to my love

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I can't stop thinking about you and it's driving me crazy,

every night I'm laying in bed and sobbing because I'll think of you for just a second and it's enough to destroy me.

And I can't stop torturing myself by wondering what I did wrong,

and even after all of that and after all this time, I still love you.

I can't stop thinking about how much I miss feeling your arms around me,

how kissing you was amazing,

how great it felt to know that I could tell you anything.

But now you're gone and you took my sense of security.

I'm lost, alone and worthless.

Going through each day without a purpose,

But no matter how you've made me feel, it's not enough

I should know better but I thought I could be tough

You pushed me past my breaking point,

But I needed it to be able to stand up and brush myself off.

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