The plans

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So it has been almost a year since my mom has passed I'm still in therapy and I've gotten better but right now it's just baby steps.

I finally woke up and got out of bed and went down stairs to make a breakfast sandwich and after I was done eating I went upstairs to get dressed.

I finally woke up and got out of bed and went down stairs to make a breakfast sandwich and after I was done eating I went upstairs to get dressed

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Then I woke up Caleb.
You: Caleb I'm going out to the store want anything
Caleb: yeah 10 more minutes of sleep
You: fine but when I'm back you better be up
Caleb: ok mom
You: haha very funny asshole
Caleb: yeah whatever
You: no but seriously you want anything
Caleb: whatever your getting is fine
You: ok love you bye
Caleb: love you to
I got in the car and left for the store. I finally got done and headed home. When I got inside I went into our room and Caleb was still asleep so I jumped on top of him and he pushed me off.
You: ow fuck you too
Caleb: you would
You: you wish
You: god I feel like we're 16 again
Caleb: it wasn't that long ago jeez how old do you think we are
You: I didn't say we were old dumbass
Caleb: yeah yeah whatever. So what are we doing today
You: planning out the wedding
Caleb: ohh right
We started planning and we're almost done since we've been planning for a while now. By 3:40 we where done and now all I have to do is get a wedding dress I'm so excited. I called the dress shop and made an appointment.
The call:
You: Hi yes I was wondering if I could make an appointment for Tuesday
Lady: yes ma'am and how does 2:00 sound
You: that's perfect thank you so much
Lady: your very welcome you have a ice day now
You: you to bye
Lady: bye bye
End call:
You: so I have an appointment on Tuesday at 2:00
Caleb: sounds good so who are you going to bring
You: umm your mom my aunt my dad and my grandma and don't worry everyone is free including your mom.
Caleb: wow that's a surprise
You: I know right
Skip to Tuesday:
Everyone is meeting me at the shop when we got there we all hugged each other and went in.
You hi I have an appointment
Lady: ok right this way
We followed her.
Lady: ok now christy here is going to be helping you guys find what you need.
Christy: hi who do we have here.
You: well this is my fiancé's mom my aunt my dad and my grandma
Christy: oh ok and where's mom
You: umm uh she died a year ago
Christy: oh im so sorry hun well I bet we can cheer you up with a wedding dress yeah
I smiled.
You: yeah
Christy: alright let's get to it
After looking around for a while I finally found the one.

You: yeahChristy: alright let's get to itAfter looking around for a while I finally found the one

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Caleb's mom took the dress with her because Caleb likes to snoop. So after the shop we got lunch and all of us went home.
Caleb: so how was it
You:it was fun I liked it
Caleb:that's good
I'm not telling Caleb about what Christy asked me.
Well after a little while we finally went to bed

Well after a little while we finally went to bed

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A/n: that was a humble chapter

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