Chapter 6b

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It's was really her the maiden that has given sleepless nights her beauty light up the room Like the 4th of July It was non other than Samantha pierce just the thought of her would cause paralysis I know it is a cony thing to say but it's truth thoughts of her would spread to every nerve ending in my body causing me to loose control she wasn't like any other conquest she seemed to pure and innocent someone was kind and generous the kind of girl I would fall in love with . Her hazel eyes tearful almost green soulful with gentle light to them there are beautiful with little bit of tainted In them I saw Pain that was eating her up I wanted to help her .

If she let me Watching from distance I watched her feed her daughter a cupcake miracle smiled she must love it when her mother feeds her it was a perfect sight

"I want to be part of her world." Say will speaking to Zorone

"Sir she is a tainted woman , a woman who has a child may have a husband I must tell you sir society will have dim view of it sir . you are Edward Blackwell the most eligible bachelor in lexusville , you can have any woman you want, but not her sir she is tainted and tainted woman is not marriage material ." Zorone as per usual sharing his concerns

"Zorone it's non of concern and who said I will marry her ,Just I want to get know her that's all she intrigues me just do your part find out all there is know about her." I Command

"Yes sir."

Truth be told as young established business man and billionaire they were many standards living I was expected to follow one of them is to never be involved with tainted women or risk loosing my fortune to my cousin Fernando the last requirement was for me to get married , for years I searched for the perfect woman starting with Jess my high school sweet heart but turns out she was just with me for the money then came Kylie I self made millionaire who turned out to be a conwoman then amber from rich family in Greece everything about checked out things were out to great start till she cheated me with my ranch Forman Gilbert the list goes on and on that's why I started dating slightly older women who were either married or divorced or tainted like there were cold cause they knew what they wanted. Samantha was no exception she was perfect in every way I was definitely gona make her mine

Something about Samantha told me she was unique from all the women I have dated she was pure loving innocent she was going to be mine finishing up with bane and walk over to their table ignoring zorone concerns

"Hey Samantha is this place taken ?" I ask hoping for no so could sit and admire her beauty

"What are you doing here fool, are you following me?" She questions

"No actually I wanted some coffee , actually I wanted hot chocolate and mama's serves the best in town."

"I don't believe you, you are here to try and steal my daughter from me." Samantha asked in full protective mode

"No I would never do that though thought did cross my mind , giving how cute she is ." I replied laughing Samantha was furious and liked seeing her that way cause she looked super cute

"I knew it she said and slapped me across the face out of my way ." The slap was quite painful judging from the slap he had just given me I could tell she was woman who licked being in control and in charge which made me desire her the more but this angered her she started packing her bag to leave yet they had just served her coffee I had do something to stop her

"But please ma'am ,I don't want you stop having  your coffee because of me ." I tried reasoning with her

Samantha  just-continues down stairsd to the first floor  ignoring me to pay for her coffee and miracles hot chocolate Putting on thier rain coats they headed out into the rain Samantha regretted leaving her car home but continued into rain to walk Home I felt responsible if at all I didn't interrupt them they wouldn't be in rain trying to get way from me knowing this I told zorone to pay and. We followed them closely in my car

"Samantha please stop it's raining miracle will get inommina , please listen to reason ." I tried convincing her

"I don't care she is my daughter and I can take of her I don't need you and your gollira following me ."Samantha said referring to my bodyguard

"Buts it's raining , Miracle will get sick." I insisted hoping it will pay off

"That's my problem besides am her mother You only met her once while I was shopping and you think you have any right over her,    You men are all the same just leave us before I do something I may regret." Samantha threatens and judging from the slap I received I did want another but I couldn't help it I wanted to help her

"Please let me help you ." I begged

"No man helps are woman for free you always want something in return , as for your help we don't need it  Samantha said as she continued to walk in rain with miracle at her side."

The rain continued to pour Down and heavy but I didn't faze Samantha she didn't care she rather walked in rain than allow mans help , Samantha was cold and walking in rain was getting difficult due to the accumulation of mud  on the street  running dirty water made the path way slippery  Edward flowed along in his car trying convince Samantha to accept his help

"I don't need your help just leave us !"

"but mummy it's raining heavily please accept my friends help he is coolest and he has a nice car." Miracle insisted

"No baby men a poison a plague that should be removed from this world ,we should never accept mans help no mater the danger." Samantha insists

"But mummy it's cold and the inside of his car looks warm camon mummy lets go."miracle tried again to reason with her mother

"Never do you hear me never will allow a monsters help they Are only an infection that must be dealt with with haste am sure ,will get a cab driven by woman , come on let's go love."

"Please Samantha let me help you ." I pleaded

  "I won't give you with your gollira of bodyguard , any chance to use me or my daughter you ashore ." Samantha refuses to believe him

"Ok that was mean  , not forgetting rude but I still wanna help yu cause I adore kids  miracle May get inomina ." I told yet again but she refused my help, she was getting on my nerve one more infraction from her I would carry forcefully to my car

You dirty pig just leave us Alone we want nothing from yu Samantha said as she continued down the path with that I heard enough

"Ok that does it , Johnathan carry this woman and her daughter into my car right now."

Yes boss Johnathan was Edward's bodyguard he was well built 6-4 basically a gaint blonde blue eyed And dangerous if you know what I mean he lifted both Samantha and her daughter onto his shoulders Dampened them into backseat of my car with her protesting and screaming she didn't want go with us I wasn't take no for answer after she insulted me I need teach her she can't always get her way

What will Samantha do now that she has been taken against her will read on to find out
This khole willinton signings off see you next time my lovelies

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