Joining Highschool

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I get out my bed clumsily, while stumbling across some pants and a t-shirt.
I walk downstairs while rubbing my eyes, still not fully awake.
I usually don't eat breakfast a lot.
My grandma is smiling at me while handing me my lunch.
I see my mom so much in her, I try not to cry every morning because of it.
I'm pretty sure my grandma catches on to it.
She looks away when she sees my eyes swelling up with water and my fake smile.

My grandma tries to make a conversation by trying to ask me if I was just thinking about bowling today after school.

"Nick, would you like to go bowling after school? I can.. I can pay for you and.. And get some food for you afterwards." She says half smiling, than putting her hands together in her lap.

"If that would make you happy, I would love to grandma." I said sincerely smiling at her.

My grandma returns a smile that answers the situation.

I grab my backpack and some school supplies we bought yesterday.

I hug my grandma while walking towards the door, but before I could head out the door, my grandma says
"I love you, have a good day." Her smile never gets old. She waves at me while smiling still.

I hold in tears while hopping into my car.
I release, sobbing into my arms folded on the steering wheel with my head on them.


I look out the car window, with trees and the sun shining in with the reflection on my skin. I see my face against the window.

I giggle, because I'm excited to go to my favorite restaurant because it's my birthday.

My mom and dad look back at me while smiling. My moms smile flashes, her smile is big and bright.

My dads eyes shine with the blue crystal lighting off the reflection of the window.

My mom stops at the red light.
She looks back and says "I love....
My Mom flies backwards with the car that just flew in from turning wrong, my dad flies backwards too with his head cracked on the side window.

Blood seaking everywhere from my moms body and my dads body.

I screaked in terror. Tears flood down my cheeks while i unbuckle my seatbelt to get to my mom and dad.

People rush from sides and grab my mom and dad.
They looked like medical people.
I felt dizzy and tried to get out but ended up blanking out and in hospital bed.

I yell and yell to ask if my dad or mom was okay.
No response not even a look.

I hear in the distance.

" The adult male and female are losing major blood and already lost a lot. They highly aren't going to make it. The little boy is fine but with little bump on the head. The car that came in was not in control, the brakes wouldn't work. The other person in the other vehicle is fine but may have few bones broken.
We are gonna have to.." BEEPPPPPP......

"THE PATIENTS ARE GONE, TIME OF DEATH 2:31 pm for the male, the female... Is the same... True love I guess dies the same time." She says sadly.

A man approaches me and wants to say something but I interrupted him by saying "I heard, they.. They.. Are.." I couldn't finish the sentence so I ended up sobbing the rest of the time.
The man leaves with his head down.

-----------End of Flashback-----/-//

I start the car while wiping my tears off my cheeks and drive towards school.

I walk in and find my class, I don't talk to anyone during it, or look at anyone.
One girl seems to notice something.

She sits by me and smiles.
I look at her with my eyes about to fill with tears again and sharply turn my head away.

I stare up at the teacher while writing notes about when we will be assigned homework and when this class will end.

The girl looks frustrated that she didn't help me or was it because I didn't smile?

The class ends and the girl approaches me.

" Hi my name is Sarah, would you like any help to get to your next class." She says smiling at me.

"I.. I think I can manage, thank you very much." I say smiling but not very sincere..

She at least tried.

I walk to my next class and same information and still no homework but the girl is in the same classes, no matter what.

I get freaked out...

Lunch comes and I grab my lunch and sit outside on the wall.

Guess who comes and finds me, the girl.
"I'm not leaving without a sincere smile..." Sarah says, crossing her arms while looking down at me.

I smile and try hard to make it not look fake. Even though it was.

She smiles back as a thank you. She leaves me be while I eat.

The day ends and I come home to my grandma. She smiles at me like always and I get teared up again.

"Ready for bowling"?.
"Yeah" I said smiling while hugging her.

"I love you."
"I love you too nick"
I can't hold my tears back anymore and I guess neither can my grandma.

Hey guys! Sorry it's a put down chapter lol sorry but I promise it will get better and sometimes worse but books are like that. Hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment.
PS, if you want to be in the book just click the vote and I'll see your name and include you. Thanks :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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