Letter, Diagon ally & 'The Boy Who Lived'

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"Bailey, Darling come down stairs I have a surprise for you!" 


Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs, as a blonde girl comes down the stairs, towards the kitchen.
"Yes mother?"The blonde says

"Here."A woman smiled

A letter, held in her mother's hands, reached out to her blonde daughter, Bailey looks at her mother first before taking the letter in her grasp, as she opens it she stops for a moment as she looks at the detail from the crest that closed the envelope, she was shocked! Rips it open carefully as she reads through it.

Dear Ms.Scamander,

       We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry.

The blonde read aloud, she continues reading in her head exited
"Mom!" She says "I'm going to Hogwarts!"

"Congratulations!" Her mother said and gave her a tight hug "We'll go to diagonal ally tomorrow."

***^ ...Next day...  ^***
"Bailey..."A soft voice said quietly 

Bailey opens one eye revealing her hazel colored eyes, she smiles knowing what day it is.

"Get ready,we'll be leaving soon,"Her mother says softly 

Her mother leaves closing the door behind her, Bailey gets up and goes to her closet, and chooses her cloths, and puts them on

Her mother leaves closing the door behind her, Bailey gets up and goes to her closet, and chooses her cloths, and puts them on

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(The clothing she dressed in)

She grabs a necklace with a two hearts connected criss-crossed style, she clips it on and grabs, Black & white ankle high converse, she quickly put them on and runs down stairs to her mother.
"Mother!" She calls out

As her mom was waiting, she turns around as her daughter comes to view, "You look beautiful Bailey." Her mother spoke looking at bailey in her soft hazel eyes.

Bailey smiles at her, "now let's go" Her mother finally spoke breaking Bailey out of her wondering, she quickly rushes down the stairs and they both walk out of their home.

As they reached 'The Leaky Cauldron' everyone was huddled together, Bailey managed to hear what they where whispering, they where whispering about the 'The Boy Who Lived' and how he was like and everything.

"Can you believe The Harry Potter came!" Someone said

They continued whispering, Bailey then noticed a old lady, she knew her as Mrs.Crockford. She was a nd old woman but very nice and pleasant woman,

"Hello Ms.Crockford." Bailey said

The old woman turned around and looked at her, she smiled "hello Ms.Bailey" Ms.Crockford said

 "hello Mrs.Scamander." The woman said and looked at her mother beside her, "hello Ms. Crockford, I hope you day was good today."

"Oh, yes it was now that I met Harry Potter!" She said excitedly

Bailey's mother nods, "well we best be on our way." Tina said

"Of corse!"Ms.Crockford said

"Good day Ms.Crockford." Tina nods

Bailey said a quick goodbye before walking away, the brick wall separated, revealing, the magical shops, of Diagon Ally. Bailey smiles at the sight, they walked, they first went to Greengotts. They got there money and started shopping.
As Bailey was walking to 'Flourish and Blotts' she accidentally bumped into someone, she stopped walking,

"Oh sorry, I hope your alright!" She said and turned around

"It's alright, and I'm ok thanks for asking," a male voice said

She couldn't believe who she bumped into, The Harry Potter
"Oh, you must be Harry Potter." She said

"Yes and you?" Harry asked

"Bailey GoldStein Scamander." She took her hand out for him to shake

"Hello Bailey," he said and shook her hand, Harry felt something when there hands touched, he shook it off, they pulled back there hands

"So where are you of to Harry?" She asked

"oh, um, to Ollivanders." he answered her question

She nods her head, "what bout you?" the boy asked

"To get my books at Flourish and Blotts" she responded

"oh, well I guess i'll see you at Hogwarts then." Harry replied to her

"yup."she said popping the 'p'.

"See you later harry!"she said walking away
The blonde walked into 'Flourish and Blotts' many people where there but she managed to get through, she had bumped into a lot of people, but made her way to the books she needed,she couldn't get harry out of her mind, there was something...different...about him, no, it wasn't just the fact that he survived the killing curse, no, not that but a..different feeling, she shrugged it off and went to pay for her books.

She met her mom at Ollivanders, she didn't see harry there so she figured he already had his wand,an old man stood behind a table, she guessed that was Ollivander.

"Ah. Ms.Scamander, came to get your wand?" he asked, she only nodded in response
The old man turned and went to go choose a wand for her, as he was looking for one a sentence came out of his mouth, "your father came here to get his first wand. 14 inches, Ash wood, and unicorn hair." He then pulls out a narrow box, and walks back to the desk. The old man opens the box and it revels a wand, he gently grabs the wand, he stretched his arm out towards Bailey, she grabs a hold of the wand and waves it, suddenly the chair close by shriveled into pieces. 

"Nope not that one."He mumbled
He walked off and came with another narrow box, "Laurel wood, Phoenix tail feather, 2'half inches." He said while opening the box, and handing the wand to Bailey.
She grabs it and feels warmth in her fingers as she touched the wood.
"Perfect!" he mumbled

 With that she paid for the wand and off they went to go eat some nice lunch to fill their bellies.

Once they got home Bailey, went upstairs and flopped herself on her bed, she was tired, she slipped into her PJs  and slide in her bed and closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

WC: 989

I hope u enjoyed this chapter! 
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Anyway have a wonderful Day/sleep!



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