Not a chapter but Character profile information!

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[Sakura Bakugou]
Gender: Female
Sexuality: ???
Age: 2(the age she died)
But she is 15 now in the afterlife
Date of Birth: 1/6
Height: ???
Looks: Green hair, red crimson eyes, freckles, Tannish
Likes: ???
Family: Katsuki Bakugou
Izuku Bakugou(Midoriya)
Conan Bakugou(twin)
Akuma Bakugou
Quirk: ???

[Akuma Bakugou]
Gender: Female
Sexuality: lesbian
Age: First shown at 2
Is now 13
Date of Birth: 3/17
Height: 5'3
Looks: Blonde hair, crimson red eyes, freckles, tannish
Likes: family, cooking, friends, reading, cats, singing, drawing and writing in notebook, training, heros
Dislikes: people bringing up her older sister even if shes never met her, seeing her family sad, villains, nosy people, bullys/bullying
Family: Katsuki Bakugou
Izuku Bakugou(Midoriya)
Conan Bakugou
Sakura Bakugou
Quirk: Strength Enhancement: allows her to enhance her strength but if overused it will cause muscle strain, stamina drainage, broken bones
Current occupation: Aldera Junior High, 3rd year

[Naoko Tomuko]
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 7/27
Height: 5'1
Looks: Short pink hair that goes above shoulders, hazel eyes, curvy horns, wolf/elf ears, a long lizard like tail with pink fur at the end, lilac purple dragon scale like feet, black glasses, pale
Likes: Best friends, mythical creatures, Greek mythology, Creating support items, animals, reading, the supernatural, friends, heros, food
Dislikes: Bullys, villains, haters, sweets, dancing, being disturbed while designing gear, being bullied bc of her features
Family: None
Best Friends: Conan Bakugou
Ryota Mochizuki
Yukā Tsunoda
Quirk(s): Techno-Path, Healing
Current occupation: UA, Class 1H, Support Course

[Ryota Mochizuki]
Gender: FtM
Sexuality: Queer
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 12/15
Height: 4'11
Looks: White fluffy hair, bone type horns with jagged ridges, eyes like mina but instead of yellow its white with black slits in the middle, elf ears with the black ear lobe earrings, two black curved black marks on each side of face, bone type wings, bone type tail, white skin
Likes: Bestfriends, skeletons, heroes the colors black, blue, white, undertale, cooking, napping, cats, Halloween, some sweets but not alot
Dislikes: Parents, Villains, girly clothes, girly colors, annoying people, alot of sweets, showing people his emotions, but only does to best friends, nosy people
Family: All villains expect siblings who were killed by his parents
Best friends: Conan Bakugou
Yukā Tsunoda
Naoko Tomuko
Tamaku Kaminari
Quirk: Bone Manipulation: The user has complete control over the bones of oneself and others, bare skeletons or separate bones, including growing, shaping, manipulating density/ weight, creating constructs, etc.
Limitations: Users of boneless body are immune.
Causing bones to exude from body or break can still be painful.
May be limited to manipulating the bones if other or only themselves.
Skin may be torn open in order for bones to emerge, and user may be against over-usage.
Weak against bone destruction
Current occupation: UA, Class 1-A, Hero Course

[Yukā Tsunoda]
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight, but very supportive
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 2/18
Height: 6'1
Looks: Freckles, long ginger hair, green eyes, tannish, glasses, slightly built
Likes: Best friends, sweets, reading, studying, cooking, music, heros, tea
Dislikes: bullys, villains, people being mean to her besties, dancing, singing
Family: Stepmother
5 brothers
Friends: Conan Bakugou
Ryota Mochizuki
Naoko Tomuko
Quirk: Flame Body: Allows body to transform into flames and able to manipulate the fire she produces. If overused she will get severe burns
Current occupation: UA, Class 1-A, Hero Course

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