Birth of A New Heroine

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*Picture above is of Nina!*
I know what you're thinking, this is going to be one of those epic tales with dragons, knights, and damsels in distress. Or one of those adventures that takes place in space with evil warlords, lasers swords, and funny talking robots!
Yeah, then this is the wrong story for you.
This is a story about a girl with the weirdest family in the entire galaxy, a mystery that spans a couple years, and friends with cool gadgets. Pretty sure you didn't expect that huh?
My name is Nina Drake, sound familiar? Well I have light brown hair, green eyes, and an impeccable fashion sense. But I have one problem...
I am an orphan.
"I can't believe she's having a real kid!"
"I can't believe she's having a kid without her stupid husband around!"
"That man wouldn't be here for his own kid's birth!"
Outside the hospital room of 24A, a group of kids and adults were waiting for an important delivery. A familiar red haired woman was sitting in a chair, reading to the tiny toddler in her arms. The toddler had her red hair and sparkly blue eyes, with pale skin too. Standing next to her was a blue haired girl with a high ponytail on her head, fooling around with her phone. On the floor playing cards was a grey haired woman, a pink haired young adult, and a dozen or so teens.
"So...does anyone have any fives?" The older woman asked, a collective groan coming from the group. "Looks like I win again!"
"Miss Regina, can you please stop winning?" Tanya groaned, giving her the cards. "I'm starting to think you've been cheating again."
"I've stopped doing that the third round!" The older woman protested, pouting at the child. "And I've been playing this game a lot longer than you kids."
"She has a point Tanya. We can't exactly blame her for being so good at this game." Louis said, fixing the red cap on her head.
"Can we play a different game? One that I know an old woman who drives a motorcycle can't play?" Izzy said, sucking on a fruit punch flavored lollipop. "How about Poker?"
"Not all of us know how to play Poker." Julie said, Vicky nodding with her.
"Of course you guys don't. But I do..." Marion said, shuffling the cards in such a professional manner that impressed the teens.
"I am both intimidated and impressed." Amir said, his mouth dropping.
Anna raced out of the delivery room with a smile on her face. Her wheelchair squeaked a bit as Nikki helped her out. The girl was a doctor in training thanks to her best friend Ratchet. After her surgery, she recovered slowly and started to read many medical books to become a doctor one day. She was currently wearing a mask on her face along with latex gloves and an apron. Her body was mostly covered in blood and fluids, but she was almost dry.
"It was a success! The baby and the mother are currently resting softly." Anna said, taking the gloves and mask off.
"How in the world did they let a child help with an important delivery?" Onyx asked Gal, who placed the book her toddler was reading down in the baby bag.
"I pulled a couple of strings, plus they owed me for my delivery with Jason." Gal said, hopping her knee to make her son laugh. "Makes me miss Jackie and Mags a bit more now. Jason is fine and all, but he doesn't blow up toaster ovens and make lists of rules to place around the kitchen."
"I miss my triplets too..." Meg whined, sliding down the wall. "Even Shockwave's annoying monotone voice sounds pretty good right now." She closed her eyes and sighed loudly. "I miss those nights where he would analyze fairy tales and point out what was wrong with them."
"Wherever our friends are, they are helping to restore their planet to its proper form." Sera said sadly, thinking about Breakdown. "I just hope they made it home alright."
"Same, I wish Optimus was here to talk with. My baby brother isn't the best person to talk Shakespeare with." Tanya said, rolling her eyes. She openly admitted that having Optimus around were the best experiences for her. They would talk for hours on certain book topics and would even call each other in the middle of the night to talk secretly about new books to the library. She became the leader of this mixed group of individuals, making Onyx her second-in-command.
Nikki blushed along with Lotus as they thought about how Soundwave was doing. They had both aced their classes and took similar interest in computer science in order to improve his legacy. Nikki felt sadden at the fact that they actually made kids together, wondering if Rumble and Frenzy were doing alright. 
Beth's thoughts wandered to Megatron as usual. Gone were the days she would stalk him mercilessly. Now she was matured and old enough to grow out of her childhood crush. Not that she gotten rid of her Megatron shrine in her room though. Marion also missed the Decepticon warlord, him being the only kid that managed to beat him in a fight. Now he picked fights with everyone, but none were like him.
Louis shuffled through her own deck of cards, her thoughts absentmindedly working against her. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but she missed the screeching mech that was Starscream. After he stood up to her parents, she found herself having a slight crush on the flyer. Now, in high school, she was considered bisexual by her peers, but none excited her like he did. Sure she still was a transgender, but she felt as if only Starscream really understood her struggle.
Julie and Vicky both reconciled with their differences and decided that popularity wasn't all that was cracked up to be. Knockout taught them so much about inner beauty instead of outer beauty and the girls took his words to heart. Truth be told, they both still had places in their hearts for the cherry mech. Both of them, with help from their parents, bought Aston Martins of the red variety to drive to school every morning. 
