How it all started...

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It was (Y/N) first year at Hogwarts, she was a Half-Blood witch her mother was a witch and her father was a muggle, like her mother she had been sorted into Ravenclaw house, for the Witty and Intelligent, she had made only one friend her name was Luna Lovegood, Luna was very different to any friend (Y/N)  ever had, she was unique, which (Y/N) loved about her.

They were walking through the corridor when they bumped into the infamous Draco Malfoy, he had one of the worst reputations in school and it was only the first week, he was known for bullying the famous Harry Potter, (Y/N) didn't know Harry personally but she had heard of him and knew a fair bit about him, when she bumped into Draco Malfoy her Charms book fell on the floor at his feet, she bent down to pick it up when he kicked it under her legs, she got back up and glared at him "What was that for! You just kicked my book when you saw me bend down to pick it up!" She shouted at him" he gave her an angered look "How dare you talk to me, you have no right to talk to me get out of my way you are pathetic!" he shouted back "I'm pathetic have you seen yourself you walk around bullying Harry Potter and his friends, so you have no right to call me pathetic" she snarled "Why you little-" before Draco could finish his sentence Luna Pulled (Y/N) arm forcing her to trip a bit.

When they had got down the corner a bit, "I swear, he is so annoying he thinks he owns the place" she said annoyed "Yeah, I know but you can't let him get to you, the more you annoy him the worse he will get" Luna says hugging her "yeah I guess your right, thanks Luna" "No problem"

They continued to walk to charms, and sat down at their usual seats and took out their books, (Y/N) book was obviously scratched since it had been kicked across the floor, she dusted it off and took out her wand, "Ok class, today we will be learning a very simple charm, Wingardium Leviosa, Now remember the proper wand movement, swish and flick, swish and flick. Ensure you are also saying it correctly. It's Wing-GAR-dium Levi-O-sa, make the “gar” nice and long" Professor Flitwick said "Wingardium Leviosa" (Y/N) said as she flicked her wand the feather started to float in mid-air, Luna got hers on the second try, " actually floats..." "Well done miss (L/N) 5 points to Ravenclaw!" Proffessor Flitwick announced "Thank You, Professor"

Once class had ended (Y/N) and Luna had decided to head to the library relax, once they had got there (Y/N) had spied the platinum blonde haired boy and his two dumb cronies with Pansy sitting right across from Draco listening intently to every word he says, (Y/N) was quick to turn back but Luna grabbed her hand "If you dont face your fear you will never get anywhere...just ignore it and it will go away eventually..ok?" she said softly "ok...fine I'll try and ignore it" they walk in to the library and take a seat beside eachother and take out a book, "well..well..well look who it is, it's the one who called me pathetic, what are you following me now.?!" Draco smirked while Pansy started laughing and snorting, (Y/N) sat and clenched her fist but said nothing "and here I thought that you had to be smart to go to the library well it certainly doesn't apply in the case!" Draco said while sniggering "I swear you little brat, if you dare say one more thing to me I will make your life hell trust me" (Y/N) shouted while slamming her book and storming off, Luna got up of her seat and ran after her, " (Y/N), (Y/N) Wait!!"
Luna shouted "what happened"
"I can't deal with that stupid platnium haired little rat any longer, he is so annoying !" (Y/N) growled "I know, he is annoying but you can't let him get to you" Luna said "I know,thanks Luna!" (Y/N) said and hugged her "I'm so gald you are my best friend,I dont know what I would do without you" They continued to walk to their next class
              END OF CHAPTER 1   

  So this is the end of the first chapter of my first book, I didnt know how I felt writing this I was happy with some parts and a bit indecisive on other parts If  you like this book and want me to continue please vote! I will be continuing every  Sunday and Friday! Thanks!! 💞       

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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