Chapter 4.

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Picture of Q and his gurl a.k.a. Mila J


"Trey really? Who the hell are these girls?" She yelled.

She was straight to the point and wasted no time asking who we were. I was a little scared she seemed like the type to get down. Oh God why didn't I just go home when I had the chance.

"The white girl mine." Keith said smirking.

Q glared at him before turning his attention back to his girl. "Baby look let me talk to you outside."

Q grabbed her trying to get her to get out the door way but she wasn't having it. "No Trey who is that bitch?" She raised her voice again pointing directly at me.

I didn't like her disrespect but I wasn't going to say anything. I wasn't that type of girl to pop off as they say. Honestly I didn't even know how to fight so me running my mouth at a time like this wasn't a good move.

"Mila let's just go outside." Q continued to try to pull her out but she wouldn't bulge. She pushed him out the way with all her might and came up in the house. The speed she ran was amazing. I wouldn't be surprise if she ran track.  Q swooped her up in his arms dragging her into his bedroom. He slammed the door behind him.

I needed to get the hell out of here before she came back out. I grabbed Julie's purse to look for her keys. I rummaged through them and found what I was looking for. I thanked God.

"Julie I'm leaving you coming or not?" I asked.

She barely looked like she could comprehend what I was saying.

"She staying." Keith said.

I rolled my eyes. I was going to let her stay but not anymore. I grabbed her and her purse. She didn't put up much of a hassle so that was good.

We got to the car and I got in the drivers seat. I had no idea where we were but that didn't matter. I needed to get out of here. I played around with navigation so I could find the address to Julie's house. I got it and clicked the button so it could navigate me there.

It spoke coming to life. I let the car warm up before pulling out of the driveway. This was a long night and only got longer.


When arriving to Julie's house it was nearly three o clock in the morning. I was hoping her parents weren't up because I didn't know how to explain Where we were or why we were dressed like hookers. I got out and woke Julie up.

"Th.... the window." She mumbled. I thought she was sleep talking so I blew her off.

"The window ..... open." Julie leaned up against the car. I gave her my purse and her purse to hold. I went to Julie's bedroom window and slid it up. Sure enough it was open. I was more than happy for the moment. I went back and got Julie and we both climbed through the window. I shut and locked it back when we finished.

Julie laid down and went to sleep in no time. I couldn't sleep. The next morning when my mom discovered I wasn't there that was my ass. I didn't want to lie to her but I was going to try my luck.

Been a while. This a story update that I've had written for months now. Lol sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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