Even Izzy had grown up from all the adventures she had with the bots. The pink haired girl was enrolled in the local community college and came by after school to help Penny around the house, keeping her company. She was studying to be a reporter and wanted to travel the world with Megara. She had yet to reunite with her brother, but she had a feeling they would be seeing each other soon. Speaking of adventures, she still had the sword that Adrestria once welded in her bedroom, hanging against the wall near her shard of the AllSpark.
Gal had gotten a raise in her job, making her the new CEO of her company. Now she worked full-time to make sure she and her husband Philip were taken care of. Philip worked in the office building a few blocks away and they met at a convention. A few dates later along with years of seeing each other, they were married and now had Jason to raise. He believed her crazy stories of robotic children, often making comments that he would love to have met Wheeljack since they both had a tendency of making machines and having them blow up in his face. Jason, her pride and joy, had taken after her in many ways.
Meg had finish schooling and was now a world class designer and baker. When she wasn't in the states, she was baking pastries in France. When she came back overseas, she was designing clothes for the top designers. She didn't know if she wanted to be married, but it was an option for her. She would love to have kids one day, perhaps she would adopt.
As for Penelope....
"Okay guys, you can come and see the new baby." Doctor Cullen, the head doctor of the hospital, said, motioning to the crowd outside the door. "Please keep your voices down and try not to startle the newborn child."
"What was the gender Anna?" Izzy asked the young doctor.
"Female, and boy is she a unique case." Anna said, wiping her brow. "I've watched the birth of many children to train for this, but none was quite as unexpected like this one."
"What do you mean? Was the baby born with a defect?" Gal was a bit worried at this, shaking her arms to allow Jason to cuddle closer to her body.
"You'll have to come in and see Mrs. Manson." Dr. Cullen said, letting them all in.
Penny was sitting up in the hospital bed, her eyes looking weary and tired. Her face was still a bit pale from blood loss, but she looked fine nonetheless. In her arms was a pink bundle of blankets which shook and squirmed in her arms. The orange haired woman looked up at the crowd and smiled softly.
"Hey guys and girls, are you ready to meet your new addition?" Penny asked them, the group nodding with excitement. Regina pulled out her cellphone, eager to take a picture of her newly-born granddaughter. Taking the cloth off the baby's face, she revealed a small baby face with bright green eyes. Small tufts of brown hair covered her head as she looked around the room in awe.
"Wow! She's so beautiful!" Vicki cooed, her face showing all types of emotion.
"She has brown hair and green eyes! Does she resemble the father?" Ami asked, a bit curious at the different genes.
"No, but I have a feeling that a family member once had brown hair and green eyes are a mix of mine and Percy's." Penny replied, thinking of her husband.
"What's her name Mrs. Drake?" Onyx wondered aloud, rubbing the soft hair on the baby's head.
"I've decided to call her Nina Prima Drake. Nina because it means "Grace or Favor" in English terms."
"I don't see why Anna was freaking out. This baby looks normal to me." Meg said, leaning over to touch the cheek of her niece.
"Oh she looks normal from this point. You'll have to see what else she has to offer." Penny said, nuzzling her daughter gently.
Before anyone could ask what she meant, Nina gave a slight sneeze. Suddenly, her body glowed blue as her entire body shifted and transformed into a small Cybertronian body! Her body was silver and her optics were still bright green. Where her hair should've been was small little wires instead. One of her arms kept changing from spear to cannon. The group backed up in surprise at the sudden change, not really expecting her to do such a thing.
"Well this will make your life a bit more interesting dear!" Regina said, snapping a photo of Nina. The small femme sneezed once more, changing back into her human state. "A baby that is part human and part Cybertronian! This will be a very interesting life for her indeed."
It was then I knew that I was going to have a difficult life ahead. If only my grandmother had said that I would be a normal human or just average. But she had used the word "interesting" instead. I often wondered why she used that certain word. It felt as if she had given me a label to put on myself that would target me for years to come. The freak, the loser, the oddball, the monster...
The day of my birth was a joyous occasion, but it would be one of many moments in my life that were actually good.
Next time:
?: Welcome to the world, my little Hot Rod.
?: He has the making of the next Prime.
?: How can I be able to lead an entire crew of bots?
?: You're nothing but a worthless child! And the second you realize this, the more easier your life will be.
?: I don't belong to this world, I never have and never will.
Welcome to the newest installment of my Transformer series!
As you can see, I couldn't help but get started with the sequel. Penelope, Galathea, Megara, and the others will be mentioned and featured along with the autobots and Decepticons from the previous book.
However, as Nina said earlier, this is going to be a very different book from the last one. We'll see new bots and cons, some new human companions, and a big adventure!
I hope you will all love Nina as much as her mother!

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