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Kazuto's POV

Fixing my black silk vest that is very expensive, but worth it, i reserved a 5 star restaurant for me and asuna, and my wallet is coughing because i bought a......

-Yuuki's Residence, at the front door-

Im sweating so hard right now, because the one who might answer was her parents, i planted my point finger at the doorbell as i pushed it, *ding* the doorbell rung, i gulped, hoping that its not her parents, or worst, hope its not her mother.

The door opened, i widened my eyes and i dropped a sweat, it was kyouko.

"A-ah, g-good morning, y-yuuki-san..." her eyes cold as always, "you look nice, where are you bringing my daughter?" I gulped as i answered "u-ummm..., thank you ma'am, im inviting your daughter to a date..." kyouko hummed, as she told me to go inside first.

I saw shouzou there, sipping coffee while reading the newspaper, in a suit, ready to go to work, "you look very nice today, kirigaya-kun." I thanked him for the compliment as i smiled at him, i rolled my eyes to their stairs, as i widened my eyes and dropped my jaw as i saw asuna going down the stairs, wearing a red dress, the beauty smiled at me, she hugged me and i kissed her temple, "you ready, babe?" I heard shouzou said "ehem", "u-umm..., i mean, are you ready, asuna?" Asuna blushed and said "geez" to her father, as we left the mansion.

We went outside and threw compliments at each other, giving us both a blush, as we called a cab/taxi to bring us to our destination.

We have reached our destination, as i saw the luxury restaurant closed, i jaw dropped and whispered to myself "i made an expensive reservation, for a big day, and its closed!? What happened here-" asuna was wondering around as a gentleman approached me and cutted my words "im sorry sir, we were waiting for you to come, im this restaurant's manager, im really sorry sir, the kitchen got burned, and we will close for a few weeks for construction, we are really sorry sir for ruining your pro-" kazuto covered the man's mouth, "im sorry, sir, im here to bring your money back." . "No, please use it to recover the kitch-" , the man cutted me "no sir, please remember that this is a 5 star restaurant, a rich restaurant, so please take your money, we will handle this, thank you sir." He left as he handed me my money.

I went to asuna who was wondering around, i hugged her from behind and kissed her neck, she moaned and we kissed, we broke the kiss after 10 seconds, "so, i heard that the kitchen got burned, i hope no one got hurt, so... are we going home?" I pecked asuna's lips as she flinched and furiously blushed, "nah, i got better ideas." She asked me where, but i said its a secret, we were almost at the park ive been hiding from her, which i just saw last week, good thing i saw it. I covered her eyes as i saw that we are close, she chuckled as she held my hands covering her eyes.

We reached inside the park, i released my hands, as she widened her eyes, "ahhhh! Kazuto-kun! Its so beautiful here!" The park was surrounded by flowers, which is grouped and named, orchids, roses, sunflowers, and there is a big pond with lots of lilies, beside the big pond was a medium sized lake, with a small waterfall on the edge, there is only a few people at the park, its the only park that asuna didnt knew. "How did you found this?" Asuna hugged kazuto's left arm, kazuto blushed and poked his cheeks "well..., when i found the restaurant, i dropped something, it rolled here, then i saw this, then this is my plan B to where ill take you when the plan A was ruined." Asuna chuckled and asked "what is the thing you dropped exactly?" Kazuto gulped and scratched the back of his head, 'i cant say i dropped an engagement ring' i thought, i sweat dropped as she commented "suspicious..." an idea went to my mind that can change the subject "deja-vu." Asuna hummed in curiosity, "remember? After we ran because of the boss at floor 22? You gave me a sandwich, and you went suspicious when i talked about shields?" Asuna widened her eyes "ah! That!" I chuckled and smiled at her "so, where spot do you want? But before that, lets go to a nearby mall, and ill buy myself some clothes, because wearing a tux in a park is kinda weird." Asuna chuckled and commented "no way, you look very handsome you know..." asuna told me that with a blush, i grabbed her hips, planted my fore head to hers, i kissed her nose and said "you too are very beautiful you know..." she gave a furious blush, i quickly pecked her lips, "g-geez..., there are people here too you know..., its kinda embarrasing..." kazuto chuckled and commented, " a girl like you shouldnt get ashamed, because i will show all of them how much i love you." She blushed furiously, she said "g-geez..., l-lets go find a spot..." .

We took a spot near the waterfall, surrounded by flowers, when a group of men was whipspering about asuna, i was very pissed, i took off my vest as i covered asuna's back , since her shoulders and half of her back was exposed, asuna flinched as i moved more closer to her, im at the front of asuna, moving closer, as i kissed her passionately, making the men at the back jelous, they left as i broke the kiss, she was very red starting like when we got to the park, 'i think its time...' i gulped as asuna questioned me "are you alright kazuto-kun?, your hands are sweating, your face is hot, are you sick!? Lets go to the hospital!" "N-no! Asuna, its nothing, really." I gulped once again, "but, kazut-" asuna was was shocked as i began to kneel down, "k-kazuto-kun?..." i began to take a velvet colored box inside my pocket, as asuna covered her mouth with both hands. I opened the box, showing a diamond ring "asuna..., we've been together for 5 years, including the years in SAO, i promised you to protect you with my whole life, and i wont break that promise, you are the only woman in my heart, forever, is it the same for you? I love you asuna, so... will you marry me?" I sweat dropped, i was shivering, asuna was crying, she hugged me, i was surprised, "ofcourse you are the only man in my life! Idiot! And there is no one else, i swear on my whole life 0, you are the only one! And you arent the only one who promised! I promise too to protect you too with my whole life! And yes! Ill marry you, you idiot!" She kissed me, i widened my eyes in shock, i smiled in the kiss as i closed my eyes and responded to the kiss, we kissed passionately, we battled in dominance, our tongues wrestled, we broke our kiss and gasped for air, she wiped her tears as i took her hand and slipped the ring to her finger, i smiled because of joy and happiness, 'finally, asuna will be my wife very soon.' Kazuto thought, 'i cant wait to tell this to yui, she will be very happy!' Asuna thought. Kazuto gulped, asuna noticed "why are you still nervous?" Asuna chuckled "im now engaged to you, idiot, im now yours, and forever." Kazuto blushed "ah, i dont know how to tell your parents, and to my parents..." asuna chuckled "oh, that-" asuna hardened her grip on kazuto's hands, "-ill be right beside you, always..." i smiled and kissed her again, she responded as we kissed until we rented a room, im just kidding, we kissed as i escorted asuna home, and....

Okkkkk!!!! @PatriciaPortugal, tell me if you want me to make the 2nd shot, about how kazuto and asuna tell the engagement to her and his parents, and after marriage honeymood xD byeee~~~

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