1.13: The Revelation

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As Jo got home, she took a look at her refection in a window. Still excited with what she saw, but with a touch of nervousness added in. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Mum - That's me in!", she called, "But I need to tell you. . . . . Well show you something! – It might come as a bit of a shock though."

On entering the lounge, mum couldn't help but notice; there was a pretty young girl in front of her!

"O-h K-a-y", she said, dragging out those two little letters. "Well, I have to say, you do look good Jo!", she said, "That dress and the new hairstyle, they really suit you."

Jo sat down on the settee, and took her sandals off, then she sat back tucking one leg under her bottom and brought the other leg up, pulling the skirt down her legs.

"Mum", said Jo, "I've spent the whole weekend as a girl, and I've never felt so comfortable in my life!"

Mum then said, starting the sentence quite emphatically, "Jo, I can't honestly say that I was expecting this, but at the same time I'm not really surprised either!"

Jo said, "Funnily enough that's kind of what Sarah and the girls said. Was it that obvious?"

"Well Jo", she started, "You might call it mother's intuition, but you have really changed over the past few months. Nothing momentous, but lots of little thing that made me wonder how you were feeling and thinking."

Jo asked her to elaborate, to which mum said, "There was something in the way you talk about the girls – it wasn't a boy-girl relationship – you clearly saw yourself as one of them. What's more I could see you thriving on it!"

As they talked, Jo told how she was so happy it was out in the open. She confided that for as long as she could remember she had thoughts and dreams about what it would be like to be a girl, but she had always tried to bury the idea in the deepest recesses of her brain.

Continuing, she said, "Although having to wear a skirt to school started out pretty badly, but when I got my new uniform everything changed. I started to fit in and my friendship with the girls allowed me to become accepted. The more I thought about being a girl, the more I liked it, but there was just a little bit of unease too. That changed on Friday night, when I went to the sleepover. At first, I was not very sure that I could pass as a girl but after met Sarah's mum, that's when thing really changed."

Jo was still intrigued by her mum's lack of surprise and asked her if she could explain what she had made her wonder?

Mum said, "Well, I haven't exactly taken notes and there are certainly no headline events; but there were lots of subtle changes in your demeanor. And these signs seemed to be backed-up by your comfort and confidence when wearing a skirt." She paused and then said, "Hmmm, then there's the underwear - when did you last wear boy pants? Not even at the weekends? . . Because I haven't washed any for months. And then, might I be correct in thinking you keep things tucked away, at the weekend, as if your wearing a skirt?"

Jo looked a bit sheepish when she answered, "Boy pants are industrial, they are horrible – why would anyone want to wear them? And yes, it became natural to keep things tuck things away!"

Mum then added, "You know, when we first noticed your embarrassment about your boy bulge, I did wonder was it because it was visible, or was it because it was there at all?"

Jo admitted that she had always been uncomfortable with having a willy but there didn't seem that there was any choice, so she had tried to 'get over it'!

"But", she continued, "on Friday night, at Sarah's, when we got out of our school uniforms we were both down to our undies. Sarah had a bra and panties on, but of course I didn't have a bra until Sarah got me one. She helped me put it on and put some padding in the cups. We both stood in front of the mirror, and for possibly the first time in my life, I liked who I was seeing, and I felt so comfortable and not in the slightest embarrassed. Putting on a top and skirt, it just felt right."

She went on to tell how meeting Sarah's mum was a non-event. "She just saw me as a girl, and that is exactly how I felt – I think that was when it clicked, although I didn't say anything until last night, when I confided about how I was feeling to Sarah. Just like you, she wasn't really surprised and said she already knew!"

Jo went on to ask about her premonition about before she was born? Yes, that's how it was, she knew that she was having a girl!

Then Jo quizzed her as why Joe was never included in the "Boys"? She didn't think there was anything sinister in that - It was just her two brothers were 'the boys', long before Joe was born. Although I can see now how it might have made you feel - and maybe deep down I was still believing I had a daughter.

"Mum!", Jo said, "Maybe, you were right! What if I was meant to be a girl?"

Mum paused, and went on to say, "You know Jo, before you went to school, you and Maureen were best friends, before her family emigrated. Maureen was very much a tom-boy and no matter what game you played it always ended up with you wearing the skirt and her wearing trousers."

"At the time, we didn't think much about it and assumed it was Maureen wanting to be boyish – but maybe you were a more willing participant than we thought?", she added.

This stirred a memory within Jo, and she said, "I don't really remember wearing the skirts, but somehow that does seem familiar, but I do recall sitting on the green junction boxes outside the corner shop and telling Maureen that I wanted to be a girl." She then added, "And there is another memory that I have, was at Marjory's birthday party – I guess when we were in the first year of primary school. I remember being so jealous at Marjory's satin party dress, and then we went upstairs and, I don't know why but, she lifted the hem of her dress to show me her pretty white panties. I remember feeling so envious, and ever since then I have hoped that I'd look in the mirror and that's what I'd see."

"Mum!", she said, "This weekend I saw that dream come true - I can't go back now, I've come too far - I need to be a girl!"

"Jo, are you sure you realise the implication of what you are saying?", quizzed mum before adding, "Maybe better not to answer that!" Instinctively I know that you are right, but we need to take things one step at a time!"

Jo said that she understood mum's concerns, but having thought about it, she can best sum it up as, "I lived my life masquerading as a boy and repressing any feminine feelings – now is the time to release the girl that I have always been."

Mum said, "You know Jo, that is an interesting and well thought out argument, I think you are probably right! Of course, I'll help and support you, but we have to work out what the options are? - All that I've ever seen about people changing sex is sensationalist newspaper articles, we have find out about the reality of it!", then she concluded, "And there's your dad. I'm not sure he'll understand so easily! I'll have plant the idea in his head and let it mature - It'll take time."

Jo understood the dad problem but asked her mum to start sowing the seeds.

Mum suggested that since dad left earlier for a work trip to America, Jo could try living as a girl through the school holidays. We can think about what's going to happen at school, later – It might not be easy.

After dinner, Jo phoned Sarah and reported that, "Mum wasn't entirely surprised - like you she had seen something coming! She seems really cool about having a daughter, so I think we'll be alright for next Saturday."

Sara said that she was really happy for Jo and they continued to chat as they so easily do.

Later that night when mum was going up the stairs to bed, Jo came out the bathroom, wearing only her bra and panties.

Without any hint of embarrassment Jo said, "Night mum.", gave her a kiss and went into her room.

Even if mum had had any doubt about Jo's decision, this proved just how comfortable she was with her new self. As mum went into her room, she couldn't help thinking that the old Joe would have died of embarrassment if he had been caught in his undies.

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