Fallout 4

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The screen was black, silent until the words Fallout appears. "War. War never changes" A male voice narrated as the screen showed the scene in black and white, the ground littered with bullet shells, panning up showing footprints to a soldier running towards a war-zone with his fellow men.

The students were shocked to see such a sight, a man running into the heat of battle, and this was way before quirks started to appear. "So there are no quirks in this world ?" Izuku asked Ethan who shook his head, "No, no powers, no heroes, no villains, just two countries at war with each other." Ethan explained.

 Aizawa sighed "Well the narrator is right about one thing, War never changes." All Might nods "Indeed, the weapons used to fight, the people who are fighting the war, the reason the war started, it can change through the ages but its still war." 

"In the year 1945, my great, great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he'd get to go home to his wife and the son he'd never see" the scene changed to a picture of the soldier, where a finger of a woman caressed the picture, it showed the woman with a young boy in her arms sitting in the garden, she wore a sundress and the boy wore a simple shirt and shorts.

"Wow 1945, so long ago," Sato said, nobody ever thought about events before quirks started to appear, Izuku looks down, how bad was the world before quirks manifested, were countries at war with each other, people became so invested in quirks that they left the quirkless past behind. Izuku jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looks at Ochako who had a worried look on her face. "Deku, are you alright ?" she asked quietly, Izuku blinks before nodding, "Yeah, I'm okay just thinking," he assured and looks at the screen, after a while, Ochako did the same.

"He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki." the man narrated showing airplanes flying through the air and it changed showing a large mushroom cloud from an atomic bomb being detonated.

Everyone was shocked seeing the size of the explosion, the destruction, the devastation it caused, the lives it must've taken. Power Loader gulped, "The power needed to cause that... this is insane." he said, Nezu looks down, "It's in the past, we can only look to the future."

"The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened." The scene shifted to a man presenting a scale model of the mushroom cloud speaking to government officials, the footage was silent but everyone figured the man was discussing strategy with them,

"We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power." The scene changed to a man in a radiation suit working in a lab attempting to use nuclear materials, a light shined changing to an industrial center and a monorail. 

"People enjoyed luxuries once thought the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion-powered cars, portable computers." The first scene showed a Mister Handy trimming a hedge, a robot with an orb-like body, three arms, on the orb were two eyes. The next scene showed a scientist sitting down with something mounted on his wrist, a portable computer, on the screen was Pip-Boy 1.0.

"So there aren't any mobile devices in their world ?" Momo asked looking at the Pip-Boy. Ethan shook his head, "No and that's just the first Pip-Boy, everything goes through changes, its cool to have something like a phone on your wrist but I think the modern mobile is better." Ethan explained.

"But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream. Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory." The next scene was of two boys fighting in the streets on top of some rubble. the scene changed to an industrial plant with rioters were running towards the plant. A Chinese soldier was standing on a hill watching as more people fell from the sky using parachutes, then it showed a U.S. soldier in power armor who looked like he was in shock as a man tried to repair the suit.

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