Chapter 45

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The next day
E peekaboo
C Heyy boo
E What is my little girl doing right now
C eww Why do you say it like that
E Oh I'm sorry what is my girl doing
C heh I'm just going over some papers and figuring out a lot of shit what's up
E Look I want to talk about last night because it was kind of scary
C yeah I was scary for all of us but I mean you know we can't really do much right we just have to figure out exactly how did this all  this occur
C Exactly are you mad at me about last night
E No actually I'm happy you have like a mom figure now in your life while she's not really your mom she's actually the mom of the daughter that tried to kill you but you're part of her life 
C OK that's a sigh of relief thank God I'm just trying to understand about the charges that we went through
E what do you mean
C well see it I went in for committing a crime in a murder right first- degree but I never went in for DUI  or drugs and alcohol And check this out apparently I was robbing a store that wasn't me
E hmm Let me see that for a second hmm ohh Very interesting yeah you told us that you came in for first-degree murder and you committed crazy ass crime but do you remember what the judge said to you three months ago
C has it been that long or was it four months ago who's counting But who would go into my file and get me in trouble for something I never committed that's what I'm saying to you
E do you think you want to talk to your lawyer about that or maybe call Evelena and see what she says
C Wow you're pretty smart at that one too I guess I'll give her a call see what she says
E all right well I'm gonna go and see were Grayson is he's been pretty quiet
C All right I'll call you if there's anything
E Come here
C why what do you want
E Give me kisses
C Crazy enough that you're the tough boy and you're so needy fine *muah*  Will that hold you up
E yess thank you

The phone call
*Rings rings*
E Hello
C hey Evelena
E Cassie I was just about to call you sweetheart how are you
C I'm OK officially listen I need to ask you a couple questions Do you have a minute
E Yeah of course is everything OK
C well not necessarily say I was going over the paperwork that the judge was sentencing me for in jail and this is the problem I was not going to jail for what I committed I was actually going to jail for something I never did
E What do you mean exactly
C well OK it says here that I committed a crime first-degree murder you know that the two charges he did right
E Right OK
C But it says at the bottom that my entire name this is what Cassie was charged with
E What are the charges exactly
C Well committing a crime first-degree murder and homicide is the same thing but then it says do you why alcohol and drug abuse I never did that I did that when I was younger but I never went to jail for it
E hmmm Do you know if you told anybody about where you went in for
C I told Skyler But I didn't think she would do anything to me that was crazy and that was before I knew that your daughter well I should say your daughter but your significant other was crazy
E interesting have you tried maybe talking to your lawyer about it
C I don't know he sounds like he's a criminal lawyer but he's not someone that I would talk to you do you think you know somebody that would talk to me about this but the problem is I'm scared to leave my house
E Well the thing is Cassie you're not on house arrest which is a good thing you're actually you know on bail right because you've done your time you know you don't think you're going to be there for that long anyways but even now listen why don't I come with you Grayson and Ethan to this guy he's an amazing lawyer and let me contact him and I'll call you right
C Really you would do that
E of course and just between you and I something is up with Gianna
C What do you mean do you think she's against Skyler now
E That's the problem see there's nothing that the court can do because you know she has tried to kill you but not as much as my daughter I think Gianna wants some revenge on Skyler because they used to be so judge mental with each other I mean Gianna would come home and you know she never had like a close knit mother but at the same time you know I don't know what she's all about this Gianna girl and Skyler would want to at her beck and call 24 seven
C The thing is I don't know who to trust anymore I don't know because I don't want to go to somebody and then they backstab me literally they stab me in the back and I don't want that
E No honestly I understand let me call this guy I'll call you back in about a few hours I'll let you know OK
C OK thank you so much I appreciate it
E Cassie you don't have to thank me I'll talk to you later bye
C bye *call ends*             

