Y/n who got bullied ever since 7th grade, is currently still getting bullied. By none other than BTS, or as known as BangTan Boys, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, etc.
During her Training she was always the best out of everyone there. Before freshman year...
I had to wait a little longer to upload this because there is this huge storm that caused the WiFi and lights to turn off. So I don't know when this will upload. Welp, Let's get it!💜
- Jungkook's POV -
"Your getting married."
Those words haunted me along with everything else that happened and caused me to toss and turn all night. I couldn't get any sleep so I sat up on a sitting position and saw my reflection in the mirror. Bruises, blood, and more bruises.
I slowly got up and went to take a shower. Trying to forget about the crazy event that happened earlier today...
A/n - This is what happened that day. -
"Your getting married."
"What do you fucking mean I'm getting married?!" I yelled rising from my seat. "You do NOT talk to us like that young man!" Says my father. "And you do NOT get to decide my love life!" I snapped back at him.
I had enough of both of them. The only people I have are my hyungs.
"Jeon Jungkook! Snap at us one more time and you can leave this house!" My mother says while pointing to the front door. "Well guess what. This is my house, so you can leave!" I say while imitating her actions. I moved out from ours a few years ago and used my own money to buy this.
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I used to work at a club and with my figure got a pretty good pay. Then quit afterwards cause there was no use of working there anymore. I didn't want to use my parent's money for the house, and no one knew I used to work at the club. Not even my hyungs. How did my parents find me? No idea.
After I said that I got a good punch in the face from my so called 'Father'.
"I did not raise a useless child like you! So act like you actually belong in this world!" He yells burning with rage. "Well you didn't fucking raise me at all! All you did was beat the hell out of me and pay other people to take care of me. And they weren't any different!" "Maybe you didn't learn your lesson from the past." He says dialing a phone number on his phone. "Come in here now." He demanded and hung up.
Immediately afterwards two buff guys in black suits come in and bowed at my parents. "Hold him." Wait what?! "Yes sir."
They started to come over to me, but I backed away. Unfortunately, they still got to me and made me face this mad man.
"Get your fucking hands off of me!" He doesn't say anything but picks up a metal bat I had in the corner while starting to walk towards me. I watch as the bat was swinging back and closed me eyes knowing that this is going to end painfully.
- A/n POV -
Jungkook was screaming in pain, while trying to get free from the men's grip.
His mother was just ignoring her own son's begging. After some time Mr.Jeon stoped hitting him. The men just threw him on the ground, not concerned about his injuries.
"I will send you the information about the wedding. Next Friday you will have dinner with your fiancé." Mr.Jeon said to the almost unconscious Jungkook. "Oh and also, don't even try to run away because we will always find you."
With that he left the wounded Jungkook laying on the floor in a pool of his own blood.
- Jungkook's POV -
Everything hurts. I can't believe that man still abuses me when I'm grown up. He doesn't even deserve a title of a father. And that woman, she doesn't even do anything about it.
I slowly get up, but fell back down to the floor. I can't help to groan in pain when I hit the floor. Since I can't get up alone, I'll have to call one of my hyungs. Which I really don't want them to see me like this.
My phone is in my backpack which flew over to the kitchen. So I had to crawl over. Pathetic. I'm pathetic. Should I just stay here on the ground and bleed till it stops?
. - Hobi's POV -
I just got done unpacking until I got a text to hang out with the boys at yoongi's. Of course I said yes.
"Y/n! Wherever you are I'm going to hang out with the boys!" I yell because the mansion is so big. "Alright! Be safe!" "I will!" With that I made my way out of this huge house.
- Yoongi's POV -
I was just laying in my bed ready to have a date with my pillow when my phone started ringing. "Ugh...who the fuck interrupts my sleeping date." As soon as I see the name I sit up quickly and answer it.
"Hyung..." His voice sounded weak. "Jungkook! Are you okay?!" "No hyung..." He was coughing nonstop. "Where are you Jungkook?!" "...." "Jungkook?!" A few seconds later I hear sobs. "I can't take this anymore Yoongi hyung. Those two people came and, and..." I clench my fist and start to get out of my bed. "Are you at Home kook?" I question in a gentle voice. "Yes.. I can't get up, can you help?" "Yes of course, just stay still your hyung is coming." With that I ended the call and rushed out of my room. I was running out the door when 5 people were right in front of me.
"Hey yoongi hyung! Where are you going to that your actually running?" Hobi says with a cheerfully smile, But dies down when he saw my expression. "Jungkook." Is all I need to say before they start to go in the car with me.
I had told them what happened in the car. They also tried contacting Jungkook before to hangout all together but couldn't. We eventually got to the house, and all 6 of us crashed in to see a helpless makanae laying down in his own blood with his eyes closed. I rushed towards him. "Jungkook! Can you hear me?!" "Yoongi hyung?" He says with his eyes slightly open. "Oh my god..." Jimin said. "Don't just stand there, someone call the god damn ambulance!" I yell as tears well up in my eyes.
It has been over 30 minutes since we've heard anything. I've got a bad feeling now.
Finally, we rushed out of our seats as we see a doctor coming out of the room. "Is he okay?!" All of us said in sync. "Yes, he got pretty deep cuts, there will be quite a lot of bruises, and a few fracture bones, but overall he's fine. Just make sure he gets lots of sleep, takes care of his hygiene so his condition won't get worse. Oh and here are the painkill-"
___________________________ My phone is broken and I'm currently trying to get it fixed. This weekend I will be going to my cousins, so I might get next chapter done by next Thursday.
Well, have a nice day! And remember, you nice, keep going!💜
Bye bye now!💜💜💜
P.S. - Please vote so I know I should keep going. :)