A gift

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Zulema's POV
The first day in the rv was pretty basic, we arrived in the middle of the morning to a middle of nowhere trailer park and choose the fastest one that could accommodate us 4.
We drove to our destination, the desert, and Maca and I talked all morning as the other two slept.
We skipped lunch as our nerves took toll of our system and in the afternoon Saray and Maca decided to go grocery shopping so we drove there but as Rizos was still sleeping and I hate shopping, I stayed in with her.

Maca's POV
As we were walking around all isles trying to figure out everything we needed to survive, which is a lot, haven't neither of us gone grocery shopping in the last 3 years, Saray and I found out we were rusty. I found something I thought Zulema would like.
Being outside is just as stressful if not more for her then for us, as she is the one who is in charge of our getting out plan.
I think Zulema puts to much pressure on herself to keep us safe. We are all adults, she needs to lay back and I think I found the best thing to make her do just that.
"What do you want that for?" Saray asks.
"For fun. I want to make a surprise for Zule and you are going to help me put it together!" I tell her as I put the trampoline box inside the cart taking most of its space.
"Um first, since when do you call Zulema Zule? And second, I'm not doing anything." Saray says pushing the cart and making me catch up with her.
"Since I want to, but your right, doesn't fit. And as for the second part, Rizos will help me and I imagine that if Rizos is involved, you'll like to be as well so..." I say and look for her reaction.
Saray thinks about it for a second and then nods. "Yeah, I'll help" she says and I laugh.
We finish shopping and bring everything to the trunk of the rv. We put the trampoline inside and close to trunk before walking to the side door of the rv to put the groceries inside before Saray walks to put the cart back and Zulema starts pulling back the RV to leave the parking lot of the store.

Zulema's POV
I drive the rv back to the desert and arrange all the mechanics of it as for the water supply and toilet flushing system as the girls unpack everything and do whatever they think is necessary to make it a "home".
After I'm finished I take a shower to try everything out and it runs smoothly as I expected nothing else that was prepared by me.
We divided the two twin beds as: Saray and Rizos on one and Me and Maca on the other. The other two thought we would protest but Maca and I just said yes, as we looked forward to sleeping in the same bed for the first time together since ever.
After my shower I go to our "room" and unpack, filling the spaces that Maca left available in the closet with my own new clothes that they bought at the store that actually fit my style.
I change into more comfortable clothing and lay down on the bed to test it.

Maca's POV
I see our bedroom door is closed so I knock on it lightly saying "It's me" and enter after hearing a "come in".
I notice Zulema is laying down on top of the bed with her pillow between her arms.
"You know, a pillow is supposed to be for your head.
"I know, but I like to hold something as I sleep" Zulema says without even opening her eyes.
I walk to my side of the bed and sit down.
"How about you lay your head on my legs so you can at least have a minimum head support?" I ask her sitting back against the head of the bed and tapping my lap.
Zule opens one eye and nods before laying with her head on my lap.
"I could hold a dog if we got one" Zulema says testing the waters.
"Don't even think about it. No dogs, no cats, no pets in this rv so I don't have more messes to clean up. And no scorpions either ok? I know you..." I say tapping the end of her nose proving my point.
Zulema twists her nose and nods again before turning to her side, resting her hand on my legs and closing her eyes again.
I start coming her hair and running my fingers through it and before I notice, she's asleep. And it's only then that I remember that Zulema has been awake for at least 14 hours and she got very little sleep last night.
I lay a kiss on the top of her head and adjust it just so I can fit my own pillow bellow her head before I get up and walk out, closing the bedroom door as I leave.
I get Saray and Rizos and we start setting up the trampoline just outside the rv.

Zulema's POV
I wake up after what it feels like 30 minutes after I fall asleep and I walk outside.
I notice a trampoline has been put up outside our rv and Maca is laying on it on her back.
"What is this?" I ask walking towards her.
Maca turns belly down and rests on her elbows.
"You like it? It's a surprise for you!" She says exited.
"Yes but how did you get this?" I ask.
"At the store, Saray and Rizos helped me put it up. To be honest Saray did most the job as I have no clue on how to build this sort of things.." Maca says laying back on her back as I get to her.
I jump on it and start to jump making Maca bounce and laugh.
I stop and lay down opposite as she is.
"Thank you. No one ever did anything like this for me" I say quietly but she heard me.
Maca slaps my leg. "Don't get soft on me ok?" She asks. "I just thought you'd enjoy the fun it brings." Just as she mentioned fun, I remembered.
"Where is Saray and the other one?" I ask.
Maca snorts. "Rizos" she enfaces "and Saray went on a walk like half an hour ago and haven't come back" Maca says pushing her head and back backwards to make us bounce a little bit.
"Half an hour ago? For what?"
"I don't know, oh, here they are." Maca says pointing to behind me.
Just as she speaks, I start hearing their voices coming towards us laughing.
I look to Maca and thank her again. She smiles at me and blows me a kiss that I know the other two didn't see. I melt from inside. This girl.
"Zule, like the gift?" Saray asks running towards us and jumping on the tramp.
"Yes yes, thank you all" I say.
"Now where did you two go?" I ask Stefania.
"Just for a walk. Didn't find anything around which is good." She says and I nod agreeing with her.
"Ok ok enough. Let's start thinking about dinner shall we?" Maca asks standing up and starting to jump as well. And now I have a new favorite view. How lame. Stop it, I think to myself.
"Yes! I'm feeling hungry!" Saray says.
"Good. It's your turn to make dinner. Start cutting potatoes and prep the meat so we can make a grill night." Maca instructs Saray.
"Fine but I can't grill" Saray says putting her hands in the air.
I push her with my feet making her loose her balance and we laugh.
"Go start it, I'll grill" I say.
Saray nods and she steps out of the trampoline.
"Help me?" She says to Rizos. She smiles at Maca before agreeing to Saray's request.
"Race you back home?" Rizos asks and off they go in a race that Saray won obviously.
"Home, I like the sound of that." Maca says laying back on the trampoline and I follow her move
"Hmhm" I agree and we just stay there, in silence, looking at the sky together.

Maca's POV
"What do you say Zu, does this feel like home?" I say after a while. It just slipped out but I just found my nickname for Zulema.
"I never had a home so I don't know..." I tell her.
"You'll now. I promise" Maca says and just like that, we go back to out peaceful silence before the other two come out with dinner ready to be cooked.

Author's note:
Hey guys!
I'm loving the comments so I'll try to answer all of them.
Thank you for reading my story, hope you're all liking it!
See you in two days max with another one!
Bye, T

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