chapter one

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Third person POV

Nico was just swimming around the ocean like always, completely lost in thought as his raven black tail gracefully propelled him through the water. His mind was filled with ideas for the song he was writing, softly singing it as he swam.

Unbeknownst to him, the ocean wasn't as empty as he thought, and not far off was a ship, vaguely pulled toward him from his not quite soft enough voice.

Still oblivious to his surroundings, Nico swam right into a net, immediately snapping out of his haze and struggling to free himself, but the net was too strong and already constricting as it was raised from the water.

Nico's POV

I'm snapped out of my brainstorming as I feel myself bump into something painfully familiar, a net. "Shît shît shît shît shît" I mutter as I scramble to try to escape the net, both terrified and annoyed at myself for not paying attention to where I was swimming. But to my horror, it was too strong for my nails or teeth to cut through, especially since it was slowly being pulled out of the water and constricting as it does.

Knowing it's now pointless to struggle, I sit in the net and accept my fate, ready to give my captors one hell of a death glare. As I'm pulled up I pass the name of the ship, 'Argo'. "Shît" I think to myself, "just my luck, it's a fûcking pirate ship". 

Finally the net is pulled up onto the deck, holding true to my promise I give my best glare to the pirates that swarmed around me, causing them to back up slightly.

"That's a fûckin merman-" one guy said before I cut him off, "siren actually" I snap while everyone else just gapes at me. Uncomfortable with the stares I feign confidence and bare my teeth, making them back up even more, since siren teeth are slightly sharper than human teeth. They just stare at me for a few more seconds, "well if you just going to stare you might as well release me, or at least let me out of this net" I spit, fed up with their stares.

That seems to snap them out of their awestruck trance, as the same person from earlier quickly shouts, "no!", while the others converse within themselves, obviously not liking the other guy. He's a taller guy with light blonde hair and skin on the slightly paler side, he had an air of arrogance and held himself as if he thought he's better than everyone else. I decided immediately that I did not like him, the fact that he was looking at me like something he could use and that I was a tool only made my hate grow.

While there were a fair amount of people on the ship, seven of them stood out to me as they talked in a huddle, glancing at me periodically. There was a tanned man with messy black hair and sea blue green eyes that closely resembled the type of seaglass you find on beaches, next to him standing a tad bit closer than the rest of them was a slightly tanned girl with blonde hair tied back in a loose ponytail and startling stormy gray eyes that peered into your soul, they both looked to be in their early twenties an if I had to guess, they were either in a relationship or hiding their feelings. To the right of the pair there was a bulkier man with a military style haircut and a kind expression, and a smaller girl with orange brown hair that compliments her darker skin tone beautifully. Next to them was a tall tanned man with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes as well as a small scar on the corner of his lip, and a girl a head shorter then him who looked to be indigenous and had small braids in her warm brown hair. Lastly next to them and the first two was a small Latino man with messy brown hair and a mischievous smirk that slightly worries me. All seven of them appear to be around their early twenties, so still fairly young.

Noticing that my gaze caught their attention I quickly look away and keep being the moody loner that I am around people. Crossing my arms I glare at the deck silently.

But then I hear a voice say, "alright I'm here, what's going on?" and I lift my head up slightly to see the speaker, he's reasonably tall and muscular but not as much as blonde hair mouth scar guy from the group. His skin a deep tan with a splattering of freckles, messy golden blonde hair, and sky blue eyes that glimmered in the sun like sapphires. He also wore a captains hat, which surprised me because he almost radiates kindness and couldn't be much older than me.

"So, explain-" he starts before noticing me, "ah I see," he walks up to me and crouches down I few feet away, "so who might you be?" The young man asks me. When I stay silent he sighs then talks again, "maybe I should introduce you to my crew. I'm their captain, Will Solace. Now guys, introduce yourselves" he says, motioning to the seven from earlier at the last of what he said. 

One by one they introduced themselves and I found out that, black haired blue eyed boy is Percy, the gray eyes girl is Annabeth, the bulky one is Frank, next to him is Hazel, the lip scar guy's name is Jason, the aboriginal girl is piper, and the smirking Latino is Leo.

After they introduced themselves the captain, Will, kneeled down to look into my eyes and said, "you know our names now, so it's only fair we know yours". 

I rolled my eyes and replied, "first get me out of this stupid net and into some water, unless you want a dead body on your hands that is". With that Will quickly got me out if the net and told one of his crew, Percy, to fill a large barrel with water and bring it back. Before long Percy was back and I couldn't help but sigh in relief as my hot scales hit the cool water.

Seeing everyone look at me expectedly I mutter out, "Nico".

"What was that?" Will asked, refering to what I said.

"Nico" I responded simply. When they still looked confused I spoke again, "my name is Nico". And with that, I sunk down to the bottom of the barrel and sat their refusing to acknowledge anyone.

Soon enough I felt the barrel being moved, and assumed it was being moved to the place I'll be staying. Then I shut my eyes and fall asleep, ignoring the world around me and the predicament I'm in.

Thanks so much for reading 😊, I'll probably post the next few chapters soon and then start the posting schedule. If you have any constructive feedback please let me know in the comments.
1145 words


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