Victoria G Interviews Johanna Colón

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Victoria G: What inspired you to become an actress?

Johanna Colón: I've always loved to entertain people and make them smile. After my dance recital went viral I was given the opportunity to try acting and I fell in love with it!

VG: Who are your acting inspirations?

JC: Rita Moreno, Eddie Murphy, Viola Davis and Will Smith.

VG: What is your favorite thing about acting?

JC: Learning new skills, getting to play new characters, getting to experience new things and making new friends!

VG: What is your favorite project you have ever done?

JC: That's hard to answer because every project becomes my new favorite project!

VG: How did you get involved in Feel the Beat?

JC: My manager called my mom and told her there was this awesome movie about dancers and that she felt that this part was just me and told me I had to audition for it! I loved it right away!

VG: What details can you share about Feel the Beat?

JC: All I'll share is that it is really funny and it's a feel good family movie! I don't want to ruin it for you! You need to watch!

VG: In what ways are you and your Feel the Beat character, Lucia alike?

JC: So I actually auditioned for the part of Oona, but I didn't get it. However Miss. Elissa and Miss. Susan decided they really liked me so they created Lucia for me! So Lucia is very much like me! She's Latina like me, and wears glasses like me. We are both jokesters and drop our glasses when we dance!

VG: Do you have any hidden talents?

JC: I can fold my younger into thirds and I can do voices!

VG: How would you describe yourself in three words?

JC: Funny, Smart and Caring

VG: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

JC: I want to be the second Puerto Rican woman to win an Oscar!

VG: What are your social media handles?

JC: @iamjohannacolon on all of them lol!

VG: What advice do you have for an aspiring actor?

JC: Take improv classes! Nothing has helped me more than improv!

VG: What's next for you?

JC: I have a new project I'm working on, but it's top secret!


JC: Jazz

VG: Bacon or Eggs

JC: Bacon

VG: Monsters or Aliens

JC: Aliens

VG: Mac or PC


VG: Coffee or Tea

JC: Chocolate Milk! The only Tea I like is the kind you spill! Get it?

VG: Singing or Dancing

JC: both I can't choose

VG: What have you been doing while in quarantine?

JC: I've been learning to cook and writing my own comedy skits.

Victoria G Interviews Johanna ColónWhere stories live. Discover now