The Good Die Young

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You'd think that after spending 22 years on earth I would get used to the concept of death. The sad truth is that it didn't get any easier, only harder especially when death takes someone dear and near to your heart.

The funny thing about life is that we learn the greatest lessons from the most painful experiences.

I used to think that death was on easier on adults and that they could handle it but boy, oh boy was I surprised.

I wish you had a way of knowing how much time you have left with someone before they close their eyes forever so you could say your goodbyes and tell them how much you love them but you don't. It will never be that way.

There's a reason they say time wasted is never gained. You have to seize the moment because opportunities only knock once and if you miss it that's the end.

I had a friend, a really good friend. The kind you'd suspect was secretly an angel sent by God. May his soul rest in God's eternal peace, he was a beautiful, beautiful person.

His name was Mwango. I was so blessed and so privileged to have spent time with him during his time on earth. I loved him a lot but only after his death did I realize that I love him with every single fiber of my being.

God is such a loving and merciful Father, so much so, that He allowed me to see Mwango the day before he died and I hadn't seen him for a while before that day.

It is one of the most difficult things I have had to grow through in all of my 22 years on earth. And quite frankly, if I didn't have God in my life I would be dead too because that was a lot to handle for me and it still is if I'm being honest.

Sometimes I feel like God is teaching me something through this horrible, horrible event. And that is:
1. God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13 vs 8).
2. God is good all the time and all the time God is good, regardless of the circumstances.
3. In truth, we are helpless and God is our Only Support System, and a lot of the time we tend to forget that.

I miss my beloved friend Mwango and sometimes I cry because we are permanently separated and will only reunite when Jesus comes back again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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