New Beginnings

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Meet Everyone!

Dominic Landon-
Dominic is the definition of average high schooler, B+ student, love his friends and parents. He is Honest, Open-minded, Funny, Thoughtful, Ambitious, A little bit spontaneous, Respectful, Talented, Trustworthy, Handsome and Reliable. Yet he cannot seem to keep a girlfriend, his last girl dumped him for a baseball player. Dominic has talents in other ways; he has a smooth voice, plays guitar and sings in a popular band called "Phoenix Angle". His best friends KT, Max, Sammy, Tristan, and Alec are all members of the band as well. Dominic is seventeen, 6' feet tall, blue eyes, with dirty blonde hair. As well as being musical he is also on his school varsity swim team.

Karina Taylor Kesting (KT)
KT is Dominic best friend since middle school. When she moved to Madison, New Jersey, she was quirky and adorable. She moved two houses down from Dominic the summer that Dominic and his friends were looking for a new lead singer because he got laryngitis. She fit the ideal vision perfectly. Now that she has been in Madison for a while she is still quirky and adorable but is also a beautiful singer. KT is intelligent, funny, loving, humble, very chill, trusting, and all around fun to be with. She uses the name "KT" because she hates the name Karina and the "T" stands for her middle name "Taylor". She is 17, blonde hair with caramel colored highlights, hazel eyes, and she is 5'6. KT does drama in school as well as singing.

Max Chamberlin
Max is one of Dominic closet friends. He is super cute, a fantastic drummer, and knows how to have a good time.
He is Dominic oldest friend and always has his back. Max and Dominic have been "boys" since the first grade, nothing could break their friendship. Max is on the swim with Dominic as well. He has helped Dominic with life decisions until KT moved in. Now Max and KT help him together. He is sixteen, 5'9, has jet black hair, and brown eyes. Max's girlfriend is Aubrey Gardini, they have been together since freshman year of high school.

Aubrey Gardini
Aubrey is a bubbly, high-spirited, energetic girl with long chestnut hair and green eyes. She is sixteen and is perky all the time. She and KT have become friends because she comes to every single band practice even if Max doesn't bring her. She and Max are that couple that everyone dreams of being, they are perfect for each other, even when they seem like complete opposites. Aubrey's best friend is Lucy Sparks, who happens to be flirting with Tristan Ritchie. Aubrey uses her upbeat personality on the cheerleading team. Dominic and Aubrey are like brother and sister because of how much time she spend with Max and the band.

Tristan Ritchie
Tristan is the quite one of the band, he plays bass and outside the band mostly keeps to himself. He is a man of many secrets that only select people know of, including his secret love Lucy Sparks. Tristan and Dominic meet in biology class freshman year and have been friends ever since. He is the newest member to the band, because their last bass player graduated high school and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tristan is average looking, with reddish hair and brown eyes. He usually wears a gray beanie any wear he goes, except to gigs. He is seventeen, 5'9 and has a very caring personality if he is willing to open up to you and show you.

Lucy Sparks
Little Lucy is 15 years old and is KT's younger cousin, she hangs out with the band a lot because Tristan has found trust in her and opens up to her and she likes the music. Lucy and Aubrey are the best friend in the whole world, they do everything together, minus when with Max. Lucy and KT are not the best of friends but hey " you can't pick your family". KT never seems to mind when Lucy comes to band rehearsals because for some reason her being there makes Tristan play better. Lucy has dark brown hair and blue-green eyes and is only 5'1. Meaning Tristan towers over her, which is actually quite funny/ adorable to witness. Dominic has grown to like Lucy's compony because she brings a sense of youth to the band.

Alec Chaparro
Alec is total "". Every girl wants him and everyone wants to be his friend. He is seventeen, strong, 5'11, handsome, and super chill. Alec plays guitar as well as Dominic but Dominic mostly sings with KT, so he plays most of they gig they get. Alec loves attention and is trustworthy, caring, daring, spontaneous and loving. He has a way with the ladies that Dominic can't seem to grasp. Yet his main lady is the one and only, Sadie Owens. He has asked her out many times but she refuses two out of three times he asks her. Alec is head over heels for her and thinks just simple smile would make any girl fall, but no not Sadie. Dominic and Alec meet at a party when Dominic saw him playing guitar and asked him to join the "Phoenix Angles".

