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Recently, I was waddling around the kitchen cause my legs frickin hurt and I was really hungry, with this new schedule I don't eat much from the second I wake up till 8pm, so yeah, I was hungry, bur in these moods I can eat four things-

1. Apple

2. Banan

3. Grap

4. Strawbery

but there was a new item in the fridge, which I usually don't frick with, but I was REALLY hungry, so I grabbed a Strawberry Banana Bash Yogurt and waddled back into my room. My demons (cats) following me like I'm the frickin empress of some hidden kingdom.

So I open it and start munching on it, my cats decide they like it too, so they keep stickin their heads in my faces. When the first one was finished, (their tiny) I went to get a second munchy, the second I opened it Pluto came rushing forwards and jumped OVER the yogurt container and ran staright to my mouth where the spoon was. I was soooo close to choking as I laughed.

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