mirror mirror ^-^

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Luke has a person in his mirror. He thinks he's going insane, but the guy compliments him a lot so he doesn't mind all that much.

"Morning Luke," a distant voice came from the direction of the large, half covered mirror in his bedroom. The reason it was covered in the first place was unknown, perhaps it was because of the man that had been trapped inside said mirror. Luke didn't know, and frankly he didn't care.

"Is that really all you do; watch me?" Luke says in his deep and croaky morning voice. He chuckles slightly at the mirror man, who happens to be sitting on the end his bed - in the mirror universe - with his legs crossed and staring through the mirror in angle that helps him see Luke better.

"I have been cursed with life inside a mirror, and- and i have insomnia. What else could I do?" the mirror man mumbles sadly, Luke felt guilty that he had no magical powers to let the man out.

"Anyway Ash, I have to go to the store today," Luke starts, getting off of his bed and grabbing some pieces of clothing. "Are you going to be okay alone?"

"Yes, Luke. Remember, even though I am very suicidal, I can't move anything at all, you'd have to set up my suicide in your world for me to be able to go through with it."

"That still really confuses me, but okay! Damn, if only you could move things, I'd have you tidy up," Luke jokes, Ashton sighs, because he would, if he could. He'd do anything for Luke.

20 minutes later.

"Ashton, I'm bac-" Luke starts, but he gets cut off by a noise coming from the mirror that sounds almost like snoring. Luke automatically shuts his mouth and tip toes into the middle of the room. He looks at the mirror and he sees the curly haired man on the floor of his bedroom - in the mirror dimension - sleeping soundly, though he turns around to see no one there in the real world. He decides to sit down where Ashton is sleeping and see if he can feel anything - nope, nothing.

Luke may or may not have a little crush on the man in the mirror, but that's insane isn't it? Luke thinks he's definately going crazy, maybe he's just lonely. He decides he's going to tell Ashton about his crush when he wakes up, so Ashton can tell him exactly how silly it is.

Suddenly another sound comes from the mirror, Luke looks and see's Ashton waking up slightly. Luke just watches, a grin on his face and his eyes shimmering with joy.

"You know what, you're right, that is really creepy," Ashton remarks, looking at the man in the real world that's still staring at him.

"Oh shi- urm, Ash, I was wanting to tell you something!" Luke said quickly, now he can't back out otherwise Ashton will go on and on and keep asking Luke to tell him.

"Go ahead, I have plenty of time. Like seriously, take as long as you like, I'm stuck here until I die of old age, because there's no way I'm dying any quicker than that," Ashton rants, but then quickly stops himself remembering that Luke had something to say.

"Well um, this is going to sound stupid, and I agree it does but, uh- i may or may not, kinda- sorta- well- ihaveacrushonyou," Luke says in that cliche way that apparently every person who is admitting their crush will use. He quickly lets out a cliche breath that he didn't know he was holding in the whole time, even though he was speaking, which would mean he'd have to breath out to actually speak. Don't judge me, I'm just the narrator.

"You know what, that is the craziest thing I've ever heard," Ashton starts, which causes Luke to frown a little. "But you know what, if that makes you crazy, then I must be too."

"Wait- you- eh," Luke stumbles on his words, not being able to complete an actual sentence.

"I like you too, Luke. Too bad I'm here, and you're there," Ashton says in a sad tone, looking down at the floor beneath him and then the floor beneath Luke, who's standing in the exact same place, but in a complete different universe.

"Yeah, it sucks," Luke sighs, the two are both extremely close to the mirror that seperates them. "Could we try-" Luke suddenly says, his gaze moving down to Ashton's lips. He gets cut off by Ashton almost instantly.


And before you could say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, both of the two's faces had collided with the mirror between them, and suddenly, Ashton felt something odd in his stomach, he didn't know what it was, but before he knew it, he was able to move through the mirror's glass, his body is easily formed in the real world with glass sculpted all around his body, and then simply disapearing, leaving Ashton standing there in real world with Luke attached to his face.

They almost instantly both pull away from the kiss. "What just-"

"Did we just break the curse?" Ashton says, looking behind him to the mirror. "I didn't even know that was possible, what?"

"Oh my gosh, Ash, you're real," Luke instantly moves his hands up to the curly brown hair on top of the man's head, then moving down to his shoulders, gliding his palms down the mirror man's arms to his hands, counting each of the ten fingers.

"I was always real, Luke."

mirror mirror | a.i + l.h | one shot.Where stories live. Discover now