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C H A P T E R  29

"Why are you shouting?", I asked.

"You do realise that yesterday was the second time I had to save you from him. In public", he said.

"Yes", I whispered.

"Then why the fuck aren't you reporting him?", he yelled at me.

"Will came by to apologize to her in the morning", Nora said.

"Oh that bastard! And you forgave him?", he shouted again.

"Ryan, calm the fuck down please. Yes, I forgave him", I replied.

"Tris, how hard is it to understand that what he did was unacceptable. You have to report him", he said.

"No Ryan, he was genuinely sorry", I said.

"Oh was he now? That's it? Sorry makes it alright? When I made you punish him, you stopped talking to me for almost a month until yesterday. He brutally punishes you infront of everyone and you forgive him in less than a day? Have you lost your fucking mind Tris?", he asked.

"He said he loved her", Nora said.

"Why am I not surprised by this? And you fell for it? Did you say Yes?"

"No. I did not say yes. But he loves me Ryan. I cannot change that fact just because you don't like him", I said.

"Tris, you can't be serious. He is so unpredictable. How can you believe him when he says that he loves you?", he asked.

"Why are you so bothered about all this Ryan?", I asked annoyed.

"Because he fucking hurt you. I know he doesn't love you. He isn't loyal to you", he said.

"Yeah right. Everyone except you hates me. You are the only person who loves me", I said.

"Are you listening to yourself right now? This isn't about me Tris", he said.

"Then stop trying to make it all about you. I love Will", I said.

"But he doesn't love you", he said.

"How do you know? Are you that jealous Ryan?", I asked.

"Tris, he isn't right for you. Please listen to me. It won't be long until he punishes you like that again"

"Ryan, stop it. He said that he cared for me and he loved me with all of his heart. I didn't stop talking to you because of what you did. I stopped talking because I wanted to be loyal to him", I said.

"But he wasn't loyal to you Tris", he said.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT RYAN", I had already had enough. He kept telling me Will doesn't love me and isn't loyal to me. What was his problem seriously?


"What. No", I couldn't believe it.

"Yes. He slept with Natalie", he said.

This cannot be true.

"Will doesn't tolerate cheating. He said that to me when we kissed. I won't believe that he cheated on me. No", I said.

"Tris, you didn't cheat on him. It was just a kiss and I kissed you. You didn't. Yet he punished you for that, did he ever care to listen to your side of the story?

And do you know why he stopped that day? Because I threatened him that I would tell you the truth about this. He was scared so he let you go. He had already cheated on you by then. Look at the irony. He cheats on you and then punishes you for it", he said.

"How do you know this? Why are you telling me this now? Why haven't you told it to me before?", I asked him.

"Nat told me. She made me promise not to tell anyone. She said it was a one time thing and she wanted nothing to do with Will. So it only happened once. If she hadn't said no to him, it would probably have happenee a lot more times.

I tried telling you on the Cul-Nite though. You never bothered to ask me again. I was going to tell that he made out with her in the locker rooms. Then they went to her room and made love", he said.

It was starting to make sense slowly.

"Wait. If he cheated before punishing me for kissing you, we were almost together all the time. He was never gone for long. Even when we weren't talking, I would see him everyday and he would come to check up on me. When did this happen?", I asked confused.

"It happened on the day he locked you in his bathroom. You never questioned him why he locked you for 10 hours without checking up on you right? Well, he forgot about you. When he returned to his room, late in the night, that's when he realised you were still inside", he said.

The information felt like a hammer-blow. He locked me inside without food and water while he was sleeping with someone? Tears started rolling down my cheeks, uninterrupted.

"I told you to report that asshole that day only Tris. I also told you locking you up like that wasn't normal", Nora said to me and she hugged me. "It's okay. It will all be fine soon."

I should have listened to her. I couldn't stop crying.

"He came to me in the morning to make sure I don't report him. He said all that not to make me feel better but to manipulate me into not reporting him?", I sobbed.

"I'm so sorry Tris. But that's the truth. He was just making a fool out of you", he came to hug me.

I pushed him back. I wiped my tears and said, "And you watched him make a fool out of me. You knew about them for all this while and you never once spoke to me about it. In all these days, it never occurred to you that I was in an abusive relationship? If there was no love, then it is abusive even in a dom/sub relationship right? You could have saved me from all that misery Ryan. You chose not to."

"Tris, I'm sorry. I had promised to Nat", he said.

"And you chose her too Ryan", I said and I left the room.

Nora came running behind me. It all made sense now. The reason he punished me yesterday was because he still loved her. He couldn't see her being in pain so he wanted to make sure that I was in pain too.

Elliott joined us on the way. I finally went ahead and reported Will.

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