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Of all the scenarios he imagined about his future, never in his life span of 24 years Taehyung taught he would end up on the street, cold, alone, and most importantly hungry. It's nearly 11 at night, he is sitting in a public park with a duffle bag and his beloved yellow trolley back, he has no where to go... and also no one to help and he doesn't have enough money to buy food or  pay for lodging. This is probably the most eventful day of life. ( so let's go back in time and see what happened)
Tae is heartbroken, the song he has been working on for weeks got rejected... The producer said it's not emotionally engaging and songs about scenery is out of fashion. Tae tried explaining this producer that this song is trying to depict human emotion through nature for exactly five minutes. But the man dismissed him saying 'roaring thunder and an anxious mind had nothing in common'. And bam ... The door is closed again ... not the first time though. Out of all 21 songs he had written only three made it to the silver screen be precise only three lines that too for a fruit soda advertisement, he wrote that song about a heart thirsty for love... nevermind their was some form of thirst depicted in the advertisement.
Taehyung knows life is hard if you want to work in creative field, especially if you are a struggling amateur without any godfathers in the industry, but he can't give up because  he doesn't have any back up plan. Begging is an option though....
He dropped out of college to pursue a career as a song writer. It wasn't a spur of the moment decision, he knew, he wanted to be a songwriter, the day he caught a butterfly for the first time and it left a streak of yellow and blue on his fingertips. His poems and stories were appreciated all throughout his his academic life, until he decided to drop out of his college and pursue it as a career. His parents were not too happy with his decision, the boy was just 6 months away from getting his degree in mathematics and probably getting well payed job, but they supported his decision (they had no other choice).

He came to Seoul with a dream of writing song's for various idols and express his ideas to the world.
It's frustrating sometimes, because living in the city is very expensive and working two jobs means less time to write songs. But everybody struggles right... at least that's what those blockbuster biopics say.
He reached his apartment, all he wants is to go cry in bathroom and sleep, but looks like his roommate has some other plan. Their room was filled with loud moans .... here goes his sleep but at least he could listen to loud music without feeling guilty.. right?

Wrong..... The scene in his bedroom room is completely wrong. His lovely, beautiful and innocent girlfriend of eight months is sitting on top of his roommate/best friend, without even a drop of clothes on them.
"Tae I can explain..." Both of them shouted at the same time.
"Oh please don't mind me .. I will gather my things and leave." He tried to be sarcastic.
"Oppa" his not so innocent girlfriend started.
"Please put something on both of you ... Otherwise I might just throw up on your face." He is disgusted... they were f#£king on his bed, why..? for how long? Did they even clean up.... yuck that's so disgusting... thank god he didn't have money to buy dinner, otherwise it would have been a complete waste. He packed every single things he had especially his three pairs of Gucci socks. Once he was out he shouted CHEATERS before banging the door loudly and storming off.
And that's how he is sitting here in this park with no plan. The night is beautiful though, starlit sky and dancing leaves, the noise of the city melting into nothingness. He closed his eyes, he hears a sweet melody, it's lulling him to sleep slowly.
Sleeping in a public park was as comfortable as you could imagine, it was really cold in the morning, his back hurts a lot from sleeping in a tiny bench. He made his way to work somehow. He is a barista at cafe near the railway station. He works there till evening and then works at a nearby bar as a waiter.

"What's up with this luggage and all.? His manager Derek asked.
"I am homeless boss." was the simple reply.
"What happened?"
"It's tragedy boss ... you will cry." He replied cleaning the table.
"Well that's certainly not the best way to start your day." Derek joked but Tae just hummed already distracted in his chain of thoughts.
"I can arrange a place for you to live."
"I agree to all the terms and conditions boss." Tae responded eagerly
"Yah... just listen.. one of  the baristas who works here in the weekend is looking for a roommate. It's a cheap apartment near the old library. His name is Park Jimin, I will give you his contact number, just talk to him."
"Thank you boss and I love you so much." He was relieved that at least he will have a roof to sleep under. He called Park Jimin during his lunch break.
"Umm who is this?"
"Oh I am Kim Taehyung." Honestly Tae is struck in his voice, is this person even a adult?
"Look sir i am working now... If this is some kind of prank, I am hanging up."
"Wait... Sorry I was distracted ..  really sorry!!! Mr. Derek told me you need a roommate... I am looking for a new place to live."
"Oh wow .. so we can meet this Saturday and talk about the agreement and all."
"Can I move in today please... I am homeless ... I slept on the park yesterday and it's super cold... I will die of pneumonia, if I wait till Saturday." The line on the other side was silent.
"Hello..... Jiminshi?"
"Ok I will text you the address... But nothing is finalized yet. We will decide only after the meeting."
"You are an angel Jiminshi... thank you."
"Umm... Ok just be there by seven."
"Sure... Thank you once again."
After he hung up the phone the first thing Tae did was to search 'how to impress your future roommate' on the internet.

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