Chapter 1

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The day was bright yet so gloomy. It has been two years since the final battle, and everyone was still recovering. Alex was closed out in his room most of the time, while Lani had started writing classes once more. Samheed continued with his theatre classes, and Aaron and Kaylee spent time on the lawn simply just talking. Everyone has moved on from that horrible war, but a tinge of it lingered in the air.

"Alright so you're telling me, you used to ride waves?" Aaron said, amazed.

"Not literally! But yes It very well looks like it. I'd show you me surfing if I could," Kaylee responded. Both of them were laying in the grass watching the Sky.

"And why not?"

"Hmm...cough Gorillas cough. Broken board." Kaylee jokes. Aaron just shrugged it off, having no clue why she had literally just said cough. Before they could continue their conversation, a voice had called out Kaylee's name. She turned around and sat up, and so did Aaron. It was Ishibashi.

Aaron smiled in delight and got up to hug them. "Ishibashi-San! Nice to see you here," Kaylee greeted, as she also went up for a hug. There was some delight in his eyes, which only excited Kaylee. "You seem Happy," she chuckled with a smile.

"Yeah, what brings you guys here?" Aaron adds on, just as curious. Ishibashi smiled and pulled out a paper, and handed it to Kaylee. Aaron peered in as she unfolded it and saw plans or blueprints. Honestly, she had no idea what she was looking at.

"Kaylee-san, we found a way to get back to America," Ishibashi whispered gleefully. Kaylee's head shot up, and she looked up. Aaron, wide eyed, looked at Kaylee and then back at the scientists.

"Wait what?" Aaron Inquired. Kaylee would have said the same thing as well, if she wasn't in shock. In delay, she gasped, and looked back at the paper trying to make sense of it.

"Well, we found a way back through the dragon's triangle, and straight to America,"

"Woah Woah, you're telling me I can go back?!" Kaylee exclaimed in joy. This was crazy! After being here for more than three years, she was going back. Home!

"Well yes. The Window is open for a week. We can travel back for the week and come back if you want, or just stay there. Kaylee, we can go home!" Ishibashi said in pure delight.

Kaylee squealed in joy and held Aaron's hands jumping. "Aaron! Did you hear? I can go back home!!" she cried in joy. Ishibashi laughed, and smiled as well.

"Yeah, I did hear. Kaylee, I'm so excited for you!" Aaron said, smiling wide. Kaylee couldn't believe it. The scientists and her could go back home. Something about Aaron's voice has startled her however. There was a hint of sadness in his voice, and only then she realized. She would be leaving all of her friends from Artime.

"Wait Ishibashi...can we go back and forth from America to here?" Kaylee questioned, her voice less excited. The old man took a moment, but finally answered.

"Unless you want to go through that threatening process through the dragon's triangle, you could. But there's just a window to get back to America for about a week. You could always come back but never again could you get back to America when the window closes."

Kaylee looked down, taking in the words. She could go back, but she would have to leave everyone. But it's almost like Alex, Sky, Lani, Samheed, and mostly Aaron has been her family. After the lonely year on that Island, when Alex and Sky had saved her, she was forever grateful. "Kaylee?" Aaron said, noticing her face drain.

She looked up and flashed a smile reassuring him. "Kaylee-san. We are packing tonight so take the day to decide." Ishibashi said, catching Kaylee out of her thoughts.

"Thank you,"

Within a minute, the Scientists waved goodbye, and walked away. As soon as the scientists were out of sight, Kaylee turned around and looked at her best friend in the eye.

"Oh Aaron, what should I do?" 

A Trip to America (A "The Unwanteds" FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now