Chapter 3- The four has a surprise

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THEY all sat around the table. Happy faces all around. It was a good day for the four indeed– and for Jessy too, who was sober the day before.

'That reminds me, I spoke with your father yesterday.' Kate spoke up.

'Does he know all that happened? Hope he isn't going to send us a doctor from Spain.' Drake groaned.

'Of course not silly– I told him everything's fine and you all are okay. He is also pleased with your results for last term.'

'Great!' exclaimed Sandra.

'Yes, Drake has really improved with his French.' Kate said.

'Yeah, it was quite easy this term.' he said.

'Your father is really happy about that– he promised to send you guys a parcel this hols.' Kate added.

'That's really nice of him.' James said. 'I think you four deserve it.'

'So be on the lookout for the postman– you might receive the parcel today.'

'We will, mother.' Michael said.

After breakfast, the four children waited at the front door, listening for the postman.

'No sign of him yet.' Drake said.

'Let's wait a little– I really want to see what dad has for us,' pleaded Jessy.

'Oh Jess– you really are a baby.' sighed Drake.

'No, I'm not. I'm a smart soon-to-be twelve year old with brains!' she said firmly.

'Talk about that.' Michael laughed.

'Looks like the postman is near. I can hear his bell.' said Sandra.

The four listened attentively. 'Alright– he's here!'

'Hallo four!' greeted the postman.

'Good day Mark! Any parcel for us? We were told we would receive one today.' Michael said.

'Yes, I have it– it says; To Michael, Drake, Sandra and Jessica Flynn. Quite heavy too.' Mark said to them.

Michael collected the parcel from him. Mark was right. The parcel was a heavy one. They thanked the post man and carefully carried it inside.

'Mother!' shouted Sandra. 'The parcel is here!'

'I wonder what father has for us– this parcel is really heavy.' Drake said.

Kate walked into the living room to see the surprise the four had received.

'I think we better open it already.' Michael suggested.

'Yes, let's do!' Jessy added, impatiently.

Together, the four children opened the parcel carefully with their mother watching. And to their surprise– it was actually good to be true!

'A JEWEL!' exclaimed Sandra.

Four sparkling diamond jewels with their names emblazoned on each.
'This is terrific!' said Drake. 'I say, suppose we really did see one in a store– we would never imagine it can be ours someday.'

'I wish father was here– I could hug him right now.' Jessy said.

Michael turned to their mother who stared at the diamonds in shock.
'Mother, aren't you going to say something?' he asked. 'Because I'm quite speechless right now.'

'I don't really know what to say, son.' she replied. 'All these is really surprising. Your father never mentioned anything about sending a Jewel over here, not especially for you four.'

'Don't you like our present, mother?' asked Sandra.

'I think it's wonderful– and quite expensive too.'

'I'm very sure it is,' added Drake.

Kate narrowed her eyes a little. 'He could have gotten something, a bit cheaper– not real diamonds!' she said finally.

'Oh mum, I think they're really cool.' Drake said, admiring the jewels.

'What are we going to do with it?' Jessy asked.

'Nothing, I guess you'll just keep it in the safe.' Kate told them.

'But why the safe mum?' Jessy asked.

'I don't know, it's best you keep it there, it's too expensive to be kept around.' Kate said, not liking the surprise Greyson gave the kids.

'Mum, are you okay?' Sandra asked. 'You don't seem to be pleased about the present.'

'No dear.' she answered. 'I'm just worried that's all. I'll just head upstairs now and do the laundry.'

Kate said and left. The four looked at each other, trying to figure out the change in their mother's attitude.

'Mother doesn't like the parcel. It's pretty obvious.' Michael stated.

'But why?'

'I guess she wants a parcel too.' Drake laughed.
Everyone joined in the laugh too. It was so good to be altogether once more. They were very much of age now– Michael was sixteen, Drake was fifteen, Sandra and Jessy were thirteen and a soon-to-be twelve.

'I wish we could have some more exciting adventures. Something different from the last one, but more thrilling.' Drake said.

'Be careful what you wish for, Drake. You might wake up tomorrow and find yourself in a jungle.' said Michael.

'Yes,' Sandra said. 'I really don't want us to embark on another adventure, and besides there's not a hope of that, this time though.'

Drake rolled his eyes at his siblings. Never mind! An adventure never announces itself. One way or the other, they were going to have fun this summer holiday, he was sure of it.

'Come on guys, let's put this parcel in the study.' Michael told his siblings.

The four of them walked towards the study and Michael being the eldest, placed them gently in the safe. The children couldn't help feeling that the surprise package their father sent sounded rather alarming.

They wished heartily that they would have been given the opportunity to choose. But a diamond jewel couldn't be so bad, could it?

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