Prolouge part.2

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It's been weeks in the orphanage and it's already horrible I only had 2 other friend one of them was f/n he and the three would defend me against the other kids but they still continued up it the staff didn't even bother for me as they joined in as well except for Katherine and tanjiro they healed my wounds from the staff and kids once again I'm in hell once again here in the middle of a forest several turrets places outside for Grimm that spot this orphanage




Bully 1:ha weak loser

Bully 2:weak bastard hasn't even unlocked his semblance

Bully 3:wait he hasn't unlocked it yet man you really are worthless

???:hey leave him alone

I locked to see my other friend he has brown hair and blue hair

All of the bullies:CARDIN!?!?!?!

bully 1:why are you defending him you bully people too you know

Cardin:yeah but I had a reason for bullying them now stay back

He punches one of the bullies to the ground and offers me a hand

Cardin:you ok buddy?

I nodded my head and grabbed his hand he pulled me up,patted my back and faced the bullies again

Cardin:if you bully him again I will personally beat the crap outta you

The bullies ran away and my other 4 friends came to the scene

F/N:hey Y/N how are y-

They looked at me then noticed my injuries and Cardin in front of me

Toshiro:what happened to you buddy

Yuri:are you hurt

Paul:did they hurt you again

F/N:was he involved with it *points at Cardin*

Y/N:no he saved me actually I haven't introduced you guys to him yet,this is Cardin one of the people that actually saved me from the bullies


The 4:hi

Cardin:you guys wanna play something

F/N:let's play smash or pass

Toshiro:we played that too many times already let's play truth or dare

Yuri:you guys those are boring games let's play uno

Cardin:you guys play old school games let's play hunter vs grimms

All of us except Cardin:what's that?

Cardin:one of us is the hunter while the rest are grimms,the grimms have to run away from the hunter,the hunter will have a stick and have to touch the grimms 3 times with the stick until they are out,the fallen grimm lie on the ground
until they are revived by another grimm but will have one life left and rinse and repeat,once all the grimms are down the hunter wins and the last Grimm standing is the next hunter

Yuri:sounds like fun

Toshiro:I'd like that


Y/N:that sounds like fun

F/N:I don't like it

All of us glare at him

F/N:okay okay fine,I'll play you're stupid game

Cardin went to find a twig so we can play safely

*Time Skip*

I'm the hunter now I'm excited then I felt lighter on my feet I felt like I could run the whole world and back they all ran and I gave chase I never felt like this in a while I hit Yuri with the stick 2 times I hit Paul 1 time and F/N was down Toshiro and Cardin haven't been hit yet they revived F/N I hit yuri for the last time and then she's down I saw Toshiro going to revive her but I hit him 3 times and he fell on top of Yuri

Yuri:ummm *blushes*

Toshiro:oh my god I'm sorry *blushes as well*

He tried to get up but Cardin spoke

Cardin:hey where ever you land you stay there

He gave them a smirk and they looked at each other with red faces then Toshiro crawled on top of Yuri and laid down on her while they were having their romantic moment I went and gave chase for Cardin,F/N and Paul

I managed to reach Paul and hit him 2 times as he fell to the ground Cardin was trying to dodge as fast as he can but failed miserably and got hit with my stick 3 times and he was out it was only F/N and I found him hiding in a bush I smacked away the leaves and it left him with a scared expression


I smacke on the back of the head with my hand and stick and he was down we all went in a circle to do a role call and saw two people missing Yuri and Toshiro we looked to see them in the same spot kissing each other with red faces like Ruby's cape man I miss her...anyway we all had different faces F/N was smirking Cardin and Paul had nosebleeds and I was jumping around the orphanage walls and fences going underground and popping out of it again and again some were concerned they looked to see my streak of white hair and white eyes yellow With excitement in my face

Yuri:are you ok Y/N? *still lying on the floor with Toshiro on top of her*

Paul:your hair and eyes changed color

Toshiro:wait...oh that's your semblance

Everyone then looked at Toshiro


Toshiro:*stands up*it's probably based on your emotions cause when you were talking about your past your,eyes and hair were blue

Yuri:And when you raged quit on uno your eyes were red

Paul,F/N:and when we were attacked by urea majors your eyes were black

Cardin:and now your eyes were yellow and you were happy and excited,I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case

Y/N:wow I had a semblance all along thanks guys for staying with me

We all hugged until...

Announcer:may all the kids go back to their shelter for dinner thank you

We all let go of each other and raced each other to the dinner table

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