Chapter 18

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We arrived at blackwater and the horse soon came to a stop near Javier's and Charles(s) horses. Arthur got off first and helped y/n down being the gentleman he is. They saw javier and Charles laying down by the side of the cliff looking though binoculars and looking off the edge to the town of blackwater. Arthur and y/n then decided to lay down next to the two. Javier then noticed y/n's presents and said "why'd you bring y/n here Arthur".

"I didn't bring her she wanted to come"Arthur replied. " well Y/n this is a dangerous mission I hope you know that right"Javier said to me. "I know... I can take care of myself Javier"I said a little suspicious about what he was trying to say. "I know you can but I just think that this is a little too dangerous for a-"Javier said but I cut him off myself. "For a what huh? Say it"I said in a mad manner while frowning my brows at him.

"You know what....... I-i take it back forget I ever said anything"Javier said Scared at my sudden mood swing. I scoffed and went back to looking though my binoculars while Charles and Arthur just chuckled to themselves. Silence then washed over all off as we tried looking for Sean in blackwater from a far. "Where is that little Irish bastard?"Arthur asked. "I'm not quite sure"Charles answered Arthur's question. Arthur then just sighs. "Trelawnys trying to find that out"Charles then says.

"Had anyone been to blackwater to see how things lie"I asked curiously. "Place is crawling with Pinkertons...and bounty of Dutch and Hosea"Javier said now looking at Arthur then at me. Arthur sighed/groaned then said "we got a lot of money sitting in that town". "And that's where it's gonna remain for now Arthur ...... unless you wanna go in there now and die trying to go get it back" I said to Arthur and he just rolled his eyes and put away his binoculars in his satchel. "Why they ani't hang Sean I wonder"Arthur asked.

"I think he's bait..or they want to trail him publicly"Charles said to Arthur while putting away his own binoculars. Suddenly trelawny appeared behind us and said "gentleman" getting our attention. I then cleared my throat and stood up crossing my arms over my chest . "Oh I did not notice you were here miss van der linde I am terribly sorry truthfully ma'am" trelawny says in his classy way of speaking. Trelawny then kisses my hand making Arthur slightly a little jealous.

"Oh I-it ok trelawny " I say pulling my hand away slightly uncomfortable. "Anyway Sean is being moved up the upper Montana then to a federal prison up west" trelawny says walking past me and crouching down near the other boys. "Damn it"I say to myself biting my nail while pacing back and forth while I think. "Well we can't be recusing people from some federal prison"Arthur then said. "Right we can either recuse him now or-"I said trying to find another way to bring back Sean.

"Or we cut him loose"Arthur then said. "Arthur" I said back to him in a 'come on now voice' while frowning my brows at him. "What"Arthur said back to me shrugging his shoulders. "We're not cutting anyone loose"Charles said to Arthur. "Of course were not"I said agreeing with Charles. "Ike skelding boys are moving him to a camp nearby before handing him over to the government"trelawny then said.

"So my guess is that we need to stop them before they get to camp........Charles why don't you head up in the north side We'll head up the other side of the valley and meet you that way we have them cornered from  either direction.....Javier would you go with Charles please " I said Charles and Javier nodded and got up to do what they where told walking away from us going over to the horses. "Josiah,arthur with me come on"I said nodding over to the two other horses that were left. Trelawny nodded and walked away over to the horses while Arthur got up and walked over to me. "Look at you being a van der linde...bossing people around and makin plans"Arthur said with a smirk. I smiled at what he said and rolled my eyes while giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. I then wink at him and say " runs in the family baby"and walk away from him over to midnight. Arthur stood there blushing a little bit then caught up with me and trelawny.

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