Chapter 5

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Harrys POV

Pain , lots of pain that's all I can feel , I see a bright whit light and my chest feels like I had a car dropped on it . I don't know how to explain what I hear at the moment , I hear a name being yelled ..... Oh that's my name ." Mum" is all I can manage to get out . suddenly someone's at my side running there fingers through my hair and whispering sweet nothings into "what-happened where am I ". my voice must be coming back. I try to open my eyes but to no avail I instantly close them again as light breaks through and hurts my eyes. " Harry baby your fine , your in the hospital , you- you got hit by a car " . Wait , what when did this happen and how everything's just a big blank space , I remember 3 boys , niall ,Zayn and liam I think. where in a band I think , yea one direction. " mom where are the other three guys" . I ask my sobbing mother rubbing we back trying to comfort her . " All four of them are in the hall I'll go get them sweetheart". Wait four.

My mother brings in my band mates and one terrified looking short guy with blonde swift harry and you can see the out line of a tattoo on his chest. "Hey mate how are you feeling" liam asks me, " I'm alright I guess , really sore but okay ".

"H-h-arry mate how are you feeling" this mystery man asks me , " Uhm who are you again ". I ask with confusion laced in my voice . "oh" , he says .

A nurse come in to check my blood pressure and all that hospitial stuff. She gives me some pain medication and informs my mum and the boys , and this mystery man the medicine will make me drowsy and should be leaving soon.

~next day~

Harrys POV

I awake to the mystery man holding my hand and playing with my hair . I'm startled and try to scramble from him. "wh-who are you man , don't touch me like that " I whisper yell .

Louis POV

The nurse informed us that he may get amnesia , but I didn't actually think he could forget me. " harry it me louis , don't you remember me" I hope to god he can remember me. "no I don't remember you , are you a fan do I need to call security," oh my god , I can literally feel my heart break and fall to the ground and shatter into a million unfixable pieces. "SECURITY" I slowly back away from harry and I swear I can see the pure terror etched into his face , the beutiful dimples that I long to see are no longer the , just pure terror.

Security comes in and escorts me out the room while I sob and sob , I'm completly heart broken , I have no will to go on any further , not if this boy that I Finally reealized I love more than I love my self.

~1 week later~

Louis POV

I've yet to return to the hospital where my true love lies in bed recovering from my own mistakes , I've been in this apartment for days now . sobbing into my blanket that harry got me so long ago.

I haven't eaten or drank anything in days now , I've been staring at this damn laptop for days watching old x-factor videos and any video were harry actual remembers who I am. I know I can't live on now , I hate to have to leave the boys behind but I just can't , not with out harry.

Today is the day when I commit suicide , the day end my misery and leave all my loved ones behind , but what's the point in life he can't remember.

I walk to the bathroom where everything I need to finish the deed is , I grab a piece of paper and pencil before closing an locking the bathroom door behind me . I begin to write my last words in this dingy bathroom.

Dear harry,

I've been ignorant all these years , I always knew I felt something for you , I was always to scared to admit it , I should've known how you felt , I mean all the signs were there . but yet against my better judgement I chose to ignore them . I wrote you a song haz , my last song , my last thoughts are for you to read and hopefully you'll remember everything . I love you harry Edward styles.

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