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It was the break of the first holiday, almost everyone is busy at their own time and doings, repeating and changing the same routine in their hometown or homes but for Y/N, a 31 year old girl who migrated just this October on her birthday 1985 to Kensington, London. Being a fashion designer there got her nerves up high and ego down low from the luxurious and wonderful clothing stores, Abba to Akris, which got my money to lead me to a store with vinyls and books. The old wooden racks and storage for the vinyls by the front as the old smell of books goes to the back walls, shelves as the same as the racks, all hanging out rather than pushed in for easy access, I look through the glass door upfront as I smiled.

I stood inside, the bell rings as it closes back to the wall, I smell the old books from afar and listen to the lively voice of Elvis' School Day, closing my eyes as I do so. After maybe five seconds into doing so, I walked over to the man smiling towards me by the counter, guessing he's the owner I smiled back. "Great love of God! Such appreciation for my store after entering for the first time." His face wrinkles up after I got by the taller counter. "Well, what could I say?! It's Elvis and books, much to my happiness that is." I smile back as he gestures to his back, Elvis' vinyl playing that sounded off at the small unnoticed shop, a few people walking and talking behind me. "It's been a long time since I've seen such a pretty lady appreciate this rather than just yelling that it's Elvis' song." We shared a little laugh along with our name, the almost 80 man noticed my arms growing tired by the two bags full of either clothes or shoes. "Hmn, you look tired. You could leave those here if you want as you look around for something that'll catch your eye." He smiles at me, holding out his hands as I smile back. "Is it really okay? Yeah?" I ask quite shy and contemplating on his health and attention. He nods and gets my two bags over the counter and onto the side of the player.

I walk towards the middle section of the vinyls, the collection having consist of rock bands and international bands side by side, I got over to a man whose looking at the Beatles rack, I scoot over slight not wanting attention, skimming over with my eyes, noticing the man to lean over shades in his forehead. I found the album I've been wanting to buy for my friend's birthday abroad, The Beatles' Rarities here on the UK, she got the one there in the US. "Uhm... Excuse me?" I ask tapping the blonde lightly as he goes to look at me, standing straight, eyes squinting lightly. "Oh, sorry. Just looking, you want a autograph or something?" I squint my eyes in return as he lowers his glasses, position in a much flirty manner than awhile ago. "The something. I need to see and buy a album that is." I smile as I scooted to the position he was in and got over to the rack, my lingers lingering by the tips of the paper bookmark like things on top, stopping to the vinyl I want, hugging it to my chest. "Oh you're going to buy that?!" He exclaimed, voice raspy much like the racks. "Ofcourse, what else should I do with it? Look at it till it burns?" I asked exclaiming as well, raising my left brow at the man. "I was going to buy it but I guess you got it first." I started to feel bad even after his sudden raise and even the events, that's not making any sense.

"Oh, sorry. You could have it, no worries! I'll go find another one." I smile at him as his smirk fades to a straight line in his face. "Oh, okay... Uhm, I'm Roger Taylor." He takes the vinyl I'm extending up to him, his other hand extending to shake mine. I look at it and then to him. I smiled and shook it. "Y/N L/N. I know it's too foreign so call me Y/N/N." We shook hands as we smile at each other. (Y/N/N-Your Nick Name) "Y/N/N, nice to meet you." He smiles, white teeth all lined up in a straight row, cheeks rising up to a bone. He is handsome but I'm not into fast things that I'm guessing he is, no sexualization. "I'll go by the back at the books." I smile and walked over the back, a big puff of hair already reading a big book by the corner at he floor. I noticed what he was reading, a book about constellations and the planets, I smile. The world still has hope. I got to the books, my fingers running each old spine, the smell making my day further than happy.

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