[ 51. 𝙈𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡 ]

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"I got your picture, I'm coming with you. Dear Maria, count me in."

TW: Verbal and Physical Abuse.


circa over a year ago...

Town's teenage womanizer. Whispers, rumors, all sorts of horrible stories. You'd never want your teenage daughter to be associated with someone with no shame and no civility. You can't take him home to your parents.

Min Yoongi. Quite the reputation he's holding right now.

He sits in the family living room texting away. He knows the rumors and dishonor he's brought upon the family's image. Yoongi doesn't have a care in the world. The scolding and yelling from his parents have only gotten worse.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Min has been in the other room on the phone for the past hour. She walks into the living room, "Mrs. Choi, I am so incredibly sorry.. if there's anything—" the phone call ends. "Hello? Mrs. Choi? Are you still there?"  

Yoongi snickers, eyes still stuck onto his screen, "Typical."

"Yoongi," Mrs. Min snatches the phone away. "Care to explain why Mrs. Choi called to tell me Hyojung has been crying for the past few days?"

"Hyojung? Brown hair, right? Isn't my fault I was being honest..."

"What did you even do? She's such a sweet girl. I can't believe you," she smacked him across the head.

"I turned her down, what else? Since you said in your own words, that I'm a 'male escort' thought I'd give her some brutal honesty," he crossed his arms.

"Elaborate honesty."

"Told her she wasn't my type and I'd never date her."


"Whats gotten into you, Yoongi?!"  Yoongi's cheek was red and swelling. Eyes with fiery and aura of power, Mrs. Min has had enough of the patterned rendezvouses.

"Fuck, Mom- Have you gone insane? Is there anything I can do right or are you just so disappointed in me that it doesn't even matter?"  Yoongi raises his voice, holding onto his cheek.

Mrs. Min grabs Yoongi by the jaw, scaring the daylight out of him, "Raise your voice at me one more time, son. See what happens." Her voice is quiet and smooth, her tone is a warning to her temper rising. "Who do you think you are, hm?"


"Running around ruining the family's reputation and all... Do you think you're some sort of noble? You should hear what the other parents have said about you, so exhausting to raise you." Yoongi was frightened and was scared to even blink.

His mother was more of a bystander in family drama. Never really seemed to have a care in the world. Watching as her own husband verbally taunted Yoongi, it was almost like she selectively muted that part of her life. Although, it wasn't always like this. She used to be soft spoken and cheerful. She had a bubbly personality and would care for her children in a disciplined manner.

When Mr. Min got a promotion from his job, work only skyrocketed from there. When he come home late he started taking his anger and stress out on his kids, mainly Yoongi. When she tried to protect them and did her best to stop him from tormenting them, it would all be taken out on her once the kids were asleep. Walking around eggshells in the marriage, she couldn't handle what happened behind those closed doors anymore. Selfishly moving the blame onto her kids, Mrs. Min is numb to the feeling. Leaving the stay at home mom scene, she took on a job to get away from home life.

'I've raised them for years, they owe me,' that was her forever mindset after the scarring trauma.

After his mom left him in the dust and his father as a ticking time bomb, it's why Yoongi is the way he is. Never having supporting parental figures in his life and being abused since he was a kid, puppeteering people and breaking other's hearts were his way to cope in a way. Living in fear of his father and never being able to count on his mother, Yoongi couldn't figure out how to love properly.

"I decided to go through your messages the other day. You have something to tell me, don't you? If you don't fess up right now, this'll be the end for you," Mrs. Min displays a viscous smile.

"Don't make me say it.." Yoongi's voice is shaky and he can't move, completely frozen.

"Oh I dare you, son. Say it with the prideful persona you're masquerading. Too afraid?"

Yoongi gulps, "I'm sorry..."

Mrs. Min strikes him across the face one more. Yoongi trembles on the floor, hissing at the stinging sensation. Physically his cheek is burning up but his mind is running a marathon on how he should fess up. The guilt, secrecy, and realization is a rush, it hits him like a truck.

"How could you! Getting another harlot of a teenager pregnant. You did this under my roof? Not my fucking son." Tears in her eyes and in absolute distress. "What happened to my quiet and polite son?"

She never thought her son would turn out like this.


Present Day...

Jimin takes a few breathers. That was the longest flight he's ever taken, metaphorically speaking. Sitting next to your boyfriend's mother and listening to her ramble about how terrible her son is, was never intended on Jimin's bucket list.

Mrs. Min is long gone and probably driving home to her wretched and dysfunctional family. As for Jimin, he's still waiting for his mother and Jinyoung. They're not hard to spot in an airport. A moody teenager and a mother who can't wait to see her other moody kid is all he had to look for.


Jimin turns around and sees his mother booking it past the many other people with luggage along with Jinyoung apologizing to everyone they pass and trying to keep up.

"Mom, slow down-" Mrs. Park tackles Jimin to the ground, hugging and kissing her kid all over.

"I missed you so much! How's my baby? How was Hawaii? What about Yoongi? Is he doing okay?" Mrs. Park yapped the whole way to the car and home. Having separation anxiety and being so attached to Jimin, she's very eager to know what happened in Hawaii.

Arriving home Jimin slams himself onto his bed. His mom did some deep cleaning so going home to a tidy home and room was very pleasing. Although theres a calm atmosphere back home, theres some duties he needs to fulfill before relaxing in the slightest bit.

He should definitely text Yoongi. After that horrific plane conversation and finding out some terrible past stories, Jimin needs some answers.

Jimin's phone dings. He picks it up and sees the notification. It's a text from Chaeyoung. Of course thats why he came back home early from the trip. Before even getting onto his own personal problems and love life, Chaeyoung is number one priority.

"This needs to happen ASAP."

The phone rings for a bit but she finally answers, "Look who just came home.. its mother. Isn't that just splendid, Jimin?"

"Fuck.. tell me about it. You set to go?"

"Yup. Was born for this moment."

"When do you want me to y'know, break you out?"

"Get your ass over here before it gets worse."

'What's that supposed to mean...'

What a week I had.


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