Wet moss

Web: Jay hand me some Wet moss *holds out paw*
Jay:Cold or harm
Web: Cold, no get the forbidden cold.
Jay: Oh no. But I'll still do it. *grabs freezing wet moss with rubber gloves on, gives Webflower*
Web:Thanks Jayfeather. *puts on rubber gloves on*
Jay: Not now! *hands the freezing wet moss over to Webflower*
Web: Sorry, *grabs it* thanks *walks to Sunstorm* Hey Sunny-
Sun: *growl*Don't call me my Kittypet name!
Web: Here take it! *Throws Freezing wet moss at Sun* AHHHHHHH *Speeds away*
Sun: *freezes*pmmmhhhhhh

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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