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"Please take your seat and buckle up. We're preparing for takeoff." I sank down into the plastic seat. It was too forward and uncomfortable. I looked for a button to adjust the back but couldn't find it. "Great," I mumbled. 18 hours in an uncomfortable seat, stuck on an airplane and in between my two male parents. I thought they said this would be a great and fun experience. Yeah, right. I was already starting to feel claustrophobic and unconsciously gripped the arm rests tightly.
"Evie, calm down, we haven't even lifted off yet," my dad said, obviously annoyed.
"I think I'm gonna be sick," I mumbled.
"Stop mumbling."
"Oh look dear, they're bringing a baby. How cute."

Great, a baby. How can this get worse?

"Where? I can't see.." My dad said, leaning over me in an attempt to see the tiny monster.
"Just wait, they're coming closer. Oh they have a little boy too, how delightful!"

I spoke too soon.

I was flabbergasted at how my parents were enjoying this situation. To my horror, the family sat right behind us. As soon as they sat down, the little boy began kicking the back of my seat while the baby began to squeal. My parents continued to comment on every passenger and I closed my eyes, imaging being somwhere else. I imagined being home in the house I grew up in. I was in my bed, fantasizing about Erik from school. He was at my house, talking to my parents and eating an apple. I don't why but I always found it fascinating to watch people eat. Erik was a neat eater. He always chewed with his mouth closed and evenly distributed between sides. I knew this because he sat exactly across the cafeteria from me for lunch and I always had a clear view. Well, almost always. Sometimes my friend, Derek, would try to block my view just to piss me off.

"Preparing for takeoff in 10..." My eyes flashed open. I made sure I was buckled and checked my parents. They were busy watching a cat video and laughing in unison.
"9.." The little boy was still kicking the back of my seat. I started to panic. After this I would never go back to everything I had ever known. I was leaving France for good. After this, life as I knew it would be over.
"6.." I gripped the arm rests until my knuckles went white. "I don't know if I can do this!" I cried as the plane began to move. My parents ignored me. We began to gain speed and I shut my eyes tight. This was the end of everything I once knew. My friends would be millions of miles away in another country. I would go to a new school and people would look at me differently. Nothing would be familiar.
"1.." I felt the plane lift from the ground. I feared for an instant that we would crash back down, instead we continued to rise. I felt more helpless than I ever had in my entire 17 years of life. There was no going back now. My entire childhood is on the ground behind me, never to be seen again. My house was now part of a construction site for a new office building. Both of my parents had gotten a new, better job in America. My dad was a scientist that studies seemingly unexplainable phenomenoms, meanwhile my father was an engineer. At their old work, my father was my dad's personal engineer and that's how they met and got married. Last month they both got a promotion and now here we were, on our way to the new country. I wasn't sure if they got to stay partners but it didn't matter much. They still will be able to spend their lunches together, after all, they work in the same building.

"Evie, you can relax now. We're in the air."
Ha, relaxing was the last thin I wanted to do, thousands of feet in the air. I shook my head. They each took my hands and pried them off the arm rests, setting them on my lap. Defeated. I clasped my hands together and glared at the seat in front of me. The boy behind me finally stopped kicking my seat and I let out a sigh of relief. 17 hours left to go.
Quick author's note. I apologize if I wrote it in a confusing way. I'm used to reading college level books and I tend to write in that style. There should be no spelling or grammar mistakes but if there is, please tell me. Be sure to vote, maybe comment, and share with your friends. I also have another book "Depression Help" and I could really use some more votes so that it can reach more souls. Thank you for reading!

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