Chapter 1- Together Again

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IT was a sunny morning. Jessy sat down at the breakfast table. Her other siblings were still in bed. Kate, her mother, walked in.

'Hallo Jess!' she said to her.

'Morning mum!' she replied.

'Don't tell me your siblings are still asleep, it's 9'o'clock already.' Kate said.

'I guess they're really tired from yesterday's journey.'

The four had just arrived yesterday from school. It had been a stressful day for them. The rain had poured down and came with a terrible wind.

'Oh goodness! I hope they don't catch a cold. Yesterday's weather wasn't fair. I'm going upstairs to see them.' Kate Flynn said, and left for the stairs.

She approached the boys room and knocked, but there was no answer. So very carefully, she opened the door and walked in.

'Michael! Drake! Wake up already.'

There was some little movement and creaking sound, but they didn't wake up. She sighed and called them several times again.

'Mum.' Michael groaned. 'It's still early.' he yawned.

'What do you mean still early? For goodness sake, the sun is out!'

'Cut it out, mum!' called Drake, half sleeping.

'Alright mother. We will– A TISH– WHOO!' Michael sneezed out.

'Now, that's bad. I'm very sure you boys have a cold and I'm fetching the doctor right away. No excuses!' she said to them.

'Oh not the doc– TISH WHOO!' he sneezed again.

'I've had it!' Kate said, walking out.

She reached for the girls room. 'Sandy! she called out. She walked towards her bed and sat beside her.
'I hope you haven't got a cold yourself.' She touched her forehead with the back of her hand. Sandra looked at her mother half smiling.

'Good Heavens! You are shivering Sandra. You've also got a cold.' Kate exclaimed.
Sandra didn't utter a word.

Mrs Flynn left the room and went downstairs for the telephone. She looked white when Jessy stared at her.

'What's the problem, mum?' she asked.

'Your brothers and sister aren't well, I want to fetch the doctor.' Kate said in a panicked voice.

'Oh, that's bad. I'm going to see them.' Jessy said.
She left to go see them.

Kate called the clinic to check if the doctor was in. Unfortunately, he was out. She then requested for his private number and dialed the doctor's line.

Meanwhile, while talking on the phone with the clinic nurse, Jessy had come back with a long face. She had seen her siblings condition and wasn't happy about it. Her mother gave her a reassuring smile.

'Hello, am I speaking with Doctor Jones?'

'Yes please, who am I speaking with?' asked the doctor.

'This is Mrs Flynn, doctor. I would like you to come over to the mansion– my boys and one of my girls has got a cold and they don't look well either.' she explained to him.

'Looked like the weather had an effect on them.' he said.

'Um, yes– they only arrived yesterday.'

'Alright ma'am. I'll be on my way.' he finished.

She put down the phone and sat on the couch with a heavy sigh.
'The doctor is on his way.' she informed Jessy.

'Mum, looks like Sandra's worse than Michael and Drake, she didn't respond to me.' Jessy exclaimed.

'Everything will be fine Jess.' Kate assured her.

'I haven't seen Joe, since I arrived– where is she?' asked Jessy.

'Oh yeah, Joe has gone to visit a cousin of hers, who is very ill– and will be back after three weeks.' Kate said.

'Three weeks!– that's quite far.' Jessy said.

Joe was their cook and housekeeper. She had worked with the Flynn's for many years. She was also the children's nanny. The four were very fond of her.

'I'm sure Joe wouldn't be happy about this.' Jessy said in a sad tone.

'No, I'm not telling her– she already has enough problems with her.' said Kate.

'I don't think I'll be able to go to the bakery either– I have to stay here at home and look after you kids, and the house. Your father isn't around too– remember I told you guys I came back alone from Spain.'

'Yes, I remember you mentioned that in the letter we received.' Jessy said to her mother. 'Don't worry mum, I'll help you out in anyway I can.'

Kate was moved by her daughter's words. It made her almost cry. Jessy had always proven to be tough. She knew she was better off as a boy, than a girl.

'Thanks a lot dear!' she replied to her. The doorbell rang and Jessy went for the door, before Kate could stand up.

It was Doctor Jones. He had arrived with his briefcase. He was taken to the boys room, where Michael and Drake still laid in bed.

He took a good look at them, before bringing out his thermometer. He checked their temperature respectively.

'Well, I must say– this two sleepy heads have a high temperature. I'll prescribe some few things for them and then you'll get them an aspirin.' the doctor explained.

'Oh, doctor! Are they going to be alright? I really want my brothers to be fine.' asked Jessy, who was nearly in tears.

'Yes, Jessy. As a matter of fact,' he said. 'It's possible they get better today– it's just a result of yesterday's weather. Today's weather is quite good, and it's a sunny day too.'

'I'm glad to hear that my boys will recover soon.' Kate thanked him. 'Then you need to take a look at Sandra too.' she said, pointing towards the door.

The four had gotten used to sleeping with each other. Their parents had given them separate rooms, but they declined. They preferred having a boys room and a girls room.

The doctor examined Sandra for a while.
Mmmm...she's got fever alright– and her temperature is quite high. She'll need medication, which I'll prescribe also.'

'Will she be fine, doc?' Kate asked, worriedly.

'Yes, but she needs to rest for a while.' said Doctor Jones.

'Why don't we go to the study to discuss further.' Kate suggested.

She left the room with the doctor. Jessy sat beside her sister. Sandra was still fast asleep.

She felt so lonely and wished heartily that her siblings got well soon.

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