E So what did she say to you on the phone
C she said that she'll talk to this guy she knows them pretty well but Ethan 🙊 I don't know I'm scared
E Babe listen I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you and I don't think I have a Lena's gonna do something stupid show us he came over here to tell you something that she didn't have to but she wanted you to you know do you have a mom and I know you don't know her very well she's not your flesh and blood I understand that but she came all the way here to tell you something because she couldn't tell you at the hospital because her ex daughter was there how would you feel
C I know Ethan 🙊 I just have so many doubts in my mind what do you expect me to do
E Everyone has dance once in a while but at this point just wait for the phone call
C she said for me to wait a couple of hours because she might be going back to the hospital and she doesn't know when she'll get back which is understandable but I'm gonna keep my phone on just to be on the safe side
G Hey what's all this yakking about everything OK
C No not everything is OK Grace and take a look at this is a weird enough that I went to jail for something I never committed
E dude do you think Skyler trying to set Cassie up for this
G By the looks of it you never committed a do you why or drug abuse or alcohol abuse nothing to that aspect the only thing you committed was first-degree murder but you were forced to do it because you have her you had a crazy ass family I didn't give a shit
C that's the problem Grayson I don't even know who to trust and I trust both of you obviously Ethan 🙊 because he's my boyfriend and I trust you as my best friend but I don't know do you think I pulled this lady way too quickly 
E Cassie let me ask you a question which she travel thousands of miles away to not tell you anything did she come all the way from Los Angeles to New Jersey because she wanted to tell you something but she couldn't tell you at the hospital so she waited until you got physical discharge of the hospital and she took a trip down here and she told you everything I know you have your doubts will you have to start believing in yourself because if you don't believe in other people then you don't believe in yourself look at me when I first saw you I said this girl needs to be fucking protected and I am here to protect you I'm not gonna let no girl or no guide hurt my girl I love you no matter what you committed something so to me and Grayson what do you expect us to do we were in drugs we got into hell lotta trouble I was best friends with your brother and you know what if I would've known that you were the sister I would've held you on so tight and to let you know that were standing here look at us where we right now
C in a house together
E right exactly so did we go anywhere
C noo
G Cassie you're gonna have to realize a lot of things you're not stupid you're not any of those things that those girls have said to you when I can understand you're very gullible look at me and the same thing I'm very gullible I believe anything that somebody says and obviously Skyler want to ruin that you know I know you're not a bad person you committed some thing because you were so afraid do you know what maybe you should've never went to jail for murder or committing a crime because literally I look at you and I think this girl could never do you never know what could happen behind closed doors I understood that when I went in for my Crohn's and I committed which was basically murdered crazy ass shit I have to deal with the consequences but They were actually going to send me anything to the death penalty they just sent us in that room you know that's in the basement I don't know what it was kept for I have no idea I need to realize that we were stuck in jail for this long but now we're free we can do what we want yeah our lawyers have to come over and check up on us and you know that's gonna be for another couple months but I do know the day you know you're alive we're alive you're here I'm here Ethan 🙊's here no one's going anywhere you now have somebody who's like a mom figure in your life and that is something special
C I guess you're right I shouldn't be worrying all the time but you know I still have my doubts
E Have as many doubts as you like I just wanna make sure that you're sleeping OK at night time
C You're not gonna say here and lie I've had nightmares about you know the incident and everything but now that my brother is gone and I don't even know it's happening to us two buddies there because I don't even think that your friends in jail would go against me and then you have Skyler who's a fucking psychopath and then Gianna I don't even know what's up with her because you know I look at her and I think why is she on Skyler side is she afraid that she's going to get killed
E So you're still having nightmares about the entire situation which I don't blame you for
C Ethan 🙊 I don't know why I'm still scared even though I'm thousands of miles away I'm afraid that one day she's going to come into the room and she is going to kidnap me and kill me and then that's it
G Cassie why don't you come to us and tell us these things I know I'm not your boyfriend but I care about you
C Grayson what do you want me to do OK I am stuck I am lost and I don't know where to turn to because even if I try to go outside things are not gonna get better for me I'm a criminal and I will always be a fucking criminal  
E don't label yourself because you did your tim- *Cassie's phone rings* pick it up
C *picks up the phone* hello hello
*Heavy breathing* who is this......

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