They Don't Know About Us

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Louis's POV

"Come on Lou, let's go home." Josie says, pulling me towards the door.

Right now me and Josie are at Starbucks just chilling and getting some coffee.

"But he's there." I say, sitting back down.

"I know, that's the point. You gotta talk to him about this." She says, trying to pull me up but failing since she's 6 months pregnant.

"Stop or you'll hurt Will." I say, trying to distract her.

"Lou, we've talked about this. I'm not naming my baby William." She says, sitting down across from me.

"Why can't you name your baby after your best friend?" I ask, trying to pull a sad face.

"Because, I don't even know if it's a boy yet." She says, looking down and rubbing her stomach.

"What do you want it to be?" I ask.

Personally, I was hoping it would be a girl. Then I could sing her to sleep and dress her up.

Oh god, I sound soft.

"I don't really mind if it's a boy or a girl, I just want to know so I can buy clothes and pick out names." Josie says, thinking real hard.

"What about the name Shanequa?" She asks after a while.

"Josie, you do know that you and your baby are both white, right?" I ask.

I mean seriously, sometimes I do think she's black, but then I'm like: nah, she can't dance like a black girl can. Them black girls can get down.

"Yeah but..." She starts.

"But what?" I ask, grinning.

"Let's just go home. I'm tired and Niall should be there by now." Josie whines, standing up again. She grabs my hand and starts to pull me again.

Oh yeah, I forgot a tiny little detail. Josie and Niall are married and she's pregnant with their second baby. Little Justin, their first born, is about a year and a half old now.

And yes, Niall did name their baby after Justin Bieber

"Alright, but only because you're pregnant with my niece." I say, grinning and standing up.

She drags me to the car and I help her climb in with her big self. I walk around and get in the drivers seat and start the car.


When we get to Josie and Niall's flat Josie tries to run to the door but she's getting big and she can't really run any more. She opens the door and I hear the boys talking.

I follow the voices to the kitchen where I see Josie and Niall kiss as she takes Justin from him, Liam and Zayn talking about the next football game, Danielle and Perrie talking about a fashion show, and...I don't see Harry.

"He just went to get the stuff to make the food, so you can stop pouting. He'll be back." Josie says, holding Justin. I nod.

Justin looks a lot like Josie, he has her brown curls and tan skin but he has Niall's blue eyes.

"Hey buddy, how's my favorite nephew doing?" I ask Justin, he giggles and I take him from Josie.

I walk into the lounge with Josie behind me. I sit down on the floor with Justin and Josie lays out on the couch. I sit Justin down and watch him stand up and walk off to grab his firetruck.

"You know, you're gonna have to tell him sometime." Josie says, smirking.

"I know, but what if he doesn't feel the same? What if this ruins our friendship? I mean, it's not like these feelings just started, they've been there since the X Factor..." I say, grabbing Justin's other truck and driving it around the carpet.

"But what if he feels the same way?" She asks.

"I wouldn't jeopardize our friendship like that. This could turn out really bad." I reply, still playing with Justin.

"Or it could turn out really good." She says, taking out her phone.

"What are ya doing?" I ask, hoping she's not talking to 'him'.

"Talking to Cassie, she says she's coming back to England to visit us and her parents." Josie says, typing on her phone.

"Ask her how America is." I say as Justin crawls into my lap. He lays his head back in my chest and yawns. I pick him up and stand up and sit at Josie's head. She lifts her head up for me to sit down then puts her head in my lap. Justin curls into my side and starts to doze off. I hum a random song and within 2 minutes he's asleep.

"She says that America is amazing and that we should go and see her new apartment there, apparently she's found herself a boyfriend too. I think she's bringing him." Josie says, sounding excited.

Me, Josie, Henry and Cassie all grew up together. Henry is Josie's brother, he's my age and he lives a few houses down the street from Josie and Niall. Cassie and Josie are a few years younger than us. After we graduated we all went our separate ways, I auditioned for the X Factor and became famous, Josie became a professional actress, Henry became a comedian, and Cassie became a famous singer in America.

To sum it up, we haven't seen Cassie in ages.

The boys have met her before a couple times and she was there at Justin's birth but that's the last time we've seen her. I mean we Skype and call and text each other all the time but it's been a while since she's last visited. Me and Josie miss her, a lot, and I'm pretty sure Henry does too he just doesn't show it. Henry and Cassie used to pick on each other all the time and they still do sometimes, it's just not the same with her in America.

"When is she coming?" I ask, grabbing a blanket to throw over Justin.

"She said her flight is Tuesday, she didn't want to miss one of Joseph Birdsong's videos so she's coming early..." Josie says, laughing. I laugh too.

Joseph Birdsong is this guy who does all these hilarious videos, we still watch him every Wednesday. He's a Directioner and a Belieber, so he's a pretty cool guy.

Niall walks in and sits at Josie's feet, putting them in his lap.

Her feet have been swelling up these past few days due to the pregnancy but she doesn't complain much, it was way worse when she was pregnant with Justin.

"How ya feeling babe?" Niall asks Josie, rubbing her feet.

"Alright I guess, I think I just need my best friend..." She says, still texting Cassie on her phone.

"I'm right here, what are you talking about?" I ask, looking down at her.

"You know I meant Cassie." She says, looking at me like I'm an idiot.

"I thought I was your best friend!" I whine.

"You are, it's just you're not a girl. So you'll never be pregnant, you don't understand the pain and-"

"I get it!! I get it!" I say, cutting her off.

"Good, now shut up so you don't wake up my baby." She says, nodding towards Justin.

"Fine, but you need to calm down these hormones before Cassie gets don't wanna run her off now do ya?" I ask, smirking.

"Cassie's coming?!?" I hear someone behind me ask.

Wait...I know that voice...

I turn around and see...


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