20 fact challenge by Kayla Munden

19 2 0

I  challenge Narnia231 and Hope53179 to fo the 20 fact challenge.

1. I live in Southern California
2. I'm a very weird fella.
3. I'm in 8th grade.
5. I'm really white.

6.I love school.
7. I'm 13 years old
8. IM obsessed with the Divergent series.
9. I'm the youngest sibling out of 3.(2 older brothers)
10. I love softball.

11. My favorite subjects in school are History and Science.
12. I have blue eyes
13. I have vey light brown hair with some blonde in it (natural)
14. I wear glasses
15. I have 3 dogs

16. I take Drama and Home Economics
17. I like Starbucks
18. I'm a straight A student
19. One of my favorite books is called This is what happy looks like
20. I want to be a teacher

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