chapter twenty one

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"Girls, i'm back." Veronica's voice boomed through the apartment, as she walked in, holding a box with donuts and other sweets she had decided to surprise Rosie with, that Sunday morning. She let out a content sigh, as she walked towards the kitchen, after hanging the keys onto the key rack along with her sunglasses.

However, her expression quickly turned into a confused one when she reached her destination, blinking rapidly to see if she wasn't just daydreaming. Sarah was flipping a few pancakes over the pan as usual, Archie and Rosie seated at the dining table. The little girl's fingers were casually forming patterns in Archie's cheek, chocolate syrup smeared all over his jaw.

"What's going on here? Archie?" Veronica chuckled throughout her sentence, pointing alternately between dad and daughter.

"I invinted him!" Rosie squealed, tucking her feet under herself. Archie grinned widely, licking some of the chocolate off his finger. "You invinted him?" Veronica raised a brow, catching Sarah's glance, indicating Rosie made her call Archie.

Rosie nodded and leaned forward to take a bite Archie was offering. "Wow, and i wanted to surprise you, look i got so many things for us to eat." Veronica said, fumbling through her stuff. "I thought we were having a lot of fun by ourselves, you didn't tell me you want company." She teased, biting her bottom lip.

"Yes, but you know what's better than a mommy and a kid?" Rosie flashed an adorable smile as Veronica narrowed her eyes and shook her head in a questioning way. "A mommy, a kid, and a daddy."

Archie stopped his movements at those words coming out of Rosie's mouth and felt his lips involuntarily curling up at the fact that Rosie had aknowledged him as her dad after a week of spending most of her time with him.

Veronica looked at Archie, and then gazed at her feet, to hide the smile forming on her lips too. "Come here." Archie whispered and pulled her into his lap, embracing her into a tight hug. "Daddy loves you so much."

"Hmm, so did daddy and his little girl here leave anything for me to eat?" Veronica approached them, grimacing at the messy state of the table. "Sarah, mommy wants more pancakes!" Rosie shouted and got off Archie's lap, rushing to the kitchen.

"How do you do this?" Veronica leaned forward, resting her palms against the hard surface. "Do what?"

"Making everyone fall in love with you that easily." Veronica smirked, reaching out to take a strawberry from a bowl near her. "I fell in love with you within the first week i met you, and so did Rosie."

"You mean she fell in love with daddy Archie, because she liked me before too and you know it." Archie shifted in his seat, attempting to get up before Veronica pushed him back again, sitting on his lap. "You look extra hot as a daddy, have i told you that?" She flirted, whispering the last words.

In a slow motion, she placed her lips on his cheek, barely kissing him first and then letting her tongue seek out to get a taste of the sweet syrup, leaving a wet spot at its place. As she continued her trail down his soft skin, her tongue reached his lips, capturing them in a soft kiss.

They broke apart at the same time, breathing against each others lips. "Are you jealous that Rosie likes me more now?" Archie joked, earning a light punch at his chest. "We'll see about that, Andrews." Veronica turned her gaze away, to see Rosie's figure standing from a distance next to Sarah.

"Now, let me show you how you're supposed to prepare a pancake."


The rest of the day rolled on easily, finding the four of them at Archie's house, since Rosie couldn't go a day without seeing her puppy and Archie insisted on Sarah coming along, wanting to get to know the woman who has been a second mother to his daughter better.

"Be careful with that, baby." Archie whispered to Rosie, as he kneeled before her, and delved into the soil with his fingers. He couldn't bring himself to say no when she asked him to plant a few roses at the backyard, one of her favorite things to do according to Veronica.

"Here, let's do it carefully." He instructed, bringing his arm to his forehead, in an effort to wipe the sweat away.

"That's enough, come on Rosie, let's get you cleaned up at the bathroom and Archie will finish this up." Veronica stood across them, pulling a disgusted face at all the insects emerging from the hole they had digged.

"Rosie, look at this little worm over there." Archie chuckled breathlessly, pointing at the insect wiggling through the soil. "Do you want to touch it?"

"Archie! Get this thing away from my daughter, now." Veronica warned him, stepping backwards. "No, i want to hold it, mommy." Rosie smiled, extending her arms.

"Haven't i told you we never touch anything on the ground? Especially bugs." Veronica reminded her, in a more serious tone. "But daddy says it's fine."

"Ronnie, come on, this thing is harmless, look." Archie smirked, placing the little worm inside Rosie's palm. "Besides, daddy says it's fine." He imitated, biting his lips to stop himself from laughing out loud.

Veronica's mouth fell open in shock, since it was probably the first time Rosie was doing something she was adviced from her mom not to. "Rosie, that's disgusting, we're getting you cleaned up right now."

"No, no, no i'll do it." Archie patted the hole close with his one hand, the other coming up to stop Veronica from scooping Rosie up. In a swift move, he threw her over his shoulder, rushing indoors, their giggles reverberating around as they could be heard even from a distance.

"They bailed out on you, huh?" Sarah's voice distracted her when she stood behind her after having shown her self around, Veronica turning around to face her. "Rosie's so happy around him, it's crazy." She sighed melancholically, resting her hands on her hips.

"And what about you? Are you happy?" Sarah tilted her head, trying to catch Veronica's expression. "Or should i ask why aren't you happy?"

"What do you mean?" Veronica frowned visibly at the question. "Rosie loves Archie, Archie loves Rosie. What else could you possibly want?"

"It's just that-- of course i am happy about this turn, don't get me wrong. But, isn't it like too soon? I mean, i thought i'd take some time." Veronica whispered faintly, scratching the back of her neck.

"It normally should, but Archie isn't just a normal person as far as i know. Think about it, what would most men do if they were in his shoes? Try to approach their daughter with a tone of gifts, isn't that how it happens in movies? Look at Archie, he did neither of those. He tried to spend quality time with her, that's why it was so easy for Rosie to get attached to him." Sarah explained all too quickly, making Veronica's expression soften.

"You're not wrong, but i've been there for Rosie her whole life and i never thought it'd be that easy to--"

"Hey. Don't tell me you feel like that." Sarah reached out to place a hand on her shoulder. "Veronica, there's no one more important than you for Rosie, and don't ever doubt that."

"I guess it all happened unexpectedly then. Archie was never a factor in my head all these years, and-- God, i hate being so indecisive." Veronica face palmed her head, letting out a breathy laugh.

"Then stop, Veronica. If you want my opinion, Archie cares about you a lot, it's obvious even by the little things. I don't know what kind of a person he used to be, but right now, you should give him another chance."

"You know, he even said he'd like to marry me some day." Veronica blushed at the thought, fiddling with her fingers. "See? Come on, i'm sure you know what to do. It's time to get Archie out of the dark."

"I wouldn't say i totally get it. What are you saying?" Veronica arched an eyebrow, blinking owlishly.

"I'm saying exactly what you think i am. Make it official, and come out as a couple."

A/N Hope you guys are still enjoying this story♥️

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