Chapter 1

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New story!! Enjoy!


"Good morning (Y/n) dear. Off to work a little late today.", your old lady neighbor mentions. You chuckle awkwardly, "Yeah, didn't get much sleep last night and overslept." "Ah, well, just make sure you're taking care of yourself, you're such a fine young lady. Maybe you should settle down with someone early, so you won't have to work.", she suggests. You awkwardly chuckle, "Uh, think I'm a little too young for that. Well, see you Miss. Albert!" "Oh, you're never too young. Have a nice day thought, dearie."

You walk your way to work, which you weren't far from.

You soon are face to face with the gates of Morstroph Orphanage. You sighed, wondering if you'd get a scolding by the headmistress or a free pass by the cook or your coworkers, whom ever saw you first.

When you closed the doors you traveled straight to the dressing room. Since you were late you couldn't dress and talk with your coworkers, whom came to work on time. So instead of having idle chatter like you usually do, you quickly open your locker and dress into your apron and bonnet.

When you left the dressing room, you bumped right into one of your coworkers.

"Hello Susie. Sorry I came late-", you were interrupted. "(Y/n)! Can you please take my shift today? Please?", she asked. "Why? Are you alright?", you ask. Susie grips your shoulder, she seemed tried, "My father just called and said my mother had fallen again, and I need to go see her. So please?" "Yes, of course.", you answer. Susie smiles with tears in her eyes, "Thank you. I owe you one.", she quickly went to the dressing room and mostly likely when to change out of her uniform.

Your shoulders slouch at the realization you might have to stay a little late. 'It's for Susie and her poor mother. Alright let's do this.'

You walked into the lobby and met up it's the assistance of the headmistress.

"Good morning, Miia." "Morning, (Y/n). You're a little late today.", Miia chuckled after her statement. "I was a little tired last night and overslept. Please keep this from the headmistress.", you clasps your hand together. She smiles and shakes her head, "Like I would tell her. Bad enough she gives the children a hard time." "Thanks.", you say with a smile. "No problem."

You turned around to see a child sitting in the waiting area. A child whom sat by himself. You frowned. He looked rather beaten, bashed, and malnourished, he eyes had bags, and he skin so pale. You turned around back to the assistant.

"Hey, Miia? Who's that!", you ask adverting your eyes back over to the child and asked at a whisper. "Oh, he's the new entry.", a voice from behind you both stated. You and Miia turn around and see the cook. "He came early this morning from XX orphanage. But whatever happened there is classified information even to the headmistress and me. The headmistress said that the fathers coworkers found him in a house all by himself, tide up to a bed. The report they put out assumes the parents left him there and skipped town. No records or information was found in the house to know who his kin is. Poor kid.", the cook says. You gripped your fingers harshly, and frowned. To think that his own parents left him to die there, evil. "Where is he stationed at?", you ask concerned. "Oh, we haven't decided yet. He too old for section A, but too small for section B. The children there would push him around, he so weakened and unhealthy.", Miia informed. "So what will they do with him?", you asked a little worried for the lad.

"Well...the headmistress did want to try something new. She was suggesting that someone take care of him full time, and be his personal nanny till he gets to a more healthier state. Then we'd move him to hall B. Though so far no ones taken up the job since this morning." You thought to yourself, 'Well I don't want them to move him to a different orphanage, he's probably been tossed around enough.'

You quickly decide it upon yourself to volunteer, take extra care for him, and help him get accustomed.

"Alright Miia, where do I volunteer?", you ask with determination. "Really? You sure, (Y/n)?", she asks surprised. You shook your head and she smiles, "And I'm sure the lad would enjoy your company. I'll tell the headmistress." "Thank you.", you say. "Alright while I go and inform the mistress, why don't you introduce yourself?"

You nodded, and dusted off your dress.

Approaching the child, you squat to his level. He does not move, not even budge. He sits motionless. You kept your smile. "Hello. My name is (Y/n). What's your name?", you introduced and asked. He just sits there, no response. "I want to be your friend, can I be your friend?" He looks up at you, his eyes a dark green shade. "Ah, you have very beautiful eyes!", you complemented. He flinched a little at the compliment. "Well, I would love to know your name, and be you friend, but I won't push you.", you ruffled his hair. It felt greasy, but you kept that to yourself, respectfully.

That's when the headmistress enters the corridor doors. "Ah! Miss. (L/n), I've heard you volunteered to take care of the little thing. So to start off your work, you shall give him a bath, he smells awful! Now come on lad, get up! Follow Miss, (L/n) to the washrooms." You frowned a little. The boy just sat there, unresponsive. "Why you little-!", the headmistress grabbed a hand full of the boys hair and threw him out of the chair. "Ms. Beatrice! I have it from here, thank you, so please stop!", you say as you shielded the child. The headmistress, pats her dress and walks away. You sighed and look at the lad, he was still looked so lifeless. You smiled down at him, "Let's go get a bath, hum?" He didn't response. You scooped him up in your arms, and headed to the washrooms.

You sat him down in a chair and rolled up the edge of your dress, pinning them on buttons. "Alright. Raise your arms, please?" He just sat there.

Your smile was fading, "May you please help me?", you ask as you raise his bangs, for him to look clearly at you. He soon then raised his arms. "Thank you." You unbuttoned his overalls, and began pulling off his shirt, then his overalls lastly.

When the water was ran, and the he was in the tub, you smile at him. "Okay, let's clean your hair. Would you like to decide which shampoo you would like to use?", you say as you held up two types of shampoo. "Oranges or Strawberries?!", you yell with excitement. He looks at the two different bottles and points at the oranges. You sat there for a moment, 'Did...Did he just respond?', deep down you jumped for joy! 'Finally he's warmed up to me enough to respond. I'll do my best um...still have to learn his name.'

"Okay, oranges it is!", you popped open the bottle and poured some onto his hair. You lathered his hair, and combed through his scalp, insure that his eyes were protected from the suds, soon letting the shampoo sit in his hair a little. You grabbed a washcloth and squirted some soap onto it. "Lift your arms for me again please!" He does so, only for him to retract his body from your hands. You were left confused, "What's the matter?", you ask. 'I was only gunna wash him.' He didn't answer, he only turned around, to expose his back instead. You moved on from the matter, and bring the cloth to his back, and began to scrub.

After his bath you handed him a towel, and left some new clothes on a stool. "When you're all dried off, come back to the lobby. I'll be waiting.

You closed the door, and head out for the lobby.

1302 words.

Need feedback! Can't read ur mind.

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