel them". He nodded and I could tell he was excited knowing that nen could heighten your senses, but still he said nothing. Tsukishima and I stood up as Elaine and Benjiro walked in arm and arm, and Hisoka and Samantha weren't touching each other but were engrossed in a thorough conversation. My chest contracted as I saw Hisoka smiling with Samantha being as charming as ever, but I pulled a strained smile and said cheerily, " hey guys!" Kei just did a small, curt wave. Elaine grinned and thanked Benjiro. Benjiro replied with, "Lilac of course, please why don't you join us again some time." Elaine's eyes widened as she said innocently, "you really mean it?" He nodded saying "You have my number, know how to reach me." Then he  led us out. At the door, Sam and Hisoka shook hands and I just looked up at Kei and I said, "bye beanpole. See you Monday! Be ready!" He just crossed his lanky arms and gave me a half smile. He responded with, "see ya, shrimp." I scoffed then me, Elaine, and Hisoka walked out and into the car that took us here. We still had to keep up the act so I just sat by Hisoka and he asked, "how was it my dear?" I just nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. He frowned but said nothing and wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled into him and watched the landscape whiz by as we headed back to the penthouse.

When we got back Elaine and Hisoka were trying to drum up conversation about how the night went but I was just tired and ready for bed. I had a lot to think about from my interactions with Kei and I needed to mull over exactly how I'd not kill him when I opened his aura nodes. The penthouse also had a great view at night, I noticed as I stared through the clear glass ad admired how I could see the diverse population of people bustling about on the the streets while the one way tinted glass shielded is from their eyes. I yawned as I remembered the view from the pool, it was way better, I thought. I went ahead and decided would let Elaine and Hisoka talk in the living room. So I stalked off to the room, put some pajamas on and fell asleep.

Hisoka POV
I watched y/n trudge tiredly to our room and I frowned. I turned to Elaine to question what exactly happened between my sweet and Kei, but Elaine was on her phone smiling and texting. I chuckled at her expression. I wondered if Elaine would have an explaination for y/n's oddly exhausted behavior and I said , "Elaine dear?" She said nothing. Ugh, how frustrating. First Im forced to endure watching y/n play her fun little games with Kei instead of me, her husband, then have to entertain a pencil-skirt wearing workaholic with a terrible fashion sense. And now, y/n is too tired to talk about our experiences like we normally would. I scoffed, thinking about how y/n and Kei warmed up to each other after dinner. Her smile wasn't fake when she said goodbye. He seemed a bit happier as well. In that moment I wished I could fillet that fucking nenless boy if I could. But y/n would surely be upset with me and while I considered doing it to get Kite to fight me, I don't know how long before my sweet would forgive me. Also, who knows who she would run to for comfort if I, the person who always comforted her became the culprit? I smiled at the memory of our quiet sex earlier today. It seems that even though I was the one to make her cry, i was also the one to dry her tears. I was dissatisfied that I had made my sweet upset, but I smiled to myself  knowing she'd always eventually forgive me no matter what I did. I smiled knowing she loved me unconditionally, no matter what. I chuckled as I thought about her soft smile, her caring personality, and- I bit my lip remembering how good it felt to muffle her screams as I pounded into her wet, tight little vagina. Mmmmmmm I wondered how many times I'd have to fuck her senseless before she loosened up a bit, if at all. My sweet little flower, I'd have to spend time with her tomorrow before she started school for this wretched mission. I frowned walked into our room. By her aura, I knew she was fast asleep. I walked over to the edge of the bed and I gazed down at her. I smiled at her cute little body all curled up in a ball under the covers. I took off my shoes and all my clothes except my underwear and I happily slid into bed with my wife. Mmmm my wife. Oh, how absolutely good it felt to call her that and know that I was also her husband. She shifted and mumbled something as I wrapped my arms around her midsection and pulled her body gently into mine. Despite her muscles and all her training she she was still so soft. I traced my hands along her curves and I smelled her hair. I  whispered in her ear smiling, " do you love me my sweet?" Her beautiful e/c eyes slightly opened and she turned around to face me. She gently snuggled into my chest and said nothing, as she re-closed her eyes and intertwined her legs with mine. I loved talking to her in her sleep. Often times, it was uneventful and actually quite confusing, but every now and then she'd mumble her unspoken feelings to me if I asked. Usually, she told me everything but it was a tad bit entertaining to talk to her in this state, nonetheless. What an entertaining little thing she is, and always has been. What a perfect mate. We were made for each other. I softly grazed my nails across her legs and whispered, "did you have sex with Kei? Is that why you're so tired my love?" I didn't truly believe she would do such a thing. But, I saw her face when me and Sam were talking... Perhaps she'd had revenge sex for my attention being on Sam instead of her. That didn't seem like her but... she mumbled "soka's not my brother, that's gross he's my lemon" she nodded in her sleep and sleepily put her small hand on my arm and continued "and Elaine's not mosbidain table." I sighed. It would seem no answers tonight. I closed my eyes but a few minutes later she shuddered and her face looked desperate and she whispered, "oh, Kei." I open my eyes, angry as stared at her sleeping face. Was she having a sex dream? How dare she dream about anyone besides me? After I met her, unless I was having a nightmare, all I ever dreamed of was her. Us together, us happy, us fighting, us eating, us having sex, us killing together, us snuggling with one another is doing everything under the sun together. It was always just us. I tapped her forehead and said softly, "what are you dreaming about, love?" She said nothing and hugged me tighter. Her face returned to a peaceful look and she pressed her hot lips onto the ridges of my chest muscles. I savored the warmth of her comforting presence, and I resisted the urge to fuck her right here, right now. I resisted the urge to reach my hand down her smooth sculpted stomach and into her panties and watch her sleeping face smile softly as I pleasured her in her sleep. I'd never done that before, but oh, how i'd long to many times. I knew it wasn't entirely right to do such things so I resisted the urge to grope her in her sleep and savor her little whimpers as her dreams turned into sexual dreams of me as I made her wet. I smiled and narrowed my eyes at her as I lightly pushed my knee into her warm crotch and she lip her lip. her eyes fluttered open and she said blearily, "Hisoka what's going on?" I quickly retracted my knee and pulled her into me with a hug. I stroked the hair on her head and spoke softly as I said, "nothing my love you were just dreaming of me my sweet. Just me. Just me. Just me. Just me." She whispered, "ah well, it's always just us. But still I wanna have angel wings to fly like a pretty fairy Hisoka prett-" and she trailed off and drifted back to sleep. I admired her soft, caring face- which reflected her personality. I lightly kissed her button nose. Without her my sleep was always fitful. So, savoring her presence I held her against me and smiled into her hair as I too drifted into a peaceful sleep and dreamed of our fight and our first time together.

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