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"are you good jihoon? you look a little rough.." jeonghan chimed with his usual worried glance.

"im fine, why do you care so much?" jihoon snapped back and jeonghan just frowned and dropped his head and dokyeom patted jeonghan's back.

"jihoon don't be like that! don't be rude to jeonghan, he's just looking out for you!" seungkwan snapped back and jihoon got up from his seat and walked to the bathroom.

the four of them were out after their college classes were dismissed. jihoon had been acting skittish and snappy for nearly two weeks now and the boy's just could not figure out why.

jihoon went into a stall and locked it just standing inside. he just wanted to be alone for a few minutes. jihoon didn't know what was wrong with him or why he was acting that way. he started getting like this around two weeks after he did it with that one boy.. seonyoo? soonyoo? ah fuck it, he didn't care.

jihoon took a deep breath and left the bathroom and returned to the table where all of his friends were sitting. the three all gave him a bright smile as if he hadn't just snapped at them all moments before.

"im sorry.. i don't know what's wrong with me.." jihoon apologized and seungkwan just placed his hand on his back and smiled.

"it's okay hoonie!" jeonghan chimed with a smile.

"yeah! it's okay.. you had me scared for a little bit you're acting like you're pregnant! i mean i was shocked last night when you texted me asking if we had any pickles.. you hate pickles!" dokyeom chimed and the other boys laughed, except for jihoon.

he wasn't pregnant! men don't get pregnant but he had heard about it happening once or twice before but it was rare! he just put on a phony smile and fake laughed with them. he was panicking internally, it was possible he had sex with that one guy nearly a month ago and hadn't done it with anyone else.

fuck.. is it possible? jihoon thought to himself as he zoned out in thought has the other three talked amongst themselves and laughed. the four split the bill and all went their separate ways. instead of going home jihoon stopped at a corner store and bought a pregnant test.

"scared you got your girlfriend pregnant?" the cashier asked, his name tag read junhui and as he asked he had a smile on his face.

"ha.. yeah something like that," jihoon said with a nervous tone as he handed junhui the money and left the store.

"how peculiar.." junhui said under his breath as he watched the boy exit.

jihoon rushed home and used the test immediately. he sat on the bathroom floor as he waited for it to decide if he was going to have a baby or not. he took a deep breath as the timer on his phone went off and he looked at the test.

"oh fuck me.." jihoon exclaimed as he saw the digital screen read pregnant.

• author's notes •

so .. how is everyone enjoying the book so far (even tho it's the first chapter teehee)?

im excited to be writing again but if you've read my other new book (called yulyeong and it's junhao) you've probably heard me talk about being excited to be back plenty of times but it's okay <3

okay that's all i hope to see you all when i release the second chapter!!

-lilly :)

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