One Shot- His Wendy-Bird

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Henry was taken, Henry could be hurt, Henry
could be scared, Henry is Alone.

Thats all Emma could think about when Henry was taken by Greg and Tamara. So she arranged
to go get him, so of course The Charmings went with, His adoptive mom, and Rumplestiltskin went with. Because they were his family; but one unexpected person travelled with them to save Henry, Captain Hook formally known as Killian Jones. Using the Jolly Roger they tracked them to Neverland and followed them.

Now that we are all up to speed let's get on with the story.

"We need to find Rumplestiltskin and Regina before we do anything, their magic will come in handy." Emma tried expressing to everyone but a lot of them were against it do to their history of magic.

"I left so Henry could get his best chance and no matter how much we all like each other HIS Best Chance is having their help." Most of them finally agreed, all but one.

"I want Henry back the same as all of you but, I do not trust my father to honor his word and help." Neal said trying to convince Emma not to search for them, and she didn't need to.

They found them.

After Neal finished they heard something moving from the brush behind Neal. They all drew their swords (other than Snow who used her Bow).
Rumple and Regina walk out with their hands up.
"Nice welcome party." Regina says while they lower their weapons.

"Whats that?" Snow says pointing to the peculiar box in Rumples hands.

"This is Pandora's box, We can use it to capture Pan." Rumple said, mainly towards Neal since he is trying to earn back his trust.

"Where did you get it?" David asks questionably.

"We got some help from Belle back in Storybrooke." Rumple said proudly.

"I've heard about it, but do you really think it could capture that bloody demon" Hook questioned.

"Yes." Rumple said rudely.

"Okay okay stop fighting both of you! All we have to do is find the camp, but who knows what kinds of games Pan will play so we have to be ready." Emma started with a new found hope.

"I agree with Swan, the demon likes his games." Hook added.

"We know Emma, We all want Henry back." Regina said spitefully glaring at them both.

They hurry and began their journey- before they could fight more- following the map that Pan had given Emma. They cut the over growing leaves while avoiding the deadly Dreamshade thorns. By nightfall they had arrived that Pans camp. They saw Lost Boys warming by the fire, weapons ok the ground next to them.

"We need to knock them out" Rumplestiltskin said getting ready to use magic.

"No!" Neal whisper yelled "I don't trust that you'll just put all of them to sleep!"

Rumplestiltskin stared at him saddened that his son thinks so badly but he can't blame him.

"Then I'll do it." Regina said knocked them out before someone could object.

A purple mist flows around them knocked them all out at once. They all enter the camp yelling out to Henry.

"Henry! Where are you!" Emma yelled searching some tents.

"He's not here." Regina stated "where else can they be!" She said growing more angry.

Little did they know Pan and Henry were not near them, they were heading towards skull rock.
As they were regrouping they heard a noise coming from the forest behind the camp. Emma and Hook were closest to the noise so they went and investigated while the others double checked the camp.

His Wendy-Bird (1)Where stories live. Discover now