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Warwick's P.O.V
Ciara: Or else...*draws out a sword*
Ray: *zaps her*
Prudence: What did you to Ciara?
Ray: Ummm...
Henry: *to Ray* We're not supposed to show them modern stuff
Ray: Well it's gonna be quite hard
Prudence: Well this is hard *smashes him with her hammer*
Ray: Ow? but I'm okay
Arc: Hey Prudence...why isn't he dead or at least injured
Prudence: I don't know
Warwick: How about this "set a teapot trappy"

*Ray and Henry suddenly find cage around them*

Henry: Okay, I'm starting to hate this dimension
Ray: Same here
Arc: Now are you doing here, you tell us the truth and Warwick lets you out
Henry: Maybe they can help us
Warwick: We're noy helping you
Ray: How could you possibly have heard us, do you have some mystical ability like your magic?
Warwick: Yeah, hearing, we're like a feet away
Henry: Yeah, 1 FEET AWAY
Ray: Look, we're not from your dimension, we're from Earth
Arc: Yeah, we're all form Earth
Prudence: And what do you mean by another dimension
Henry: Ray and I don't live in Astoria, we live in Swellview with better clothes and phones
Warwick: I don't understand what a phone is but I use a magic mirror
Henry: Magic mirror?
Ray: What is this place, Snow White and the scene dwarfs?
Ciara: *wakes up and stands up* What happened and where's my sword?
Henry: Yeah I don't think you wanna know
Ray: Look, I'm tired of magic and mirrors and fairytales, this is serious business
Henry: Yeah, now are you helping us?
Prudence: They seem convincing
Warwick: And if the try anything shady, my magic needs some practice
Ray: So?
Ciara: Release them
Warwick: Okay... "Undo the trappy Trappy"
Henry: Finally
Ray: So where are we meant to go, when we need to know stuff, is there a magical term here?
Arc: Yeah, the library
???: Or you can ask Sir Garreth, he seems to have relived long enough
Ciara: Sage! Can you stop doing that?
Sage: Hey, we're a team now, I'm helping
Buttercup: You got that right
Ciara: What do you wanna know?
Henry: You'll find out soon enough
Ray: I'll tell Charlotte and Schwoz...
Henry: And Jasper
Ray: Charlotte and Schwoz AND hopefully not Jasper that we're here

Jasper's P.O.V

*Man cave computer goes off*
CHARLOTTE, SCHWOZ! *answers* Mancave headquarters how may I help you? over
???: It's Henry, Charlotte, Schwoz? Do you read?
Jasper: Yup, and it's actually Jasper, over
???: WHAT!? By the way it's Ray, get Charlotte and Schwoz over
Jasper: You think I haven't tried that, they aren't here, over
Ray: Oh, darn it...over.
Henry: Okay, then listen closely, when Charlotte or Schwoz arrive, tell them Henry and Ray have reached Astoria and we need their feedback to send Drex back
Jasper: You didn't say over, over
Henry: Jasper if you don't copy right now I swear I'll...
Ray: Henry, just say it
Henry: No I won't...
Ray: Just say it!
Henry: Fine, over.
Jasper: I'll be sure to deliver it, over
Ray and Henry: *end call*
Jasper: Over

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