Chapter One ~ The Chosen Ones

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It was early in the morning, and i was looking out of the window admiring the surrounding area. my hair was tied up into a bow, but I didn't like it like that. I liked to have things my way, its my life, i can do what i want. But in this stage of life, I'm not allowed to do things my way, not with the V.I.L.E.under control. The V.I.L.E are the people who are under control. They tell you what to do, and they are the ones who control everything. After the Grand War, earth was pretty much destroyed, and only two city's survived. The V.I.L.E. decided to trap us in the city, so that no one could escape and communicate with the other city. I am a weak 18 year old girl called Lizzie, with no power and no rights. I have no chance of getting rid of the V.I.L.E. , and no chance of getting my freedom back. I guess I've got to put up with what I've got. My mother walks into the room and kisses me on the forehead for the last time.

"I promise that things are going to be alright"

"but you don't know if I'm going to be chosen yet"

"trust me, are lives have been full of pain and agony, it wouldn't surprise me if you were chosen"

"mother, your not helping"

"look darling, I'm trying to keep calm for you. After your father died in the army, I've been left to look after you and your brother by my self"

My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked out into the garden. Its hard to see her like this, but all i can do is hope for the best, pray that something good is going to happen.The army really helped me, my brother and my mother after my father died. They gave us hope, unlike the V.I.L.E. I walked into the garden to check up on my mother. She was sat at the table that was placed at the end of the garden, my mother called it her relaxing spot. My mother was sat there, letting the morning sun beam down on her face.

"I'm so scared, what if they choose you to go in the walls team"
"I won't be chosen to do the walls, I'll make sure that doesn't happen"

The Walls is a competition, and the aim of the game is to be the last team standing. And of corse, V.I.L.E. made the game up, to challenge the teens and to get rid of the weak. Luckily, my brother is 15, and you have to be 18 to be chosen. The problem is, I'm 18, and I'm also weak, so I know how it's going to end for me. It makes me sick how people think it's ok to change the rules and to make life depressing, but you've just got to live with it. My mother hated the idea, but luckily she was never chosen. I'm guessing she was to strong to join, huh. She's always been such an amazing, kind person, but when it comes to V.I.L.E. she has to stick up for herself. I must get it from my mother, she must be the reason why I'm so sensitive when it comes to V.I.L.E.

My mother got up out of her seat and headed back into the house with me straight behind her. As we walked through the door, my brother ran towards me and gave me a giant hug

"Please don't go, we need you. You need to be safe, here with us"
"I have no choice, I've got to go"
"I love you so much, promise me you won't be chosen"

I couldn't promise him anything. He was only 15, I couldn't lie to him. He only had two years until he would need to go, and maybe he might be chosen, maybe I would be chosen.

"I promise that I will keep you in my memories, and i will love you no matter what happens"

The clock struck twelve. Usually I would have my lunch at this point, but today was different. Today was choosing day. I stepped out of the front door and into the fresh air. It was nice to finally step out and see the world after so long. My heart started to beat fast, and my veins went cold. If I was chosen, I would probably die in seconds. All I could do was wait, wait for the names to be called out. But I couldn't wait, i just wanted to get it over and done with. I arrived in the towns centre, the place full of shaken up teens and the V.I.L.E. I look around, and I don't recognise anyone, until I see Alfie. Alfie and I were like peas in a pod, and we hadn't seen each other in so long. I ran up to him and gave him a massive hug, almost squeezing the life out of him.

"I've missed you so much. Where have you been?"
"I've been inside most of the time, just trying to block out the V.I.L.E."
"forget about them, just remember you have me"
"and my mum, and my brother"
"and your dad"
"sorry, what?"
"oh, nothing"

There was an awkward silence. My Father sadly died in the Great War, and the only people I have in my life are Alfie, my mum and my brother.Are leader walked onto the stage. He was also apart of V.I.L.E. but I guess he didn't have a choice. Apparently he was forced to join forces with the V.I.L.E. and he is pretty much the only nice and kind V.I.L.E. I know.

"Welcome teens, I hope your having a good time. Anyway, here is the list of names. These people will be in team X-7, and you will need to get along with your team members. The following names are:
Veronica Springs
Eric Cooper
Alfie Young
James Smith

I knew it was going to be me. I turn to look at Alfie. He looks scared, and I felt so sorry for him. I just wanted to grab him and run off, but life doesn't work like that, life has just burnt into ashes, and my soul has just turned into dust. There is no life anymore.

"Lizzie Youth "

I wanted to burst into flames, but I also wanted to stay strong for my mother and brother. I ran up to Alfie and gave him a hug, this time he squeezed me a lot more. I didn't want to let go of him, but my hands felt like they were melting away. The V.I.L.E. called us up to the stage, so that everyone could see are faces. I just wanted to scream, but my lungs felt like they had been burst. My mother was standing in the crowed along side my brother. My mother was crying, and i wanted to run up to her and say goodbye, but i couldnt, they were taking us away. This is it, we are the chosen ones.

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