Chapter 1

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First time making a fanfiction of my oc's and my own storyline, so i'll be doing it a lot more. Enjoy :D

The sunsets over the kingdom, street lights start to turn on, citizens moving along the streets. Guards moving around the castle, to keep guard.  The King and Queen stood over the kingdom below them, the queen put her head on her husband's shoulder and held his hands.

"What a great kingdom we have Aph." The King spoke to his lovely queen, and the queen smiled and kissed his cheeks.

"We sure do, Ara" Aphrodite looked at him and they both turned around to face their 3 sons and 2 daughters behind them. The two oldest children were chasing each other around the room, the third oldest sat there reading his books on mythical legends about Traviotra Kingdom and their fourth oldest playing with her baby brother. The two couple smiled and walked into their kids room and sat next to them.

"Mummy Mummy! Look what Sanyo can do!" They looked at Celestria and Sanyo, Celestria used a bit of magic, came from her mother's side and the 4 year old Sanyo was in the air giggling. Being a paranoid mother Aphrodite was, she grabbed Sanyo from the air and scolded Celestria for it.

"Mum, Celestria is having fun so let her use her magic" Samuel said as he book marked his page, and went over to Celestria. Celestria didn't cry, she just sat there and truned her back towards her mother.

"Hey Celes, you can use this to use your magic on" Samuel brought out a huge crocodile plusie that he got for his 5th birthday, Celestria brightened up and worked on her magic skills with Samuel to teach her some of his skills that he learned. Aphrodite smiled and put Sanyo in his crib and walked back to Aragon. Bianca and Sakita stopped chasing each other and instead of chasing, they both took out their weapons (plastic ones that Michael made for them) and pretended that they were dueling each other in training. Aragon watched his two oldest children dueling each other, he taught them how to defend and fight only few parts because they are kids and they have to learn a lot more. Since Aragon was a royal knight that protected Princess Aphrodite and now Queen Aphrodite, he knows a lot of techniques and skills that he learned over the years as a royal guard. For Aphrodite, she watched over her two youngest, she loved all of her kids, she also teached Samuel and Celestria how to use magic, and Samuel did a very good job to listen and do the skills very well. For Celestria she knows basic skills but not all of them, but she is still learning still. The two parents watched their kids doing their own things, two dueling each other and the other two learning to use magic.

Few hours went by and it was around midnight that all the kids were fast asleep or just fainted from the energy they had earlier on. Aragon chuckled and both carried Bianca and Celestria to their rooms first, then went back to see if Aphrodite put the two boys in their beds. Aragon slightly opens the door and sees his wife kissing his children's forehead and Aragon smiled and closed the door behind him. Aphrodite closed the boys room and headed off to her bedroom. When she got there, she saw Aragon asleep. She giggled and went off to the bathroom, took a shower and afterwards went to bed afterwards. 

"Goodnight Aragon" Aphrodite said before she closed her eyes. She turns and hugs her husband from behind and sleeps. Aragon turned around to face his beautiful wife and kissed her forehead, and hugs her back. He closes he's eyes and the dreams starts agian....

Thanks for reading! I'm sorry if my grammer was terrible in the chapter, or any spelling mistakes. But anyways hope you enoyed reading it! :D

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