Sparring Match

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Hello fellow Wattpad-ians. This is the second story about the Young Justice Team and Charlie.

If you would like her description go to my other story, 'Christmas?'.

So yeah I could use some constructive criticism so please leave some comments.

Most of all thanks for reading! Hope you like it!
Black Canary was on monitor duty at the watch tower. Hawkman, and Green Lantern were also there but at different sections so overall she was by herself. That is until she heard light humming coming from the locker room.

She went into the locker room to find out who or what it was since as far as she knew everyone else was asleep.

"Hello?" she called searching until her eyes met a ravenette wearing and black tank top with dark grey sweat pants and her pitch black hair in a messy bun. She also had a small duffle bag.

"Hey," she said nonchalantly. Canary was stunned to see her sparkling blue eyes maskless.

"Oh yeah," the girl said breaking the silence. "I forget you guys are allergic to seeing a bat brat's eyes."

"Sorry, Charolette, I'm just not used to it," she replied back.

"No big deal, and call me Charlie," she said grabbing a towel to dry her face.

"Okay, Charlie. Why are you up this early?"

"Wadda ya mean?" she asked the older heroine.

"Charole- Charlie, it's 3 am," she replied stating the obvious.

"Okay, fine, you got me. I finished patrol at midnight and after two and a half hours of staring at my ceiling I decided to go do something."

"Which is what, exactly," she asked.

The teenager sighed. "I don't know I could just walk around until I get a mission."

"You wanna spar?" she asked.

"Aren't you on monitor duty?"

"Yeah, but I can spare a few minutes," Canary said.

"Okay, let's do it," said Charlie as she grabbed her bag and headed out.

The two walked in silence towards the main room in the watch tower. Canary set it up and soon the floor lit up.

"What's in the bag?" Canary asked stepping onto the platform.

"Equipment, some new gadgets and toys, but at the moment I'm getting tape to wrap my hands. I probably won't get a punch in likewise, but just in case I don't want split my knuckles before a mission."

Canary let out a laugh as Charlie quickly wrapped her hands.

"You know I don't really know a lot about you," Charlie said stepping up on the platform.

"What do you mean? I thought you knew a lot about me," Canary said.

"Well I do, but I didn't hear it from you. Hearing things about someone from the actual person is more personal."

Canary smiled. "Well maybe you and I can both learn something today."

They both got in a fighting stance. Canary was the first to move, throwing a punch directly at Charlie's chest. Charlie grabbed her arm and twisted it around behind her back holding it just below her shoulder blades.

"Nice," she complimented the 15 year old. Then she slid her foot underneath Charlie's feet making her lose her balance. She quickly recovered with a back-hand-spring, kicking Canary in the back in the process.

"You're pretty good for your age," she said regaining her footing and turning to face Charlie.

"When Kid Flash did this at your age I had him on his back in five seconds."

"Why am I not surprised," Charlie said throwing a kick Canary's way. "The only reason I know this much is because I've been training since I was six."

Canary was throwing her over her shoulder which she easily countered by a front tuck and landed perfectly.

"Six!? Really?"

"Yeah, but don't yell at Nightwing forever. It's not his fault. He had to train me so I could survive."

More kicks, punches, and blocks were thrown as the two heroines fought.

"So what's your team like?" Canary asked as she blocked a punch.

"Well you've got me and Impulse and two others that I like to call the original four," she explained flipping backwards.

"Original four," Canary asked.

"Yeah, like here you've got or had Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Speedy. Well, in the future we have their legacies. Bart, Oliver Harper, our Red Arrow, Maki, our Aquagirl, and me."

"I see."

"But we've got more. You've got our Green Lantern, who's a girl, Batgirl, Manhunter, Supergirl, Arrowette, Hawkman, Wonder Boy, not Boy Wonder, that's a really long story, and the finally your grandson, Crow."

"My grandson?!" Canary questioned flipping over Charlie.

"Yep, same screech and everything."

"Even with all these people I manage to be the youngest," Charlie muttered with a sigh.

"Well I couldn't tell you what that's like, but I can tell you that being oldest isn't much better. I'm the oldest of three sisters."

"You have little sisters?!" Charlie exclaimed as she dodged a punch.

"Yeah. As annoying as they are I love them."

Five more minutes of sparring and Charlie cut in. "Wanna call it a draw? We've been at it for about 30 minutes."

"Sure. I'm good with that."

The two stopped fighting and shook hands. Charlie walked over to her bag.

"Water?" she asked Black Canary.

"Sure," came a replied. Charlie dug through her back and finally found two water bottles. She stood back up only to be scared by a dark figure.

"Holy sneak attack, Batman!" she yelled almost falling backwards.

Her face turned a new shade of scarlett when she realized that not only Batman was in front of her but basically the entire League had been watching their whole sparring match.

"That was a nice fight," he said in his usual monotone voice.

"Thanks but do Leaguers even know what sleep is? I mean most of the League is here and it's 3:30 in the morning."

"I could tell you the same thing," he said. "You should get some rest. You, along with the original team members, will have a mission at 0800 hours."

"Wait, just me and the original Team?" Charlie questioned.

"Yes, you've proven that you can handle yourself in the field on this mission by this sparring match."

Charlie slowly turned to Black Canary who had a grin on her face.

"Well played, Canary. Well played."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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