Sadie Owens
Sadie is a small town country girl, who moved to Madison around the same time KT did. She became the girl people wanted to be friends with because she is so innocent, and cute. She is seventeen as well and loves to mess with Alec, because he believes a single breath he takes would make girl fall for him,p. Which may be true but not with Sadie, she makes him work for, to see if he actually has a decent personality under all his hotness. Sadie has brown eyes, brown hair and is 5'5. Sadie and Dominic met at KT's house when Dominic accidentally mixed up the days for band practice, Sadie thought he was a sweetheart, because he was confused about the days for practice. They are good friends who only have fun when their around each other.

Samantha Emerson (Sami)
Samantha only goes by Sami because she believes that Samantha is way to sophisticated for her liking. KT is her absolute best friend and vise versa, minus Dominic. Sami is in the band as we'll, she plays keyboard. Sami is funny, ridiculous, quirky, sporty, rebellious at times and has the best jokes. She is the jokester of the band, when we have a long day of practice, she and Max easily break tension before we all go crazy. She is on the soccer team, bowling team and swim team with Dominic and Max. Sami is dating a boy named Charlie Reynolds who she meet only the bowling team. Charlie makes her happier then anyone has ever seen. Sami has brown hair, dark blue eyes and is 5'5.

Charlie Reynolds
Charlie is not in the band but a very good friend of Dominic's. They have been next neighbors since the third grade. Dominic, Max and Charlie used to all be very good friends until Max meet Aubrey, then he and Charlie didn't see much of each other, but Dominic didn't see less of him. Charlie is very smart, loving, honest, and somewhat nerdy but everyone in the band adores him because he is fun to be with. Charlie is sixteen, he has bushy brown hair, has dark eyes and is 5'9. Charlie is also the caption of the bowling team and that is where he met Sami durning sophomore year of high school. He and Sammi have been dating since last summer when he finally worked up the guts to ask her out after a long conversation with The Guys.

Eli Landon
Eli is Dominic oldest brother who is nineteen and goes to Madison community college, so he lives at home. Eli is sarcastic, handy, outgoing, handsome, very athletic and 6'2. Dominic hoped that once he graduated high school he'd be out of his hair but nope that didn't happen. Eli used to be the best basketball player on the team, and was so good that he got a scholarship to Penn State. Only two weeks before college was supposed to start, he tore his ACL ending his basketball career. Now he is home and he co- manages the "Phoenix Angles" with Dominic's dad.

Gavin Landon
Gavin is Eli and Dominic's youngest brother. Gavin is 14 years old, and is in his first year of high school because Madison High is grades 8-12. Gavin is respectful, energetic, and a pain in the butt. Being the youngest, his brothers like to gang up on him, and then he runs to his mom, and gets the older boys in trouble. KT nicknamed Gavin as the "cute kid" because Gavin loves KT, he thinks she is perfect and sings like an angle. Also he tells Dominic that "if he does make a move soon he will." Gavin always interrupts band rehearsals because he knows KT is there and he always wants to see her, also because he knows that it bugs Dominic. He has blonde-ish hair and brown eyes, he is also 5'5.

Dana Landon
Dana is Dominic's mother. She has light brown hair, she is 5'7 ,and has soft, welcoming personality. When she was in college and high school she was the MVP two years in a row then three times in college for her basketball team. She almost went to the pro league but she got pregnant instead. Dana loves Dominic's friends and especially KT, she thinks that KT is such a sweet, wonderful person, that brings life to Dominic's day.

Parker Landon
Parker is Dominic's father. He is 6'2, handsome, very talented with music, and has black hair. He and Eli co-manage Dominic's band. Parker used to have his own band "Land-ond Suns". His band consisted of him, his dad, and his four brothers. They used to be really good but stopped performing when his dad got sick. He and his brothers: Noah, Jacob, Carter,and Elliot, now only play at big family events.

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